http://forums.ffshrine.org/f92/star-trek-next-generation-ron-jones-project-81554/ I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAY. I have always known there were piraters out there but this takes the cake. Check it out, you'll see what I mean. It is devastating. I hope everyone who reads this who appreciates what we do at FSM, and buys our CDs, goes over to the Final Fantasy boards and STARTS FLAME WARS WITH THEM. RIGHT NOW. It's the only way to stop the stealing and to keep me doing my label. (We try to send cease-and-desist emails to the ISPs but it's whack a mole.) The only thing that is going to work is if you, the public, puts social pressure on these thieves to STOP. I killed myself to do the TNG box set, it's not even making its money back, and now I see why. If this doesn't change, I QUIT. FOR REAL!!! Lukas
impossible to go to this link??? what's the problem ? : free download of THE RON JONES PROJECT on this board ? crazy understand your wrath LUKAS!
I have devoted most of my adult life to FSM and this is the most devastated I have ever felt. I expect people to have my back or I'm done. Sorry but that's how I feel! Lukas
Please register at Final Fantasy and tell them they are singlehandedly destroying the thing they love. We are going to try to shut down their servers legally but since we've tried to do that before, I am dubious it will work. Lukas
We financially can't survive if half of our potential customers are now simply stealing the product. It means that those of you DO pay are supporting the rest, too. We are HOSED unless something changes. Lukas
I've posted. Come on guys, stand behind us.