"The story concerns mercury poisoning that is mutating wildlife in a remote area of Maine—resulting in a marauding bear that somewhat resembles a giant baby, a pepperoni pizza and a herpe."
On nooooooo! I mean oh yesssss! But ohhh noooooooo as in just purchased Black Sunday, and Players... and now THIS!
What a week! Talk about being spoiled this year and it's only February! THANK YOU to everyone concerned! Going to have to be strict about ordering this and wait a month - killer Fingers crossed will still be some left by then! Never heard the score, or seen the film for that matter, but I adore the Lord of the Rings Score and imagine this is similar?
Hopefully we'll see expanded versions of Robo2 and Star Trek IV in due course - two scores I really cannot get enough of.
Perfect! Ordered! After "Hellfighters", here comes another fine Rosenman! That is the second score from a John Frankenheimer film done by FSM in 2010. 2010 continues to be at the top level. FSM has a deal with Paramount: "Islands in the Stream", "Black Sunday", "Prophecy".