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 Posted:   May 17, 2018 - 2:48 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

Well, golly Mr. Dillon.

Dennis Weaver, Chester from "Gunsmoke" (or the car driver from Dule), gets his own TV series. It ran from 1970 to 1977.

I watched an episode yesterday and really enjoyed it a lot, so I figured I'd give the series a try, especially considering in the past I have gone briefly through some episodes and took note of the scoring.

I don't know what I'll find, but I know it's going to be worth it. Weaver is very enjoyable and the series had so many talented composers over it's run.

Only about a dozen episodes are currently up, so I'll only be doing this initially for probably two or three days. After that, any future contributions to the thread will be based on finding more loads, so it could be a month or it could be a year.


"Portrait of a Dead Girl" (1.0)
By: David Shire (audio is out of sync with the picture)

Note: Also known as "Who Killed Miss U.S.A.?".

  • 5:17 in.
  • 9:33 in. A country-music feel with some staccato brass.
  • 11:57 in.
  • 26:41 in. Opens with a slow and steady solo acoustic guitar, but picks up some and is joined by strings.
  • 39:53 in.
  • 45:59 in.
  • 47:05 in. About the first minute is mixed really low. And it also goes into the end credits, which cuts off early.

    "Who Says You Can't Make Friends in New York City?" (1.1)
    By: David Shire (audio is out of sync with the picture) (bad combo load)

  • 5:43 in. A little bit of country with some accordion for a touch of a French sound since this episode takes place in France.
  • 8:29 in.
  • 15:38 in.
  • 20:30 in.
  • 2348 in.
  • 27:45 in. That is one tall elevator ceiling!
  • 33:23 in.
  • 35:22 in.
  • 40:16 in. A shaker, wooden block and a bass flute.
  • 44:30 in.

    The episode cuts off early; I have no idea if there was a special end credits piece.

    The episode is a combo; they took two different episodes, edited them down, combined them, and recorded some dialogue (and some brief new scenes) to try and tie them together; I guess they thought the audience was stupid and wouldn't realize these don't go together. I'll refer to them as "bad combo load" from this point on.

    "Horse Stealing on Fifth Avenue" (1.2)
    By: David Shire (audio is out of sync with the picture) (bad combo load)

  • 2:39 in. I think it's notable how this cue changes style three times in about 20 or so seconds and yet it works.
  • 6:27 in.
  • 30:53 in. It'll be sweet to have this cue unedited one day; there's a bad edit in the episode, so it looks like a bit was cut. I think I also heard a brief cut elsewhere.

    The load is not complete; it's missing about ten minutes.

    "The Concrete Corral" (1.3)
    By: David Shire (audio is out of sync with the picture) (bad combo load)

  • 1:50 in.
  • 8:17 in.
  • 11:52 in.
  • 13:09 in. Mostly SFX free.
  • 16:24 in.
  • 24:20 in.
  • 27:12 in.
  • 30:47 in.
  • 35:54 in.

    The load is not complete; it's missing about ten minutes.

    "The Stage Is All the World" (1.4)
    By: David Shire (normal un-combined episode)

    Since part of this episode was edited into one in an above review, any comments I made will be copied and pasted.

  • 0:00 in.
  • 3:20 in.
  • 9:25 in.
  • 16:43 in.
  • 20:37 in.
  • 23:24 in.
  • 32:10 in.
  • 37:52 in.

    "Walk in the Dark"
    By: David Shire (normal un-combined episode)

    Since part of this episode was edited into one in an above review, any comments I made will be copied and pasted.

  • 0:00 in.
  • 2:59 in. A lot is mixed low.
  • 10:33 in.
  • 19:12 in.
  • 28:56 in.
  • 34:26 in.
  • 36:09 in.
  • 43:44 in.

    "Our Man in Paris" (6) (final episode of season one)
    By: David Shire (normal un-combined episode)

    Since part of this episode was edited into one in an above review, any comments I made will be copied and pasted.

  • 0:00 in.
  • 1:36 in.
  • 3:06 in.
  • 8:37 in.
  • 23:08 in. (also has accordion)
  • 24:45 in. (also has accordion)
  • 30:05 in. A little bit of country with some accordion for a touch of a French sound since this episode takes place in France.
  • 32:35 in.
  • 39:29 in.
  • 43:53 in.
  • 46:20 in.

    The scoring began out more country like, but progressed more into jazz as the episodes passed.

     Posted:   May 17, 2018 - 4:55 PM   
     By:   Heath   (Member)

    I wonder if you'll get to a certain episode featuring a cool piece of music... problem is I haven't seen it for 40 years and I know NOTHING about it except that it features a scene where one of McCloud's cop buddies loses his nerve in a showdown and is shot/wounded by the bad guy who escapes with McCloud in pursuit. Shots exchanged PERHAPS in a rooftop chase at night. Bad guy gets away. The chase music is great - strange and demented. Might be Shire. Love to hear it again.

    The trouble is I'm not completely certain it was actually a McCloud episode at all! I was just a little kid, and time cheats the memory. big grin But if you come across anything that fits that description please do let me know. smile


     Posted:   May 17, 2018 - 5:04 PM   
     By:   Simon Morris   (Member)

    In his book "Stu Who?", Stu Phillips reveals that Elmer Bernstein, when Stu told him he was working on McCloud, said that he'd give anything for the opportunity to work on some McCloud's.

    Which I always thought was rather awesome smile

     Posted:   May 17, 2018 - 9:31 PM   
     By:   Dr. Nigel Channing   (Member)

    Was the main theme from McCloud ever released anywhere?

     Posted:   May 17, 2018 - 9:31 PM   
     By:   Dr. Nigel Channing   (Member)

    Was the main theme from McCloud ever released anywhere?

     Posted:   May 17, 2018 - 10:12 PM   
     By:   Rollin Hand   (Member)

    Benny Hill did an homage to three 1970's detectives series: Mc Cloud, Cannon and Poirot.

     Posted:   May 18, 2018 - 12:38 AM   
     By:   Disco Stu   (Member)

    Excellent subject choice sir. Such a great series out of a series of great series.

    I'd like to add McCloud season 2 "Encounter with Aries".
    According to IMDb the composer is supposed to be Dick DeBenedictis but I find it sounds far more like Billy Goldenberg.

    As far as the opening themes are concerned, and speaking of Bernstein, both have their own appeal but the second one has the more straight forward Bernstein-like western sound.


     Posted:   May 18, 2018 - 1:54 AM   
     By:   CindyLover   (Member)

    Was the main theme from McCloud ever released anywhere?


     Posted:   May 18, 2018 - 2:08 AM   
     By:   HARRYO   (Member)

    Not officially. but if you can track down a marvellous LP by Norrie Paramor and his Orchestra entitled LAWBEAT , you get a remarkably authentic version of David Shire's marvellous theme, as well as Billy Goldenberg's COLUMBO and BANACEK - excellent version this and Jerry Fielding's MCMILLAN AND WIFE. Must have been, what around 1974 on Contour Label. 2870 369.

    Amazing how much great music from all these great series just lying around Universal vaults doing nothing. You would have thought with the continuing popularity of COLUMBO around the world, that would be a ideal place to start. What marvellous scores by Grusin, Melle, Goldenberg, Williams et al!

     Posted:   May 18, 2018 - 4:31 AM   
     By:   Simon Morris   (Member)

    Not officially. but if you can track down a marvellous LP by Norrie Paramor and his Orchestra entitled LAWBEAT , you get a remarkably authentic version of David Shire's marvellous theme, as well as Billy Goldenberg's COLUMBO and BANACEK - excellent version this and Jerry Fielding's MCMILLAN AND WIFE. Must have been, what around 1974 on Contour Label. 2870 369.

    Amazing how much great music from all these great series just lying around Universal vaults doing nothing. You would have thought with the continuing popularity of COLUMBO around the world, that would be a ideal place to start. What marvellous scores by Grusin, Melle, Goldenberg, Williams et al!

    And the John Gregory Orchestra also did a great version of the Shire theme (as well as various other cop shows). But there certainly doesn't appear to be any versions of the most well known McCloud theme by Glen Larson.
    It certainly is a shame about some of the music that seems destined never to get a release, while scores by certain film composers are getting a second or third re-issue on the flimsiest of grounds...

     Posted:   May 18, 2018 - 11:58 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Oh, I would have loved to have heard a Bernstein episode score for the series.

    SEASON 2:

    "Encounter With Aries" (2.1)
    By: Dick DeBenedictis
    First half:
    Second half:

    Please note that Dailymotion uses lots of ad cookies, so if you are using Windows Internet Explorer, I advise temporarily setting the cookies to prompt for third-party cookies and keep blocking them until it stops asking. Then you can undo that setting.

    First half:
  • 2:25 in.
  • 7:05 in.
  • 13:54 in.
  • 19:49 in.
  • Around 28:20 in.
  • 32:23 in.

    Second half:
  • 14:30 in.
  • 25:09 in.
  • 31:08 in.
  • 37:14 in.

    That's one ballsy bad guy.

    It's certainly a some-what experimental and unusual score. The score uses a zither (or a similar-sounding instrument; there are quite a few) a good deal for some reason.

    The Shire theme has been dropped and Henry Mancini is now credited for the theme ("Theme HENRY MANCINI").

    "I prefer to go quietly..."

    "Top of the World, Ma!" (2.2)
    By: Dick DeBenedictis
    Alternative link:

  • 0:23 in.^
  • 4:52 in.^
  • 12:14 in.^
  • 17:20 in.^
  • 23:00 in.^
  • 25:50 in. Bar source music. Yeah, right, like in the 1970's anybody was playing this in a bar. And that's one hell of a quiet bar!^
  • 55:57 in.^
  • 58:55 in.^
  • 59:42 in.^
  • 1:05:15 in.^
  • 1:07:01 in.^
  • 1:08:03 in.^
  • 1:09:17 in. Over six minutes long, closing out the episode.^

    (Note to Me: 39:00)

    "Somebody's Out to Get Jennie" (3)
    By: Billy Goldenberg

  • 1:39 in.^(2:04)
  • 9:27 in. and.^
  • 15:08 in.^
  • 18:57 in. Upbeat chugging strings, with triangle.^
  • 36:17 in.^
  • 41:57 in.^
  • 46:07/47:44 in. Either Jennie is coming, or the Duel truck is coming.^
  • 51:53 in. and.^(opening)
  • 1:00:01 in.^
  • 1:06:07 in.^
  • 1:10:30 in.^(1:12:10)
  • 1:14:21 in.

    (NtM: 3:50, 41:45 / 1:15:35 in -- composer credit)


    "The Disposal Man" (4)
    By: Billy Goldenberg

    "A Little Plot at Tranquil Valley" (5)
    By: Dick DeBenedictis

    This is the final effort by DeBenedictis for the series.

    "Fifth Man in a String Quartet" (6)
    By: Robert Prince (as "Bob Prince")

    This is the only effort by Prince for the series.

    "Give My Regrets to Broadway" (7)
    By: Billy Goldenberg

    This is the final effort by Goldenberg for the series.

  • 0:25 n.^
  • 2:50 in.^
  • 4:04 in.^
  • 4:58 in.^
  • 45:44 in. Funky party source music.^
  • 51:15 in. More party source music.^
  • 55:25 in. Of course Goldenberg would score this whole thing in an unusual way.^

     Posted:   May 18, 2018 - 12:16 PM   
     By:   Simon Morris   (Member)

    The Shire theme has been dropped and Henry Mancini is now credited for the theme ("Theme HENRY MANCINI").

    Referring to the 'Mystery Movie Theme' surely?

    I have all of McCloud on a mixture of Australian and Danish DVDs but I've only watched a few episodes. I used to love the show in its time, but like a lot of things it hasn't - to me anyway - aged very well.

     Posted:   May 18, 2018 - 1:05 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    SEASON 3:

    The Shire theme has been dropped; no one is credited for the new theme.

    "The New Mexican Connection" (1)
    By: John Andrew Tartaglia

    This is the only effort by Tartaglia for the series.

  • 7:28/10:43 in.^
  • 24:49 in.^
  • 32:06 in.^
  • 41:36 in. Dramatic lower octave action/chase music.^
  • 51:50 in. Including a water chime (the ascending/descending metal tone sound some of you may remember from The Omega Man film score).^
  • 1:03:15 in.
  • 1:05:44 in. More of the above cue, which closes out the episode. Then the end credits music immediately follows, which is the same (video loads cuts part of it off).^

    LOL, okay, so for some reason part of this episode is cut out and it cuts to a cat laying on the ground while new age flute music plays. It's only like thirty seconds, so be patient. Happens again at 44:04 in. Maybe it's a copyright avoidance thing.

    Glen A. Larson wrote this episode (which has two directors).

    McCloud: "What's the good news?"
    Chief: "You're going home."
    McCloud: "What's the bad news?"
    Chief: "You're coming back."

    Chief: "Of all the police departments in this world, why did he have to be assigned to mine?"

    "The Barefoot Stewardess Caper" (2)
    By: Richard Clements

    This is the only effort by Clements for the series.

  • 0:28 in. Little FX.
  • About 3:30 in. Almost SFX free.
  • 6:13 in.
  • About 15:11 in. Also uses a waterchime.
  • 17:23 in.
  • 39:07 in.
  • 52:29 in.
  • About 56:00 in. Some low-key nervous suspense material. There's a brief lull.
  • 1:05:52 in.
  • 1:09:45 in.
  • 1:14:25 in.
  • 1:41:40 in.

    It's not a bad score, I just think Stevens or Fielding would have done better.

    Why world the Paris Chief not know who McCloud is? He is the exact same Paris Chief from the previous season.

    Before the first "Mission: Impossible" film with a sensitive floor and trying to steal something, there was this episode of "McCloud".

    Chief Clifford: "London?! London England?!"

    "The Park Avenue Rustlers" (3)
    By: Lee Holdridge

  • 1:48 in.^
  • 3:58 in.^
  • 5:19 in. More at 8:14.^
  • 8:53 in.^
  • 9:20 in.
  • 10:11 in.^
  • 15:23 in.^
  • 16:23 in.^
  • 18:59 in.
  • 20:22 in.^
  • 23:20 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^
  • 30:28 in.^
  • 34:13 in.^
  • 35:42 in.^
  • 41:08 in.^
  • 45:02 in. Funky bar source music.^
  • 47:09 in. Cats back from the fish at 49:00.^
  • 52:59 in.^
  • 59:55 in.^
  • 1:04:18 in.^
  • 1:05:47/1:08:50 in.^

    This was a good score.

    This load has interrupting fish instead of a cat.

    (Note to Me: 34:07)


    "Showdown at the End of the World" (4)
    By: Lee Holdridge

    "The Million Dollar Round Up" (5)
    By: Lee Holdridge

    This is the final effort by Holdridge for the series.

  • 0:29 in.^
  • 8:29 in.^
  • 17:50 in.^
  • 28:11 in.^
  • 32:18 in.^
  • 40:19 in. Joining a long cue already in progress for the action material.^(41:01/42:07/43:06)
  • 1:06:46 in.^
  • 1:10:27 in.^
  • 1:12:55 in.
  • 1:14:19 in.^
  • 1:16:22 in.^
  • 1:19:01 in.^
  • 1:21:29 in.^
  • 1:27:59 in.^

    31:10 in: interrupting copyright fish. 32:03 in: back to the episode.
    1:03:12 in: interrupting copyright fish. 1:04:08 in: back to the episode.

    Remember when phones off the hook for too long sounded like sick yaks in a loop about to throw up, but never throwing up? Glad those days are gone. Also, now that I am remembering, glad the days of BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP are gone, too.

     Posted:   May 18, 2018 - 2:32 PM   
     By:   Simon Morris   (Member)

    It's not a bad score, I just think Stevens or Fielding would have done better.

    I don't think Richard Clements ever wrote anything other than a 'functional' score - to be honest, I can't recall anything particularly noteworthy or memorable in any of the tv series work he did.

     Posted:   May 18, 2018 - 3:14 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    SEASON 4:

    "Butch Cassidy Rides Again" (1)
    By: Frank De Vol

  • 028 in.^
  • 3:01/4:53/5:03 in.^
  • 6:01 in.^
  • 11:10 in.
  • 21:39 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^
  • 32:38 in.^
  • 34:25 in.^
  • 36:14 in.^
  • 45:45 in.
  • 54:27 in.^
  • 1:09:39 in.^(1:11:37)
  • 1:16:31 in. And the cue after the commercial break.
  • 1:21:03 in. Five minute action cue with fast congas and brass.^
  • 1:27:38 in.
  • 1:32:22 in.^

    31:05 in: interrupting copyright fish. 32:34 in: back to the episode.
    1:03:40 in: interrupting copyright fish. 1:05:10 in: back to the episode.

    (NtM: 1:35:35)

    "The Solid Gold Swingers" (2)
    By: Stu Philips

  • 13:10 in.
  • 14:04 in.
  • 18:45 in.
  • 34:18 in.
  • About 56:40 in.
  • 1:01:15 in.
  • 1:04:25 in.
  • 1:29:00 in.
  • 1:31:03 in.

    Stock footage and a re-used scene, are both really obvious.

    "A Cowboy in Paradise" (3)
    By: Stu Phillips

  • 0:30 in.
  • 13:48/14:44 in.^(second)
  • 16:07 in.^
  • 20:57 in.^
  • 23:21 in. And the cue after the commercial break.
  • 40:31 in.^
  • 41:59 in. Cue that plays around with the new theme for the season in a very pleasant way.^
  • 51:00 in. Stu demonstrates the chops he probably would have used in "Hawaii Five-O" had he been given a shot.^
  • 58:59 in.^
  • 59:57 in.^
  • 1:14:14 in.^
  • 1:15:42 in.^
  • 1:18:48 in.^
  • 1:27:35 in.^
  • 1:30:40 in.

    31:16 in: interrupting copyright cat. 32:01 in: back to the episode.
    1:03:20 in: interrupting copyright fish. 1:03:05 in: back to the episode.

    You know what sucks? Each "Season" had so few episodes and they chose to not only make a boring episode, but cast as the bad guy, an actor who can't act. Calculon had more emotional in his deliveries.

    "The Colorado Cattle Caper" (4)
    By: Frank DeVol

    Back during that time and even into the 1990's, there were things I dreaded about TV series: obligatory episodes for ratings and/or audience draw, such as boxing episodes, race car episodes, an episode dealing with a Father in a church (who will be Irish or Scottish, and a boxer!), and what this episode is about: cattle rustling.
    Fortunately, this works. It's not boring, it's interesting, and full of Weaver's personableness.

  • 0:00 in. Bongos, quick guiro, low brass, and more -- so much goodness crammed into a long cue running nearly five minutes long.
  • 5:10 in.
  • 7:03 in.
  • 23:15 in.
  • 29:44 in.
  • 38:32 in.
  • 40:35 in: More stuff like from the opening. There's a brief lull.
  • 57:25 in.
  • 1:03:44 in.

    That's pretty much every cue. Really enjoyed DeVol's work. I'd have been happy if he, Shire and DeBenedictis scored the whole series.

    A jam-packed episode with such stars as: Claude Atkins, John Denver, and Farrah Fawcett. Speaking of Denver, I just added a day or two an obscure documentary he did called "Alaska, the American Child" to IMDb (it was missing); scored by Lee Holdridge.

    The ending is a little off; some bad edits, the music shifts around like it's maybe tracked some, and the music ends abruptly. the end credits are cut off, so I don't know if there was an original piece done.

    Billy (Denver): "I sure hope one of us knows what you're doing," to McCloud.

    "This Must Be the Alamo" (5)
    By: Stu Phillips

  • 3:15 in.
  • 1:28:49 in.
  • 1:29:51 in.
  • 1:33:07 in.^

    There's not a lot of score in the episode, and it's mixed very low most of the time. I don't think Stu was sure how to score this bland episode that just goes on and on and on, and I think the producers didn't care for the score. On a set of season four scoring, at might include the last cue, but I also might skip the whole thing; depends on how much room is remaining.

    31:23 in: interrupting copyright cat. 32:07 in: back to the episode.
    1:03:37 in: interrupting copyright fish. 1:04:23 in: back to the episode.

     Posted:   Jan 31, 2019 - 2:49 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)


     Posted:   Feb 1, 2019 - 9:15 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)


     Posted:   Feb 1, 2019 - 9:52 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    SEASON 5:

    "The Barefoot Girls of Bleecker Street" (1)
    By: Stu Phillips

  • 1:27 in.
  • 3:38 in.^
  • 5:39 in.^
  • 7:02 in.^
  • 12:33 in.^
  • 16:10 in.^
  • 50:22 in.^
  • 53:01 in. Sounds like something that could be heard in "Get Christie Love!" or even "Charlie's Angels".^
  • 58:45 in.^
  • 1:01:31 in.^
  • 1:06:41 in.^
  • 1:09:54 in. Short pleasant arrangement of the season three theme.^
  • 1:10:40 in.^
  • 1:31:21 in.^
  • 1:15:13 in.^
  • 1:19:16 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^
  • 1:21:55 in.^
  • 1:25:39/1:26:09 in.^(second)
  • 1:30:40 in.^
  • 1:35:22 in. Short closing cue.^

    31:21 in: interrupting copyright cat. 32:018 in: back to the episode.
    1:03:39 in: interrupting copyright fish. 1:04:33 in: back to the episode.

    Out-of-context quote...
    "Oh, you'll get it into shape, Chief..."

    "The Gang That Stole Manhattan" (2)
    By: Stu Phillips

  • 2:39 in.
  • 4:56 in. New rendition of the famous cue from Hamlisch's score to "The Sting".
  • About 8:40 in.
  • 11:25 in.
  • 13:33 in.
  • 15:30 in.
  • 17:00 in.
  • 19:24 in.
  • 24:42 in.
  • 28:28 in.
  • About 31:10 in. And the cue after the commercial break.
  • 38:25 in.
  • 46:13 in.
  • About 50:30 in.
  • 51:12 in.
  • 54:07 in.
  • 56:33 in.
  • About 1:02:30 in.
  • 1:04:28 in. And the cue after the commercial break.
  • 1:06:00/1:07:55/1:08:54/1:09:58/1:11:08/1:11:40/1:12:03/1:14:00 in. [mostly] Little pieces that need to be edited into a whole. One feel good piece that needs to be edited away from it all for it's own track.
  • 1:12:18 in. More "The Sting".
  • 1:15:38/1:17:40 in.
  • 1:18:57 in.
  • 1:19:55 in.
  • 1:20:37 in. And the cue after the commercial break.
  • 1:23:25 in. Short closer.

    I barely skipped any cues. Maybe a handful or less. Stu doing what he did best back then: making delightful nummy music.

    "Shivaree on Delancy Street" (3)
    By: Stu Phillips

  • 1:26 in.^
  • 4:29 in.^(5:00)
  • 9:23 in. The funky source music.^
  • 24:55 in.
  • 38:56 in.
  • 50:35 in.^(51:03)
  • 1:00:04 in.^
  • 1:09:10/1:10:22 in.^
  • 1:11:11 in.^
  • 1:12:42 in.^
  • 1:16:55 in. Funky source music, immediately followed by a score cue.^
  • 1:23:47 in. Joining a cue already in progress.^
  • 1:24:56 in.^
  • 1:28:27 in.
  • 1:30:22 in.

    31:23 in: interrupting copyright cat. 32:19 in: back to the episode.
    1:03:48 in: interrupting copyright fish. 1:04:43 in: back to the episode.

    Out-of-context quote...
    "If you begin to feel something jabbing you in the back, that'll be me..."

    "The 42nd Street Cavalry" (4)
    By: Stu Phillips

  • 1:27 in.^
  • 3:50 in. Mostly country-flavored music lead by a harmonica for the most part.^(4:12)
  • 6:08 in.^
  • 15:44/17:39 in.^(18:00)
  • 24:17 in.
  • 25:35 in.^
  • 29:28 in.^
  • 35:10 in. And the funky source music that immediately follows it. And the score cue that immediately follows the source cue.^
  • 39:59 in.^
  • 44:35 in.^
  • 58:57 in.
  • 1:28:44 in.

    Magical grenades that only blow doors off hinges and not the door to pieces.

    31:21 in: interrupting copyright fish. 32:018 in: back to the episode.
    1:03:39 in: interrupting copyright fish. 1:04:33 in: back to the episode.

    Out-of-context quote...
    McCloud: "You show me yours, I'll show you mine..."

    "The Concrete Jungle Caper" (5)
    By: Stu Phillips

  • 8:39 in. Long action cue, around four minutes long.^
  • 21:15/25:40 in. The rock source cue.^
  • 30:21 in. Another rock source cue.^
  • 32:25 in.^
  • 41:03 in. Another source cue. And the score cue that immediately follows it.^
  • 43:01 in.^
  • 56:21 in.
  • 57:23 in.^
  • 58:28 in.^
  • 1:00:59 in.^
  • 1:01:19 in.^
  • 1:07:36 in.^

    (Note to Me: 1:10:22)

    McCloud: "Inflations everybody's business."

    "The Man with the Golden Hat" (6)
    By: Stu Phillips

  • 1:26 in.^
  • 5:03 in.^
  • 14:52 in.^
  • 30:44 in.^
  • 36:47 in.^
  • 38:41 in.^
  • 42:24 in.^
  • 44:59 in. Funky source music.^
  • 52:00 in.^
  • 53:35 in.^
  • 58:30 in.^
  • 1:03:14 in.^
  • 1:05:35/1:06:53 in.^
  • 1:10:53 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^
  • 1:18:09 in.^
  • 1:23:01 in.^
  • 1:28:10 in.^?????
  • 1:32:27 in.^

    You know what I find hilarious? The cryptologist found nothing, but still had a meeting where he took photos, put them on slides, had everyone wait while the room was darkened and then showed them the slides. All that work for nothing.

    Also, amusing nod to "Gunsmoke" when the bad guy tells McCloud he's maybe getting carried away with "that cowboy stuff" and that "this isn't Dodge city".

    31:18 in: interrupting copyright fish. 32:47 in: back to the episode.
    1:04:05 in: interrupting copyright fish. 1:05:35 in: back to the episode.

    (NtM: 1:01:06, 1:14:00, 1:36:00)

    Chief: "Don't start agreeing with me, you'll have me thinking I must be wrong."

    Cryptologist: "Now, what do you want me to do with all that material?"

    "Lady on the Run" (7)
    By: Stu Phillips

  • 1:27 in.^
  • 5:30 in. *
  • 8:36 in.^
  • 13:51 in.^
  • 17:37 in.^
  • 22:08 in.^
  • 25:39 in.^
  • 28:27 in.^
  • 37:51 in. And the Spanish-flavored cue after the commercial break.^
  • 40:41 in.^
  • 43:08 in.^
  • 46:21 in.^
  • 51:51 in. And the Spanish-flavored source cue that immediately follows.^
  • 52:57 in.^
  • 1:03:28 in.^
  • 1:05:48 in.^
  • 1:07:20 in.^
  • 1:10:49 in. Billy Goldenberg channeled through Stu Phillips for about forty seconds, then it's just Stu Who channeling Stu Who.^
  • 1:17:23 in.^
  • 1:18:26 in.^
  • 1:23:28 in.^
  • 1:24:29 in.^
  • 1:26:49 in.^
  • 1:28:08/1:29:11 in. Long tense percussion and brass lead cue. The editing and building of the scene is greatly helped by Stu's music.^
  • 1:34:57 in.

    31:07 in: interrupting copyright fish. 32:34 in: back to the episode.
    1:03:43 in: interrupting copyright fish. 1:05:14 in: back to the episode.

    * = Lord, I've complained about this in series before like "Murder, She Wrote", where for some inane reason an innocent person picks up the murder weapon and shortly thereafter gets caught holding it over the dead body. I fucking hate stupid crap like this.

    Joe: "Pyramids?"
    McCloud: "You know what a pyramid is, don't you, Joe? That's a square that's been short-changed."

    "Return to the Alamo" (9)
    By: Stu Phillips
    Alternative link:

  • 9:14/10:17/15:54/22:48 in.
  • 29:18 in.
  • 52:41 in.

    "Sharks!" (8)
    By: Stu Phillips

  • 1:27 in.^
  • 3:03 in.^
  • 13:08 in.^
  • 19:07 in.^
  • 37:07 in.^
  • 40:22 in.^
  • 45:47 in.^
  • 51:32 in.^
  • 1:06:35 in.^
  • 1:09:35 in.^
  • 1:12:42 in. Pleasant short theme intro cue.^
  • 1:29:04 in.
  • 1:34:28 in.^

    Man alive, this is really bad. And the whole night deal with the shark attacks, just awful.

    31:21 in: interrupting copyright fish. 32:52 in: back to the episode.
    1:04:14 in: interrupting copyright fish. 1:05:43 in: back to the episode.

    (NtM: 1:12:37, 1:13:50)

    Chief: "And by the book, McCloud, and I don't mean comic book."

     Posted:   Jul 31, 2019 - 3:15 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    SEASON 6:

    "Park Avenue Pirates" (1)
    By: Stu Phillips

  • 5:45 in.^
  • 12:01 in.^
  • 13:19 in.^
  • 23:25 in. Short bit of funky source music.^
  • 34:22 in.
  • 50:12 in.^ *
  • 51:21 in. The funky rock source music cue (and the score cue that is sandwiched in it).^
  • 53:25/57:08 in.^
  • 57:40/1:00:56 in.^(58:40)
  • 1:06:27 in.
  • 1:07:41 in.^
  • 1:13:57 in.^(1:14:59/1:16:38)
  • 1:19:32 in.^
  • 1:21:22 in.^
  • 1:24:16 in.^
  • 1:26:33 in.^(1:27:29)
  • 1:29:49 in.^

    14:11 in: Isn't that a lovely short shot?

    * = That must have been a line flub that nobody caught. Right before this cue begins, a security guard says to the singer, "Oh, misses Wright, there's a phone for you in the office.". What -- he's giving her a phone? Somebody gave her a phone? OR MAYBE he meant to say what the script no doubt said: "Misses Wright, there's a phone call for you in the office."

    (Note to Me: 18:35, 28:33, 1:08:27)

    "Showdown at Times Square" (2)
    By: Stu Phillips

  • 1:40 in.^
  • 4:49 in.^
  • 10:54 in.^
  • 12:07 in.^
  • 14:11 in.^
  • 20:00 in.^
  • 25:23 in.
  • 28:02 in.
  • 32:22 in.^
  • 36:41 in.
  • 38:16 in.^
  • 49:05 in.^
  • 1:02:36 in.^
  • 1:10:32 in.
  • 1:18:33 in.^
  • 1:21:41 in.
  • 1:27:05 in.
  • 1:26:54 in.

    A fake façade is indeed a real thing that has been done before. Man years ago the F.B.I. did this, where they wanted to get into a house and take stuff out without being noticed and through an elaborate set up, they re-created the front of target's house and just went behind it to do what they had to do.

    31:18 in: interrupting copyright fish. 32:47 in: back to the episode.
    1:04:05 in: interrupting copyright fish. 1:05:35 in: back to the episode.

    (Note to Me: 1:01:47, 1:14:47, 1:33:25)

    "Fire!" (3)
    By: Stu Phillips

  • 7:41/8:47 in.^(second)
  • 10:12 in.^ *
  • 18:47 in.^
  • 28:23 in.^
  • 30:56 in.^
  • 41:50 in.^
  • 47:41 in.^
  • 49:22 in. and.^
  • 56:56 in.^
  • 1:19:21 in.
  • 1:22:10 in.^
  • 1:30:11 in.
  • 1:32:21 in.^(1:36:22)

    Lord, the fire scene is painful because damn near nobody can act! Diana Muldaur can't act (and she's been M.I.A. on the show for a bit now), the guy playing her nephew is almost Calculon bad, the apartment building desk lady is painfully bad, the guy who came out a door asking what the arsonist was doing was bad. Stu really had to do some heavy lifting here (for eight and-a-half minutes!). Then later in the episode during the 49:22 highlight, another bad actress (the lady "crying"). It's like nobody cared, the director, the producers, casting department. Not even lighting seemed to care that much, as at one point a scene wasn't staged right to avoid filming lights reflecting off a vehicle; at night so brightly it looked like permanent lightning -- and super super obvious. The whole thing is a never-ending shlog to get threw.

    (NtM: 23:50, 36:00)

    31:20 in: interrupting copyright fish. 32:49 in: back to the episode.
    1:04:11 in: interrupting copyright fish. 1:05:40 in: back to the episode.

    "Three Guns for New York" (4)
    By: Frank De Vol

    This is the final effort by DeVol for the series.

  • 1:27 in.^
  • 6:14 in. Including airplane porn.^
  • 10:02 in.^
  • 17:44 in.
  • 22:24 in.^
  • 26:32 in.^
  • 32:52 in.
  • 34:17 in.^
  • 39:53 in.^
  • 46:15 in.^(46:35)
  • 48:46 in.^
  • 51:36 in.^
  • 53:12 in.^
  • 54:46 in.^
  • 58:25 in.^
  • 1:15:17 in.
  • 1:16:07 in. Short outtro cue.^
  • 1:19:27 in.^
  • 1:24:45 in.^
  • 1:26:32 in. Long cue, over nine minutes long.^
  • 1:36:19 in.^

    31:21 in: interrupting copyright fish. 32:51 in: back to the episode.
    1:04:12 in: interrupting copyright fish. 1:05:42 in: back to the episode.

    (NtM: 35:11, 1:24:42)

    Out-of-context quote exchange...
    "Pretty thick."
    "How thick?"
    "Thick enough."

    "Our Man in the Harem" (5)
    By: Stu Phillips

  • 1:26 in.^
  • 2:54 in. Soft music signaling Egypt or some Arabian country.
  • 6:44 in. Funky source music. More at 1:31:26 in.^
  • 16:46 in. Arabic-flavored source music.^
  • 20:18 in. and.^
  • 32:27 in.^
  • 35:40 in.^
  • 42:55 in. Short outtro cue, and the soft music signalig Egypt after the commercial break.^ *
  • 48:08 in.^
  • 50:54 in.^(51:15)
  • 1:00:16 in.
  • 1:01:40 in.^
  • 1:05:20 in.^
  • 1:08:20 in.
  • 1:11:54 in.^(open)
  • 1:15:07 in.
  • 1:15:54 in.^
  • 1:17:55 in.^
  • 1:20:46 in.^
  • 122:41 in. Steadily-paced action music.^
  • 1:24:58 in.^
  • 1:36:251:27:19/1:28:18 in. Short bits of paced action-y material using the DeVol theme and Arab-a-fied.^
  • 1:33:24 in.^

    * = For the guys here. You're SO welcomed!

    Rich Arab Man: "But like so many of your culture, he has a moral blind spot; what he refuses to face, he just does not believe."

    McCloud: "You got about as much chance sellin' that story in America and you do sellin' sand around here."

    "The Day New York Turned Blue" (6)
    By: Stu Phillips

  • 1:27 in.^
  • 2:59 in.^
  • 9:07 in. The funky source music playing on the radio is the very oddly quiet diner.^
  • 23:35 in.^
  • 25:16/27:12 in.^
  • 33:04 in.
  • 51:03 in.
  • 54:40 in.^
  • 59:03 in.^
  • 1:07:26 in. The funky source music.^
  • 1:09:30 in.^
  • 1:15:57 in.^
  • 1:20:52/1:23:17/1:25:30 in.^
  • 1:30:49 in.^
  • 1:33:09 in.^

    I enjoyed the Chief sticking it to the government bureaucrat. Too bad the rest of the episode is garbage.

    (NtM: 39:10)

    Chief Clifford: "Let's be wicked. Every now and then I like to get it out of my system."

    "Night of the Shark" (7)
    By: Stu Phillips
    Alternative link:

  • 0:00 in.
  • 1:27 in.^
  • 5:56 in. Low-key Bond-ish sounding music, also including quasi JAWS shark motif for, well, sharks.^
  • 10:02 in.
  • 10:30 in.
  • 13:45 in.^
  • 18:14 in.^
  • 24:02 in.^
  • 33:14 in.
  • 38:40 in.^
  • 40:19 in.^
  • 42:47 in.^
  • 43:41 in.^
  • 47:40 in.
  • 50:47 in.
  • 59:44 in. The last about ten seconds are repeated after the commercial break.^
  • 1:02:54 in.^
  • 1:06:32 in.^
  • 1:08:10 in.^
  • 1:09:16 in.^
  • 1:16:44 in.^
  • 1:19:25 in.^
  • 1:28:35/1:31:14 in.^(first)

    As all previous seasons had established, McCloud doesn't drink. Yet here, he does.

    31:18 in: interrupting copyright fish. 32:01 in: back to the episode.
    1:03:21 in: interrupting copyright fish. 1:04:05 in: back to the episode.

    News Reporter: "Any idea why he tried to kill you?"
    McCloud: "I don't know -- we didn't discuss it."

     Posted:   Aug 1, 2019 - 11:13 PM   
     By:   TheSaint   (Member)

    When I got the complete McCloud Season 1 from Australia, featuring the episodes in their original form, I really liked the soundtrack to the pilot. If that was ever released on a cd, I would buy it immediately.

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