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 Posted:   Feb 26, 2021 - 6:56 AM   
 By:   Stephen Woolston   (Member)

Hi all,

The previous series of meetings has started running out, so I have CANCELLED the last couple and booked a NEW series of meetings.

What's changed?

I've simplified the schedule. It now alternates. One week Sunday, one week Saturday. It's easier.

I've also put the Sunday meetings to start 30 minutes earlier, at 7.30pm UK time, for those poor Brits like me who have to work on Monday morning.

Your action

You must register for the new series of meetings if you want to come.

The links

For the Sunday series of meetings starting this weekend:

For the Saturday series of meetings:


 Posted:   Feb 26, 2021 - 7:06 AM   
 By:   Bill Carson, Earl of Poncey   (Member)

Good plan.

 Posted:   Feb 26, 2021 - 7:45 AM   
 By:   Howard L   (Member)

I've also put the Sunday meetings to start 30 minutes earlier, at 7.30pm UK time, for those poor Brits like me who have to work on Monday morning.

Hey Les, George--now we can end at 3:30am instead of 4 nyuk nyuk nyuk!

 Posted:   Feb 26, 2021 - 11:46 PM   
 By:   Bill Carson, Earl of Poncey   (Member)

Howard my friend, whats the update? You ok mr Lemmon? you was worried after your coworker's test?

 Posted:   Feb 27, 2021 - 12:01 AM   
 By:   Bond1965   (Member)

Howard my friend, whats the update? You ok mr Lemmon? you was worried after your coworker's test?

Last I heard it's all good.

 Posted:   Feb 27, 2021 - 12:18 AM   
 By:   Bill Carson, Earl of Poncey   (Member)

Thanks James

 Posted:   Feb 27, 2021 - 9:25 AM   
 By:   OnyaBirri   (Member)

With the days alternating, I will be able to participate in more of the Saturday chats, meaning that most of you will probably opt for Sunday. wink

 Posted:   Feb 27, 2021 - 12:13 PM   
 By:   Howard L   (Member)

She tested negative Tues. past but #2 son positive. Fourteen days quarantine for that family. I should be completely in the clear after Thursday (4 March). Muchas gracias for asking.

 Posted:   Feb 27, 2021 - 12:36 PM   
 By:   Bill Carson, Earl of Poncey   (Member)

Glad its ok howard, hope stays that way.

 Posted:   Feb 28, 2021 - 9:42 AM   
 By:   Bill Carson, Earl of Poncey   (Member)

 Posted:   Mar 1, 2021 - 5:56 AM   
 By:   Howard L   (Member)

Re last evening's session: Sometimes you get more than you bargained for. This was one of those times. Wow. Great way to start the new round. Cheers.

 Posted:   Mar 1, 2021 - 6:16 AM   
 By:   George Flaxman   (Member)

Re last evening's session: Sometimes you get more than you bargained for. This was one of those times. Wow. Great way to start the new round. Cheers.

Amazing that BillPhil spoke at length about Star Wars.

 Posted:   Mar 1, 2021 - 9:41 AM   
 By:   Bill Carson, Earl of Poncey   (Member)

Yeah but it wasnt as gory as the Texas chainsaw massacre!

 Posted:   Mar 6, 2021 - 1:17 AM   
 By:   Bill Carson, Earl of Poncey   (Member)

 Posted:   Mar 6, 2021 - 9:58 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

I might be able to join tonight for an hour or two. Don't be offended if I suddenly disappear. It has to do with various evening issues over here. I barely said a single word the last time; it's kinda the mode I get into sometimes.

 Posted:   Mar 6, 2021 - 9:58 AM   
 By:   OnyaBirri   (Member)

How late do these usually go? I won't be able to join today until the late-ish side, if at all.

Do you Yanks continue chatting after the Brits have gone to bed?

 Posted:   Mar 6, 2021 - 11:12 AM   
 By:   Bill Carson, Earl of Poncey   (Member)

It all depends on Howard Lemmon's bike ride, George's neighbour and if Les has to get up for shopping! big grin

The diehards have been known to go on till Tuesday.

 Posted:   Mar 6, 2021 - 11:15 AM   
 By:   Bill Carson, Earl of Poncey   (Member)

Btw Onya, for your Psycho one-liner, you win Bill Carson's sarcastic post of the month award.

The prize is a copy of the Dr Seuss books! big grin

 Posted:   Mar 6, 2021 - 11:16 AM   
 By:   OnyaBirri   (Member)

Btw Onya, for your Psycho one-liner, you win Bill Carson's sarcastic post of the month award.

Refresh me - I don't remember which line you're referring to.

 Posted:   Mar 6, 2021 - 11:22 AM   
 By:   Bond1965   (Member)

It all depends on Howard Lemmon's bike ride, George's neighbour and if Les has to get up for shopping! big grin

The diehards have been known to go on till Tuesday.

That's when you have the reins Bill.

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