Trader Joe's Organic peas come from Denmark. What the hell they got in Denmark that makes peas so damned special?
So did my cat...
I learned about the product called "Fiji Water." It really is water, from Fiji. Some nimrod goes halfway across the planet and brings us back water. Hmmm..... What's next, cans of oxygen from Mars?* *Betcha quarter Solium is first in line to get some of these.
like we don't have enough water in this Island. MML!
It's rarer than gold and diamonds! All the more reason to try to sell it to some idiot who inherited too much money and too little brains.
Oxygen on Mars only makes up 0.174% of the atmosphere. Stop rounding up in your scientific posts, Solly. It makes us look like amateurs!
A beverage I bought has juice in it from the USA and Poland.
I saw some pre-popped popcorn in the break room. I looked at the bag it was sold in. The popcorn came from Minnesota. It's apparently sooooo much of an effort to pop popcorn*, and I guess enough-in-demand, that not even a manufacturer locally can keep up. We have to send for help from 2 time zones away. Then package and ship it here. Wow. *(All it takes is a pan, a lid, and a heat source. You don't even need oil!)
I saw some pre-popped popcorn in the break room. I looked at the bag it was sold in. The popcorn came from Minnesota. It's apparently sooooo much of an effort to pop popcorn*, and I guess enough-in-demand, that not even a manufacturer locally can keep up. We have to send for help from 2 time zones away. Then package and ship it here. Wow. *(All it takes is a pan, a lid, and a heat source. You don't even need oil!) I can't imagine why more people aren't making a living using their kitchen pots to pop and bag popcorn and then peddle it door-to-door. With the savings on shipping costs alone, they could undercut this competitor from Minnesota. Of course, if by some chance you do want to turn a profit on the endeavor, you better be prepared to do it at scale with 2000-gallon popping vats and truckloads of popping corn.
Well, my latest pack of toilet paper also came all the way from China, but at least it's made from (quickly-renewable) bamboo and not (slowly-renewable) trees.
Well, my latest pack of toilet paper also came all the way from China, but at least it's made from (quickly-renewable) bamboo and not (slowly-renewable) trees. Doesn't it scratch if you go in rough?