A TV series that lasted three seasons and began in 1982. Only the first season is up. Normally I'd not do a series unless there were more episodes, but I need a shake up in scoring from different decades because I'll be spending quite some tike in an earlier decade soon. NOTE: Some episode scores use edited cues from Frontiere's score to the movie The Unknown Stuntman. Some episodes also use it for the end credits. Intrada Records released this score, but it is sadly sold out. "X-22" (Part 1 and Part 2) By: Dominic Frontiere https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHS4_KtlDu8 Highlights: About 3:50 in. 16:44 in. 22:03 in. 27:00 in. 35:42 in. And the cue after the commercial break. 45:47 in. 57:20 in. 1:04:16 in. 1:09:23 in. 1:10:35 in. 1:14:27 in. Solo piano classical-music sounding piece, then switches to strings further in. And the cue after the commercial break. 1:23:18 in. 1:28:13 in. 1:29:57 in. And the end credits which immediately follows. "Stop the Presses" By: Nelson Riddle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGKiV84PniY Highlights: 5:29 in. 7:20 in. 12:54 in. 15:12 in. And the cue after the commercial break. 22:08 in. For the guys here: stick around after the cue the the hot leggy blonde... 25:37 in. Joining a cue already in progress for the cool stuff (very much ike the above cue). 29:39 in. 35:33 in. 38:19 in. And the cue after the commercial break. 42:25 in. Joining a cue already in progress for the cool stuff. 43:29 in. And the cue after the commercial break.* I really enjoyed this score. It's also the most un-Riddle like score I remember hearing. For the guys here: 27:27 in. You're welcome. * = How'd you like to have been the casting associate on that? The casting director tasks you with: Find hot young ladies with great asses that would look good in jeans. "Deadly Fashion" By: John E. Davis https://ok.ru/video/4081528408717 Highlights: 7:56 in. 9:47 in. 10:48 in. 15:46 in. 30:34 in. 33:19 in. 41:54 in. Joining a cue already in progress. And the cue after the commercial break.
Continuing SEASON 1:
"Killing isn't Everything" By: Nelson Riddle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOITXuO8vW8 Highlights: 6:44 in. 8:27 in. 14:57 in. 20:49 in. 27:04 in. 39:49 in. About 45:45 in. And the cue after the commercial break. "Who Would Kill Ramona?" By: Dominic Frontiere https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiIMt8KcXKg Highlights: 6:54 in. Joining a cue already in progress. 9:38 in. 11:26/13:00 in. 18:10 in. Joining a cue already in progress for the "Murder, She Wrote" like piece. And the cue after the commercial break. 21:55 in. 24:07/25:33 in. 27:25/28:35 in. 34:08 in. 37:57 in. 41:10 in. Joining a cue already in progress for the cool disco-ish material that is surprisingly in line with Silvestri's work on season two of "CHiPs". Over three minutes long. And the cue after the commercial break. 45:44 in. "Recipe for Murder" By: Artie Kane https://ok.ru/video/4006406785677 Highlights: 1:32 in. 5:13 in. Joining a cue already in progress. I skipped the opening, which is nothing more than a prolonger stinger. 6:39 in. 8:45/13:10 in. 16:55 in. 18:25 in. 19:50 in. 27:07 in. And the cue after the commercial break. 31:26 in. 42:40 in. Over three minutes long. And the cue after the commercial break. 30:16/37:29 in: tracked from Frontiere's score to the movie The Unknown Stuntman. There's also one or two more sues which I didn't cite at the time. For the guys here: 33:40 in. You're welcome. (Note to Me: possible composer credit use) "Shark Bait" By: Ken Harrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2qipz9GbM4 Highlights: 1:32/5:04 in. Some "Jaws" shark music parody. Even light riffs on the cue where the girl is attacked and dragged down in the opening of the film. 10:19 in. Joining a cue already in progress. 13:01 in. 13:47 in. 14:59 in. Includes some more of the "Jaws" shark music parody. 30:45 in. Joining a cue already in progress. 33:59 in. 35:52 in. 37:18 in. 40:02 in. Short theme bit. 43:36 in. And the cue after the commercial break. 48:15 in. For the guys here: 20:04 in. You're welcome.
Continuing SEASON 1:
"The Kidnapping" By: Artie Kane https://ok.ru/video/7254372715242 Highlights: 4:53 in. Joining a cue already in progress. 6:20 in. 9:01 in. No that is one fucking cool short transition cue. 15:27 in. 22:30 in. 24:04 in. And the cue after the commercial break. 34:04 in. 37:05 in. Joining a cue already in progress. 38:05 in. Pauses for a few seconds twice. 41:54 in. 45:38 in. This episode score is covered in score suite #1 for Kane. "Joey's Here" By: Artie Kane https://ok.ru/video/6425756109516 Highlights: 1:32 in. 4:31 in. Joining a cue already in progress. 7:17 in. 15:57 in. 17:26 in. 23:55 in. 26:27 in. And the cue after the commercial break. 33:10 in. 34:34 in. And the cue after the commercial break. 39:52 in. 44:35 in. And the cue after the commercial break. "The Good Doctor" By: John E. Davis https://ok.ru/video/6413605145292 Highlights: 4:35 in. 8:04 in. 15:38 in. And the cue after the commercial break. 27:39 in. 32:48 in. 41:07 in. Joining a cue already in progress. 42:30 in. "The Rock and the Hard Place" By: Nelson Riddle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fThFJa5DiAU Highlights: 5:00 in. 13:46 in. And the cue after the commercial break. 21:00 in. 26:03 in. 35:36 in. (NtM: 5:55 gif) "The Purrfect Crime" By: Artie Kane https://ok.ru/video/6425756961484 Highlights: 1:33 in. 10:05 in. 14:41 in. 19:26 in. 24:17 in. Joining a cue already in progress. And the cue after the commercial break. 28:10 in. 33:28 in.* 39:45 in. 44:02 in. And the cue after the commercial break. 46:35 in. * = I can't say I've ever seen a chase on water-floating bumper cars before. That's a new one on me.
He's a maaaaaaniac maaaaaaaniac i sure know ho ho
No, I haven't done "Emergency!" yet. A full listing of shows I have done is was posting in the "Peyton Place" thread earlier today.
Continuing SEASON 1:
"The Yacht Club Murders" By: Nelson Riddle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkBzH95zrYg Highlights: 2:09 in. 3:29 in. 13:16 in. 16:08 in. 19:08 in. 23:19 in. 28:21/32:01 in. 39:45 in. 43:51 in. (NTM: 48:20) (Note to Me: About 17:50) For the guys here: 27:11 in. You're are so so SO very welcome. (somebody made that a screen grab on the IMDb page for the episode, LOL) "Whose Party is It Anyway?" By: Artie Kane https://ok.ru/video/6490493618892 Highlights: 4:10 in. 14:29 in. 23:53 in. 45:27 in. Joining a cue already in progress. This is the only weak score I have heard so far on the series. I'm not sure how much of this I would include on a set of season one scoring. "Get Houston" By: Artie Kane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh5aIrGeNT4 Highlights: 1:41 in. 7:46 in. 15:44 in. 26:35 in. 34:02 in. 37:45 in. Over eight and-a-half minutes of suspense, drama, action, with percussion strings and brass. (NTM: 33:55) "The Visitors" By: John E. Davis https://ok.ru/video/6561998703308 Highlights: 1:32 in. 4:02 in. 7:45 in. 12:28 in. Joining a cue already in progress. And the cue after the commercial break. 22:20 in. 28:51 in. 35:18 in. 42:15 in.
Continuing SEASON 1:
"Here's Another Fine Mess" By: Artie Kane https://ok.ru/video/6573593332428 Highlights: 1:34 in. 3:03 in. 5:16 in. Car chase music with mainly brass bursts, strings and congas. 13:03 in. Begins quietly, but morphs into action music. And the cue after the commercial break. 26:05 in. 27:18 in. 40:50 in. 43:39 in. "The Beverly Hills Social Club" By: Nelson Riddle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i91TJTflINg Highlights: 1:33 in. 5:54 in. 10:16 in. 19:35 in. 23:41 in. 28:33 in. 35:06 in. 45:18 in. "The Showgirl Murders" By: John E. Davis https://ok.ru/video/6610465196748 Highlights: 1:33 in. 5:30 in. 12:14 in. 17:19 in. Joining a cue already in progress. And the cue after the commercial break. 27:04 in. 43:10 in. Joining a cue already in progress. And the cue after the commercial break. For the guys here: 16:20 in. You're welcome. (Note to Me: possible composer credit use) "Fear for Tomorrow" By: Ken Harrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MipdiQJFUaE Highlights: 1:33 in. 2:37 in. 5:54 in. 10:49 in. 13:56 in. And the cue after the commercial break. 18:19 in. 22:24 in. 26:02 in. Joining a cue already in progress. 27:25 in. 33:07 in. 37:25 in. 44:05 in.
Finishing SEASON 1:
"A Deadly Parlay" By: Ken Harrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SBSANAn4BE Highlights: 1:33 in.* About 5:00 in. 9:40 in. 16:22 in. 19:25 in. 21:04 in. 23:50 in.* And the cue after the commercial break. 26:56 in. 34:26 in. 36:59 in. And the cue after the commercial break. 39:39 in. 43:59 in. Including a tiny bit of that Jeep Travel Music from "MacGyver".* * = Oh I hope those pointless annoying synth sound effects are not actually in the score and were laid on it like the "Spaceballs" main title. "A Novel Way to Die" By: John E. Davis https://ok.ru/video/6757796809420 Highlights: 1:33 in. Just a few seconds shy of seven minutes in length. 9:20 in. Joining a cue already in progress (NTM: too much FX for suite use) 15:31 in. 18:59 in. 24:31 in. 41:54 in. "The Hunted" By: John E. Davis https://ok.ru/video/6839176399564 Highlights: 2:57 in. 13:19 in. 15:21 in. And the cue after the commercial break. 25:15 in. 27:45 in. 34:11 in. 36:47 in. 39:25 in. 41:10 in. 43:43 in. 46:52 in.
Nobody answer to you,you just talk to yourself .Do you see a psychiatrist?
Jacob singer: Nobody answer to you,you just talk to yourself .Do you see a psychiatrist? Say hello to Bruce for us.
"Heritage: Part 1" By: John E. Davis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BZTOH021dQ Highlights: 1:03 in.^(2:07 -- short bit) 4:01 in. 7:17 in. Including airplane porn. 9:24 in. 14:08 in. Exciting boat chase music using the series' main theme; brass and strings lead.^ 16:49 in. All that is missing is Shatner watching this. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 21:14 in.^(parts) 24:31 in. Laid back, almost 1970's-ish feel-good piece.^ 29:13 in.^ 39:17 in.^ 41:59 in. What I assume is a love theme, is briefly heard.^ "Heritage: Part 2" By: John E. Davis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6f2gV5hIRc Over eleven minutes of re-caps! Highlights: 4:49 in. 12:59 in.^ 15:16 in.^ 22:48 in. 23:49 in. 24:35 in.^ 28:40 in.^(parts) * 35:18 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(parts) 40:47 in. * = Why does that manly cop sound like a sickly duck right before he crashes into the lake? "The Woman in White" By: Ken Harrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmiLtwyxO08 Highlights: 1:00 in.^ 2:55 in.^ 7:40 in. 22:15 in. 30:42 in. 32:52 in. 37:46 in. 38:48 in. To the end of the episode. Guest-starring Don Johnson. "Love You to Death" By: John E. Davis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKze42k4eQU Highlights: 1:04 in. 7:59 in. 9:42 in.^ 10:14 in.^ 19:27 in. With some "Psycho" strings at the end.^ 27:06 in.^ 32:21 in. Also with some "Psycho" strings. 34:19 in.^ 37:33 in. Also with some "Psycho" strings.^(parts) 43:!5 in.^ I'd much rather have heard Davis score "Psycho III" than Carter Burwell. (Note to Me: 22:27) "The Centerfold Murders" By: Ken Harrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDOB9ovKfbE Highlights: 0:58 in.^ 1:45 in.^ 7:47 in.^ 12:55 in. 14:21 in.^ 17::37 in.^ 21:35 in.^ 28:20 in.^ 33:10 in. Quickly morphs into the "MacGyver" Jeep Travel Music.^ 40:47 in.
Continuing SEASON 2:
What a pleasant surprise this was. Every time I double checked the end credits of an episode -- after the pilot -- that IMDb had down as being scored by Frontiere, it always turned out to be incorrect, until this batch. "Needle in a Haystack" By: Dominic Frontiere https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-8xWYz5_Ko Highlights: 0:59 in. Six and-a-half minutes of mainly action material.^(EDIT) 10:56 in. 14:50 in. Jining a cue already in progress.^ 20:57 in. 24:17 in.^ 27:16 in.^ 30:36 in. Chase music.^ 33:01 in.^(parts) 34:44 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(parts) 37:25 in.^(parts) 39:15 in.^(parts) What a fucking garbage episode. "Marilyn" By: John E. Davis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CufY9t5HrBY Highlights: 1:02 in.^ 5:20 in.^ 9:03 in.^ 12:40 in.^ 14:44 in.^(15:40/EDIT, 18:53) 22:29 in.^ 30:34 in.^(opening, 32:44) 39:44 in. 42:44 in. (NtM: 26:46, 39:14) "You know something -- you're an easy guy to find. You leave dead bodies and wrecked cars everywhere you go." "The Ghost of Carter Gault" By: Ken Harrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMpgmAp8CbQ Highlights: 1:44 in.^ * 5:45 in.^ 1049 in.??? 12:27 in.^ 16:56 in. 19:29 in.^ 21:57 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both; parts) 28:26 in.^(opening) 30:18 in.^ 31:37 in.^ 36:25 in.^ 39:03 in.^ 42:55 in.^ * = Imagine you were on set when she climbed into that hot tub before shooting... (can't just spare three or four minutes?) "China Doll" By: Dominic Frontiere https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSkbzohniWU Highlights: 1:00 in. There is a two or three second lull and the cue continues.^ 4:38 in.^ 5:16 in.^ 11:46 in.(use?) 15:43 in.^ 21:28 in. 24:39 in.^ 30:27 in.^ 31:48 in. 36:58 in. Some fast and furious action music.^ 39:16 in. 40:32 in.^ (Note to Me: 23:35) "Butterfly" By: Ken Harrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcQA02Gi-84 Highlights: 0:59 in.^ 3:58 in. Including chase music with staccato brass and cymbal-tapping beat.^(parts) 7:50 in.^(parts) 11:58 in. Chase music immediately followed by source music that comes across iike a regular score cue. 19:30 in.^(parts) 22:41 in.^(part) 23:52 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^ 26:57 in.^ 29:18 in.^(parts) 30:58 in.^ 31:58 in.^(parts) 34:02 in.^ 38:20 in.??? 40:18 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(first: parts) (NtM: 36:36 "I don't know what you're thinking, but I do know I don't like it." Out-of-context quote... "Me? Finger Saint Nick?" (ho ho holy crap)
Continuing SEASON 2:
"The Crying Clown" By: Mark Snow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsxmIerQMOg This is presumably Snow's only effort for the series. Still some season three credits left to solve. Let's play a game. It's called: Find just one cue that sounds like anything you've heard from Snow before. Highlights: 0:59 in.^ 3:08 in.^ 8:31 in.^ 9:55 in.^ 17:57 in. 20:32 in And the cue after the commercial break.^(both; first: 21:30) 22:52 in. 24:17 in. 26:37 in. 34:18 in.^(parts) 40:14 in. And the cue after the commercial break. If Snow could have kept cranking around episodes with scores made of awesome, I'd have been all for him doing more. Speaking of coincidences, the next episode guest-stars an actress by the name of Wendy Girard, who -- according to her IMDb page -- began her acting career as a ... clown. (NtM: 6:39, 15:13) "The Outsider" By: Ken Harrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIzwtjGCZp4 Highlights: 0:57 in.^ 6:59 in. 12:59 in. 15:50 in. 18:44 in. Joining a cue already in progress. 25: in. Eventually morphs into the "MacGyver" Jeep Travel Music for fifteen or so seconds (there's about that much in the next cue, too). And the cue after the commercial break.^(parts of both) 33:53 in.^ 40:03 in.^ Out-of-context quote... "I never know whether I'm seeing a head or a behind." "Target: Miss World" By: John E. Davis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RXx2gm_ZIw Highlights: 1:01 in.^(until dialogue) 4:08 in.^ 7:01 in.^ 14:47 in.^ 17:37 in.^ 18:22 in. 26:35 in. 31:07 in. 33:52 in. 38:14 in.^(parts) Guest-starring Casey Kasem. For the guys here: 24:04 in. You're welcome. "The Monster" By: Ken Harrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjeuyD-RS-U Highlights: 3:05 in. Joining a cue already in progress for two minutes of car chase music. 14:54 in.^ 24:02 in. 25:52 in.^ 32:10 in. 33:36 in. 36:38 in.^(parts) 39:55 in. And the cue after the commercial break. "Waltz of Death" By: John E. Davis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ndLV5LeDIY Highlights: 7:06 in. Mixed so low it could pass for source music. 11:27 in. 17:37 in.^(and short closing) 20:44 in. Joining a cue already in progress.^ 24:29 in.^ 32:17 in.^ 35:42 in. Over six minutes of mostly action material. And the cue after the commercial break.^
Continuing SEASON 2:
"Houston is Dead" By: John E. Davis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc157VydySo Highlights: 1:01 in.^(parts) 10:19 in. 14:13 in. 15:47 in. 22:04 in. 33:47 in.^ Guest-starring Jonathan Banks. You know, I've seen a lot of TV series episodes and there has been a lot of close-calls for main characters, usually just a gunshot they live from or a car accident that wasn't that bad. Can't say I recall seeing a main character, the lead of a show, get fired upon at close range before. And no cut away! For the guys here: 43:05 in. You're welcome. Man, wish she was in your arms right now, huh? "Criss-Cross" By: Ken Harrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxBCQ3PbwiE Highlights: 1:01 in.^ 3:15 in. 10:39 in.^ 13:10 in. 14:19 in. 18:20 in.^ 20:17 in.^ 23:50 in.^ 26:18 in. 33:28 in. 35:19 in. and.^(EDIT) "The Bikini Murders" By: Ken Harrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QOFPk6p1Us Highlights: 0:58 in. 5:36 in. The bikini modeling show source music. Oh yes, guys, you'll want to watch this.^ 16:38 in. 26:17 in. 30:07 in. Playful cue.^ 35:49 in. 37:01 in.^(37:40) 39:03 in.^ 40:18 in.^ 45:35 in.^(closing) For the guys here: 14:27 in. OH, you're so welcome. Over two minutes... "Death Match" By: John E. Davis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ewkftGFciI Highlights: 0:59 in. Including some loose "Jaws" parody material.^ 4:38 in. 11:48 in.^ 17:07 in. 19:18 in.^ 22:28 in. Including romantic material sometimes bordering on lush material. 24:23 in.* 27:21 in.^ 32:32 in. 33:34 in. 35:16 in. There's a lull of a few seconds, then the cue picks back up where it left off. Nearly seven minutes long.^(parts) 42:37 in.^ Guest-starring Dana Elcar, who once again plays an authority figure. * = LOL, what? She didn't hear that from out there, so that means she came in for no reason, asking him what he was acting, and then left. Special note about actress Ella Raines. She came out of retirement -- not having done anything for about twenty-eight years -- to do this episode, then finally ended her career permanently. She died about four years later in 1988.
Finishing SEASON 2:
Finishing all the episodes that were currently available. NO LOADS FOUND. "Blood Ties" By: ????? "The Secret Admirer" By: ????? "Cash and Carry" By: John E. Davis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7itmRyCMO4 Highlights: 1:00 in.^ 4:36 in. 11:21 in.^ 13:29 in. 15:46 in. 20:05 in. 26:41 in.^ 29:47 in.^(30:03) 30:57 in.^ 31:59 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 36:55 in.^(part) 42:15 in. "On the Run" By: Ken Harrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0dj_6wQlZY Highlights: 0:57 in.^ 5:57 in. 7:48 in.^ 10:27 in.^ 19:18 in.^ 20:52 in. 23:16 in. 27:11 in.^(parts) 30:00 in. 33:29 in. 36:03 in. Stops for three or four seconds, then continues.^(36:59) 38:57 in. 40:45 in.^ 42:25 in. (NtM: 34:42)
"Wanted Man" By: Ken Harrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DryH1eenH2Q Highlights: 3:02 in. Over five minutes of action music.^ 10:32 in. 13:44 in. Also featuring the MacGyver" Jeep Travel Music, just not with the secondary "MacGyver" theme playing over it. 20:19 in. 22:05 in. 24:45 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(small parts) 29:27 in. 31:35 in. 33:45 in.^ 37:15 in.^ 38:27 in. And the end credits, which is an instrumental arrangement of the When You Wish Upon a Star song.^(both) Barnaby Jones Knock-Off: "Yes, I know I'm a pain in the britches, but I'm your pain in the britches." NO LOAD FOUND. "Vanished" By: John E. Davis "Eyewitness" By: Ken Harrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TiPlt44Ja0 Highlights: 1:11 in.^ 6:13 in. 8:32 in. 10:40 in. Including a little bit of that "MacGyver" Jeep Travel Music.^(11:50) 21:30 in. 22:55 in.^ 24:59 in. 29:22 in.^(parts) 34:28 in. 36:48 in. 38:18 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(first) 37:50 in: the exchange between Houston and the Barnaby Jones-knockoff is very amusing. "Apostle of Death" By: John E. Davis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oN28ZYZzA_s (the audio isn't so great; the right channel goes out sometimes) Highlights: 1:19 in.^ 8:18 in. 11:01 in. 15:00 in. 18:20 in. 20:32 in. 23:36 in. 27:31 in. 29:37 in. 32:25 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(second) 35:21 in.^ 41:21 in. (NtM: 9:31) "Caged" By: Artie Kane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aWAt_fO3Hw Part 1: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6g4xcx Part 2: NO LOAD Highlights: 1:19 in.^(3:20) 6:12 in. 11:55 in. 14:22 in. 16:53 in. 19:04 in.^ 20:50 in.^(opening/23:22) 25:20 in. Including exciting car chase music for most of the cue.^ 28:33 in.^ 30:47 in. 33:11 in. 36:36 in.^ 37:48 in.^(parts) 43:00 in.^ "It's a long walk back to town." Houston: "It'll be a lot longer without knees," fires at the ground near them.
Continuing SEASON 3:
I'm really glad I took a chance on the show. So much fun hearing all these scores and you know what? The show looks like good fun too. "Escape from Nam: Part 2" By: Ken Harrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GijUiXoPx_M Highlights: 1:10 in.^(parts) 6:08 in.^ 8:43 in.^ 9:41 in. 14:07 in. About 17:20 in. Joining a cue already in progress. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 19:18 in.^ 24:26 in. 30:30 in.^(parts) 37:27 in.^(parts) 42:42 in.^ 44:14 in. "The High Fashion Murders" By: Mundell Lowe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FD9Y2nh445A This is presumably the only effort by Lowe for the series. Highlights: 1:19 in. 7:06 in. 8:55 in.^ 10:39 in. 12:17 in. 17:48 in. 22:27 in.^ 24:31 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 27:56 in. 29:49 in.^ 31:44 in. 38:26 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 42:28 in. Matt: "Come on, uncle Roy, all these women are in their early twenties." Roy: "I noticed." "Death Stalk" By: Ken Harrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbRO2olyBuc Highlights: 2:37 in.^ 4:15 in. 6:47 in.^ 11:10 in.^ 13:17 in.^ 20:05 in.^(parts) 24:41 in. 25:53 in.^ 28:17 in.^ 30:57 in. 35:34 in. NO LOAD FOUND. "Blood Money" By: ????? "Deadly Games" By: John E. Davis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcRNVbI6N8o Highlights: 1:20 in.^ 6:16 in. 10:18 in. 14:17 in.^ 23:09 in. Over four minutes of action chase music.^ 28:51 in. 37:46 in. About three minutes of action chase music.^ 41:11 in. 43:04 in. (NtM: 22:06)
Continuing SEASON 3:
"Stolen" By: Ken Harrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwgFBjSpjk0 Highlights: 1:20 in.^ 3:07 in.^ 17:50 in.^ 22:03 in.^(23:53) 25:08 in.^(parts/28:02) 29:45 in.^ 30:23 in.^ 31:59 in. 33:03 in.^(part) 35:39 in. And the cue after the commercial break. 40:06 in.^ Barnaby Jones Knock-off: "Don't start with me, Matlock. I'm told you were resuced by a trio of ten years olds on bicycle." NO LOAD FOUND. "The Nightmare Man" By: ????? "Breakpoint" By: Duane Tatro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDqQ2waO5SI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnWLI4IVHV4 Highlights: 1:16 in.^ 3:15 in.^ 4:27 in. 5:46 in.^(7:50) 11:57 in.^ 12:46 in. 13:24 in. Continues after the commercial break. 17:36 in.^ 20:30 in. 21:47 in.^(parts) 30:41 in. 38:47 in. 41:32 in. 42:56 in. Sooooo ..... where's the poop corner? That roof doesn't have a bathroom. He's going some place. Houston stayed there with him for hours, so he had to go somewhere, too. Yeah, I got to be that guy. Serious episode, but where's the poop corner? "Death Trap" By: Ken Harrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrkXjno3g_U Highlights: 1:18 in.^ 5:42 in.^ 6:53 in.^ * 11:36 in. 15:04 in. 16:39 in. 18:42 in.^ 22:18 in. 24:37 in. 28:08 in.^(29:07) 30:31 in.^ 33:17/34:55 in.^(parts, both) 36:28 in. 38:41 in. 41:21 in. * = Oh, the car has dramatic timing. It waited until it came to a rest to explode. Special note to the acting of the late Scatman Crothers, who died a year later. Even though he had lung cancer and it must have been tough on him, between this and his death, it appears he was working full time. He died in his sleep. Lee Horsley firing that rifle and yelling "On the ground!" is full of win. It's a shame he never quite became a bigger name. After seeing so much of this show now, I put him up there with Selleck and Garner. NO LOADS FOUND. Composer credits need verification. "The Honeymoon Murders" By: Ben Lanzarone "The Beach Club Murders" By: John E. Davis
Continuing SEASON 3:
"New Orleans Nightmare" By: Duane Tatro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cq5_n7JtVJ0 This is Highlights: 13:46 in. 19:15 in. 24:00 in. 32:41 in. 36:41 in. 39:37 in. 41:13 in. "Follow that car." Cabbie: "I've been waitin' twenty years for somebody to say that." (Not the first time I've heard this exchange in a TV series!) "Company Secrets" By: John E. Davis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nj4ZHe1ipEI No, it's not your computer or your internet connection; the episode load is hiccup ridden. Highlights: 1:19 in.^ 4:10 in.^(4:30) 9:07 in.^ 9:38 in. 11:10 in. 15:08 in.^ 21:49 in.^ 29:06 in.^ 31:04 in. What the theme music to "Dynasty" would sound like it it took place long after the series, in a rest home.^ 32:33 in. 37:01 in.^ 38:52 in. "Killing Time" By: Ken Harrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKWOlIvIYfk Highlights: 4:24 in. Some more brief "MacGyver" Jeep Travel Music with the "Matt Houston" theme over it.^ 5:55 in.^ 12:23 in. Some more "MacGyver" Jeep Travel Music with the "Matt Houston" theme over it.^ 15:25 in. 17:25 in. 22:15 in.^ About 27:10 in. The opening is mixed so low, it's hard to tell where it begins. 29:30 in. 31:52 in. 35:49 in.^ 39:07 in. 42:34 in. Hey, there's an actor named Richard Band.