Continuing SEASON 1:
"Death Before Dishonor" By: Bernard Herrmann (and conducted by) Music Supervisor: Lud Gluskin https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6c9ojx Alternative link #1: https://www.solie.org/embed/RichardBooneShow_118DeathBeforeDishonor.html Alternative link #2: https://archive.org/embed/the.-richard.-boone.-show.-s-01/The.Richard.Boone.Show.S01E18.Death.by.Dishonor.avi Highlights: 0:37 in.^ 5:33 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^ 9:58 in.^ 12:49 in. 28:17 in. 41:59 in. 47:17 in. A two-sided private LP can be found, though obscure, called: "The T.V. Music of Bernard Herrmann" (CSR-301) Side A contains the complete score to the episode "The Last Grave Socorro Creek" from "The Virginian". Side B contains cues from two episodes of this series that he scored: this one and the below episode "A Tough Man to Kill" (as well as Mancini's theme music). Another LP with no specific title, contains the same two episodes and also cues from "Statement of Fact", as well as the "Gunsmoke" episode score "Harriet". I do not have a copy of either, otherwise I'd have suites up for all three episodes already.
Continuing SEASON 1:
"A Tough Man to Kill" By: Bernard Herrmann (and conducted by) Music Supervisor: Lud Gluskin https://archive.org/embed/the.-richard.-boone.-show.-s-01/The.Richard.Boone.Show.S01E19.A.Tough.Man.To.Kill.avi This is the final effort by Herrmann for the series. Highlights: 0:39 in.^ 4:09 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(second) 6:18 in. 14:18 in.^ 16:56 in.^ 19:16 in. 28:34 in. 32:28 in. 35:11 in.^ 36:34 in. Brass ostinatos and some timpani for a fine action cue.^ 39:16/40:45/42:38 in. An instance where scoring is unmistakably by the composer.^(first two) 48:07 in. One of the series' best episode scores. The entire score should be released. I had problems playing this load. It would error and say it could not be played, so I would have to click on it, wait for it to load again, then click back to where I was, repeatedly. Maybe you'll have better luck.
Continuing SEASON 1:
Tomorrow I conclude the series. "All the Blood of Yesterday" TRACK JOB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGl8pQT53Cs Alternative link #1: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6c9mfz Alternative link #2: https://www.solie.org/embed/RichardBooneShow_124AlltheBloodofYesterday.html Alternative link #3: https://archive.org/embed/the.-richard.-boone.-show.-s-01/The.Richard.Boone.Show.S01E24.All.the.Blood.of.Yesterday.avi Musical Supervision: Lud Gluskin Music Coordinator: Joel Davis (Score: 2:12, 3:46, 14:42, 16:47, 19:45, 24:57, 26:17, 27:15, 33:48, 38:57, 40:14, 42:29, and 47:51.)