You REALLY DO believe this, don't you? Yes, I'm certain that it's coming and I also find it stunning that only few people really see it. The Euro is dead.
I don't blame wealthier, fiscally responsible countries wanting to get out of the hellish situation of bailing out failed economies that drag them down.
From CNN Money- Other experts say they doubt that any country, either rich or poor, will consider ditching the euro, despite the problems. Jacob Kirkegaard, research fellow for the Peterson Institute, said Greece would lose more than it would gain by leaving the euro zone at this point. "There can be no such thing as a huge export-led recovery in Greece; they don't make enough stuff that would benefit from a huge competitive devaluation," he said. "And if you leave the euro zone, it isn't something you can do overnight. In the period between when you announce it and when you can implement the new currency, you're going to have the mother of all capital flights out of Greece." And he said that popular discontent with the bailout in the richer countries hasn't reached the point where citizens want to pull out of the E.U. altogether. But he still sees damage to the euro from the current discontent. "Rather than having a euro zone based on a positive vision, you have a euro zone held together by the prohibitively high cost of leaving," he said. "Politically that's a very large difference."
The more I read about this mess, the more I think Germany ought to get out and be their own boss.