Black Sea - 7/10. Not bad. Poltergeist (2015) 1/10 - for Sam Rockwell, who I like. This is just an awful nothing of a film. It makes scary clown dolls not scary. The music adds nothing. There's no sense of wonder or awe or fear. I felt nothing for the characters. The first shot of the film is just lousy. I hate my friend for making me watch it. I agree about Black Sea, definitely one to revisit. And Poltergeist I actually thought was tolerable and I could get along with it just about till the girl disappears, then it derails and as you say lacks any awe or fear. I actually like Jude law in this and got past him using a thick accent pretty quick, I was expecting it to be more distracting.
Unlike The Wanderer, I really liked SPY. I laughed throughout the movie. My only objection was the proliferation of really vile language. Not needed. I thought Statham's parody of his usual movie roles was a hoot, and I loved the music's Bondian or 007 imitation. McCarthy was very funny. This movie made me laugh out loud many times. Different strokes, I guess. I'm rewatching it this Wednesday with a group of friends after they pointed out to me that I watched it on my own, was feeling a bit ill and every film I've seen recently I've told them was the worst film I have ever seen. Which they say may be an exaggeration. Basically they're blaming me. so I'm giving it another go when I feel a bit more on form.
Well, it you still don't like it, that's okay. Just get over the illness. My friend told me "just being miserable is not an illness" I think they're being cheeky now.
Jurassic world 2.5/10. The first hour is utter garbage. It's tolerable for about 15 minutes at the 1 hour 30 mark. Has no memorable moments, no sense of awe, and most of the effects look worse than 22 years ago. The dialogue is mostly atrocious, as are the characters, the direction is utterly pedestrian, and how the Dino escapes is cretinous. Really lazy writing. Highlights? Nick Miller has the one good joke and Irrfan Khan is good in everything.
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Jul 24, 2015 - 3:23 PM
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Ted 2 (2015) 6/10 First Ted was funny with the Flash Gordon sequence, this sequel is more of the same gags and characters but it got mostly chuckles, no big laughs. Confirms my theory that a Seth McFarlane movie is only funny when he appears off screen. A.T.M. (2012) 3/10 I wish I spend the time watching this (granted I fastforwarded through most it) having gone to the ATM, I'm sure I would have a more pleasant experience. I also urge all black people to rent this movie and laugh at how white people overreact in situations like this. Legionnaire (1998) 6/10 By the same director who did Rambo III, though the violence here is anything but glorified and it's very old school filmmaking (practical effects, sets, stunts), I'd have liked it more if JCVD wasn't so aloof throughout the thing. Click (2006) 3/10 I'm not the biggest Adam Sandler fan but I can't deny it has rare moments I laughed, still I also used my remote occasionally . I do appreciate the script going the sci-fi route, but overall the movie ends up being another dumb Adam Sandler movie with Christopher Walken doing his Christopher Walken impression. Burying the Ex (2015) 6/10 Funny, layback Joe Dante horror comedy with some decent one liners. References feel a bit dated at times but there's enough for horror fans to enjoy. The Island of Dr. Moreau (1977) 8/10 Watched the blu-ray of and this movie looks great. As a fan of the 90s version, this '77 version plays more like the lost Planet of the Apes prequel that actually works. The finale is spectacular and the score beautiful.
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Jul 24, 2015 - 5:27 PM
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Ant-Man 3.5-5 Short review: It's a decent popcorn flick. Nothing great, nothing terrible. Generally entertaining from start to finish. It was a nice distraction, but didn't rock my world. Long review: Unlike Avengers or even Winter Soldier, Ant-Man tells a simple story centering around a small group of characters. While this would be expected from an “Origins” story, Marvel thankfully limited cameo appearances or subplots so the story could keeps it’s focus. Our hero Scott Lang starts out as a burglar with a heart of gold. (Only in Hollywood!) Just released from jail Scott tries to redeem himself as a responsible and faithful father so he can reunite with his daughter. This is where the story feels underdeveloped. I’m given no good reason why Scott deserves redemption other than the fact the character says he’s seeking redemption. It’s also awkward that he’s recruited back into his illegal profession as a way to accomplish his goals. Far more interesting were the relationship between Dr. Hank Pym and his daughter Hope. Both actors were very credible in their roles, and worked off each other very well. The film is sprinkled with plenty of humor though most of it fell flat for me. Paul Rudd puts on the charm and provides some physical humor. While nothing was cringe worthy, I just thought most of it didn’t really land. Scott's buddy played by Michael Pena provided the rest of the comedy. I understand he was a hit with the audience. I like the actor and think he could have good comedic timing, I just didn’t think the script provided him with anything particularly funny to say. Finally the most dramatic moment in the film was ruined by an untimely joke. I’ve recently read others say Disney has kiddified Marvel. This is an obvious example where they wouldn’t let the audience soak in anything remotely serious. So we must immediately wash out the drama with a dumb joke. (Don’t get me started on the pointless baby sheep scene!) All that said I found the film generally entertaining. It’s a breezy, escapist popcorn flick and on that level it succeeds. The burglar/heist angle gave the film a fresh narrative that’s lacking in many other Marvel Universe movies. The special effects were restrained but effective, and the jazzy/trendy score delightfully complimented the action on the screen. Overall the film was well balanced as it went though its beats. As an escapist diversion from everyday life this film did it’s job.
A Few Good Men - 5/10 This could have been a good film, but it's mired in clichés, the direction is only superficially competent (The comedy/dramedy expert Rob Reiner was not the man to direct a supposedly hard-hitting courtroom drama), and the actors are faced with a verbose script with too much expository dialogue. The pacing is slack, the performances range from effective (the late, great J.T. Walsh, Kevin Pollak) to hammy (Nicholson, Cruise), Marc Shaiman's score is often cheap-sounding and obtrusive. But the worst thing is that the film telegraphs all its punches.
Shaft's Big Score - 6/10 More smoothly made than the trailblazing first film, but also less exciting. At 2 hours it just goes on and on and on until the exciting climactic chase. Plenty of self-indulgence on the director's part, not enough real action. Some good actors in this one though.
Terminator genisys. A rare trip to the cinema for me. Starting to get a bit like Bak to the future, you cant keep up with whos gone back to what time frame and which is which! Decent enuf, a lot of chase, some jumpy moments and some amusing arnie moments. Better than T4. On a par with T3 probably. Without the ground-breaking innovation of T2. If T2 was about a 9, then genisys Probably 7.5 for entertainment disappointing that the Fidel theme isnt heard til end titles.