Continuing SEASON 2:
"The Hit" By: Richard Shores https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShzUnoBmsYA Highlights: 12:35 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 27:02 in. 37:31 in. The restaurant source music. And the score cue that immediately follows it (re-uses the plucked strings idea Stevens did in an early season one episode). 15:42 in: more of that Immel cues tracked into yet another episode. Granted it's an edgy cool cue, but it's hard for other composes to come up with something that can also be tracked if you don't give them a chance. 20:49 in: Yet more tracked Immel score. Then afterwards, they track more of that same above cue! 46:42 in: And a third time that Immel cues is edited up into the episode. Half the episode score is a track job of Immel alone. "Silence" By: Richard Shores https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxq-i346DQQ Highlights: 2:44 in. 8:26 in. 47:16 in. Unfortunately, I think over half this is tracked Stevens score from one of the early season one episodes. And yup -- there's that whimsical closing cue again! 0:00 in: There's that Immel cue again. 13:07: And yet again the Immel cue. Something else is edited onto the end, but it doesn't sound familiar. 5:27 in: tracked score; I think Stevens work. 45:10 in: Another tracked cue. Don't recall which composer. "Music by" was not accurate at all. A more accurate credit would have been: "Some Original Music by". "Incident Near a Black and White" By: Richard Shores https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bICoHm6LCJU Highlights: 3:55 in. This might be tracked (Stevens or Immel). 24:38 in.^ 46:32 in. Sounds like this was inspired by Immel (unless it is a cue by him that I am just not recognizing off hand). And there's that whimsical closing cue again, this time with an opening bit I don't recall hearing before. 1:31 in: Pretty sure that's tracked from season one and a Stevens effort. " The Melting Point of Ice" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bF6Nyx-Ibu8 Highlights: 1:30 in. Sounds familiar; might be tracked Immel score (it's got that sound). Pauses for like three seconds.^ 5:19 in. 10:22 in. 43:32 in.^ 45:50 in. Some of this this is tracked Stevens score.^ Yup, you guessed it -- the whimsical closing cue strikes again! This cue is surely going to make a list of the most tracked cues in an episode of any TV series. 33:06 in: Tracked. The climax car chase is also all tracked, best I can tell. "The Pawn Shop" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bll113IkcLA Highlights: 3:16 in.^(parts) 18:06 in. 27:51 in. 47:22 in. I don't know if this is tracked or not (doesn't sounds familiar); up to the noted start time, it was all tracked Immel. Oh yes, why end an episode without that whimsical closing cue? Said every producer on that show, all the time Guest-starring Joan Collins. 4:58 in: more tracked Immel score. Immel did one or two episodes with these cues that keep tracking in and the producers apparently went bonkers over them. Granted, it's good stuff, but damn -- does it have to be tracked into nearly every single episode since then? 45:59 in: tracked in again. One thing is for sure, tracking it so often will help me do a patch work job where I can end up with the best nearly SFX free cues I can get.
Concluding SEASON 2:
And this batch has me finishing all the credited scores of season two. "Angela" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qM6JR5OmHsA Highlights: 1:29 in.^ 3:56 in.^(parts: opening/6:52) 16:38 in. 17:27 in.^ 20:56 in. 47:19 in: That classical music, right? "Wednesday's Child" By: Richard Shores https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkZDHjdaMOU Highlights: 5:49 in.^(parts) 8:13 in.^ 14:01 in. About 20:30 in. 27:49 in.^ 36:35 in. 38:39 in. 45:07 in. Somewhere after 46:00 in, it cuts to tracked Immel score. About 48:50 in the original scor9ng picks back up. I think highlights one, two, and six might be tracked. For the guys here: 21:14 in. You're welcome. "Generation of Evil" By: Jerrold Immel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyQhO-JkWtY Highlights: 8:57 in. 21:56 in. 26:48 in. The disco-ish source music. Oh, and guys, if you don't mind seeing hot girls dancing around in tight skimpy clothing, this viewing is for you...^ 32:37 in.^(parts) 48:05 in. 2:29 in: tracked scoring. I can't say off hand who the composer is, though I'm leaning toward Stevens. 14:48 in: tracked. 44:21 in: tracked. "Double Image" By: Richard Shores https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7L6gi-XhM8 Highlights: Around 14:00 in. The disco source music that starts somewhere around that time. I'm not doubling back to find a precise time. And the score cue that immediately follows it; got some cool action music (that'll probably get tracked like crazy now, too). 29:08 in. 33:13 in.^ 35:28 in. 0:00 in: tracked. 3:00 in: There's that tracked Immel cue again! 30:21/32:42 in: tracked scoring bits. 35:20/35:38 in: tracked. 44:32 in: tracked Immel once again. 49:15 in: I expected her to start rambling about "large grains of salt"... "Mother Love" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yJF-g86iS0 Highlights: 5:52 in. 34:52 in.^ For the guys here: 6:30 in... 0:00 in: tracked. 16:30 in: pretty sure that's tracked. 29:19 in: tracked. 29:35 in: tracked. I think this is Stevens though. 36:17 in: tracked Immel. 40:47 in: there's that Immel cue tracked again. About 46:50 it switches to score I don't readily recognize.
Continuing SEASON 3:
I missed a bunch of episodes in season three, but as usual I am breaking it down to five or six at a time. "Tender Soldier" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzmq3aWES8U Highlights: 13:22 in. I'd be surprised if there is any original scoring in the episode, despite what the credit reads. 1:31 in: tracked. About half-way in I think it switches to Immel. 13:32 in: tracked Stevens score; parts of two different cues, it sounds like, unless Steven made a cue very similar to prior works (which I can't rule out). 17:00 in: sounds like tracked Stevens score. 21:10 in: tracked Stevens score. 34:09 in: tracked Stevens score. 44:37 in: more tracked Stevens score. 47:30 in: Two different cues edited up and tracked in. "The Lifeline Agency" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-RFmMKlqCE Highlights: 1:30 in. 20:22 in.^ 23:19 in. 37:24 in.^ 45:55 in. 49:10 in. 0:00 in: tracked score. 25:44 in: tracked score. 34:16 in: tracked Stevens score. 47:56 in: tracked Stevens score. "Tennis Bum" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAYUX-jWISs Highlights: 1:32 in. 23:12 in. 31:37 in. 47:35 in. On a set of season three scoring, I'm not sure I'd include any of this. 45:07 in: tracked. Bill: "Sixty-four cents for two coffees???" "Bait" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuJO4wn93No Highlights: 1:31 in. 9:16 in. 13:38 in. 39:04 in. Joining a cue already in progress. I'm not sure how much, if anything I'd include from this on a set of season four scoring. I'm not even sure, quite frankly, if there is any original material. For the guys here: 19:36 in. You're welcome. 23:50 in: tracked. 35:21 in: tracked. "Father to the Man" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4w8ISY2NtQ Highlights: 14:18 in.^ 19:27 in. The source music.^(19:50) 36:31 in. 1:31 in: tracked. 7:53 in: tracked. 25:32 in: tracked. 27:24 in: tracked. Two cues edited up and combined. 40:58 in: pretty sure this is all tracked Immel scoring.
Continuing SEASON 3:
"Once A Snitch" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syg55ez6jYM Highlights: 1:31 in.^ 31:48 in. 49:23 in.^ 14:13 in: tracked Immel. Maybe something else edited onto it. 28:07 in: tracked Stevens. About 44:40 in: tracked Immel. "Night of the Full Moon" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-bZEPpixbw Highlights: 1:31 in.^ 14:13 in. 17:29 in. 25:18 in. and.^(both) 27:15 in.^ 37:25 in.^ 40:27 in.^ (NtM: 49:19) Was I supposed to be fooled for a New York second that was ever a woman? 0:00 in: tracked. "Banker's Hours" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ivxacj5bDmQ Highlights: 1:31 in. 7:55 in.^ 14:17 in.^ 27:47 in.^ 31:32 in.^ 42:30 in. Return of the Whimsical Closing Cue. Just when you thought it was safe to listen to the closing again... (NtM: 19:00) About 23:20 in: tracked. 35:50 in: tracked Immel. Something else is edited onto it. "The Disco Killer" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrQNf_fo9h8 (NEW link as of July 26, 2021) Here's to hoping for a lot of disco scoring and disco source cues... Highlights: 47:43 in.^ Honestly, I'm not sure any of the cues I didn't note as being tracked, aren't also tracked. I can't say for certain there is any original scoring in this episode. And there was ZERO disco!!! And the whimsical closing cue strikes again! 0:00 in: tracked. 7:54 in: tracked. For the guys here: 11:07 in. You're welcome. 23:37 in: two different cues edited up and tracked. 42:42 in: tracked. Pretty sure it's Stevens. "Shark" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7VmIt3x87M Highlights: 22:27 in. 30:40 in. I can't even say with any certainly the two cues I cited are even original. I doubt there was any original scoring in the episode. 0:00 in: tracked. 1:31 in: tracked. Without doing a direct comparison, I think there might also be some Markowitz here, too. 8:51 in: tracked Immel. 16:20 in: tracked. 33:24 in: an edit job of tracked cues. 35:55 in: tracked. 42:38 in: tracked. All scoring in the episode from this point onward is tracked, including the closing whimsical cue.
Concluding SEASON 3:
"Bondage" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uN03xF1oRc4 (NEW link as of July 26, 2021) Highlights: 24:54 in. 30:07 in. 44:18 in. Now that is some funky source music that kicks ass.^ 45:28 in. I don't think that opening part is tracked, I think it's just very very similar to another cue Stevens did in season one. The whimsical closing cue that just wouldn't go away. 33:28 in: tracked. "Silky Chamberlain" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAD6WnqP8o0 Highlights: 38:15 in. On a set of season three scoring, I'd skip this episode score. And, of course, the whimsical closing cue strikes again. 12:08 in: I like that shot of the sun. 0:00 in: tracked Stevens score. 45:09 in: tracked. For the guys here: 40:34 in. You're welcome. "Deadline: Death" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsSA_VcKxoo Highlights: 22:52 in. 37:31 in. 47:45 in. 0:00 in: tracked. 3:08 in: tracked. 14: 25 in: tracked. About 27:00 in: tracked. I don't know if the opening and closing part of the music is also tracked. I think this is Romanis. 42:14 in: tracked. I think the part when the kid is walking into the church, may be Markowitz. Pepper: "You wouldn't believe what goes on in San Francisco."
Continuing SEASON 4:
"Screams" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYYPaBYLnJI Highlights: 20:25 in. The music playing from the radio. 32:03 in. 35:22 in. 43:59 in. About 47:45 in it switches to tracked score.^ 48:36 in. Stevens cue with what is happening on screen, creates one highly effective disturbing ending to the episode.^ 1:32 in: tracked. "Ambition" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNFctjUpRBk Highlights: 8:47 in.^ 33:46 in. And the whimsical closing cue strikes again. I want to go back to hte previous episode with that disturbing ending, and tracked the whimsical closing cue over it. 1:32 in: tracked. 14:06 in: tracked. 42:27 in: tracked. Out-of-context quote... Bill: "Why is it I always get stuck with the eager beavers?" " Blind Terror" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRv4fbai8ws Highlights: 14:44 in. 22:13 in. The ending it tracked.^(parts) 24:59 in.^ 29:02 in. About 37:14 in. And the cue after the commercial break (about 39:20 in it sounds like it's tracked).^(both: parts) Just noticed -- no idea how long it's been going on since it didn't start out this way -- but Stevens is getting not only billing before the cast, but he gets the FIRST one! 1:32 in: tracked. 8:58 in: tracked. The second cue I think is tracked, too. "Tigress" By: Morton Stevens https://ok.ru/video/7145505229315 Highlights: 34:45 in. 43:52 in. Sure! Why not toss the whimsical closing cue onto the end, too. 27:15 in: I like that exchange about "swank". 4:55 in: tracked. 22:55 in: tracked. And the cue after the commercial break is also tracked. "Sunset" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAgIpJo1uaU (NEW link as of July 26, 2021) Highlights: 12:59 in. Some light soft romantic material. 17:34 in. Almost sounds like something snatched out of Goldsmith's trashcan.^ 25:48 in. 31:50 in. 37:52 in.^ 39:03 in.^ 42:16 in. 46:32 in. This touching sad scene is interrupted by: airplane porn. Yeah, gotta have that 'plane porn right then.
Continuing SEASON 4:
"The Human Rights of Tiki Kim" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP1C1f4YWD0 Highlights: 3:37 in.^(4:47) 28:06 in. 43:25 in. I can't readily say anything is tracked, but I could be wrong. Yup, whimsical closing cue. Can't end an episode without that cue. "Sixth Sense" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcK-Zo4EW_Q Highlights: 0:00 in. 1:32 in. Brief yummy bit of side boob. 7:00 in.^ 13:18 in. 15:32 in.^ 45:05 in. This is interesting; it sounds like Stevens took an Immel cue and re-recorded it and beefed it up with some percussion and his own personal touches.^ For the guys here: 34:08 in. You're welcome. "Sons" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWTmUdtwMCI Highlights: 12:29 in. 44:24 in. Joining a cue already in progress. 39:55 in: tracked For the guys here: 4:14 in. You're welcome. "Murder With Pretty People" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0MHJ3Hlwdc (NEW link as of July 26, 2021) Highlights: 36:27 in. Short Rosenman tone pyramid outtro.^ 48:46 in. Short Hawaiian-flavored outtro cue. For the guys here: 15:50 in. You're welcome. And 33:08 in. 36:37 in: tracked. Boy, they sure loved to track this one almost as much as Immel.
Finishing SEASON 4:
And this batch has me finishing season four totally; no episodes missed. "Battered Teachers" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yvZ_aKX68A Highlights: Nothing. I'm not sure there's even any original scoring in the episode. 1:32 in: I think that's all tracked. 14:41 in: tracked. 30:36 in: tracked. And so is the cue after the commercial break. 36:22 in: tracked. And so is the cue after the commercial break. 41:39 in: tracked. I think it's all Immel, including that one I think Stevens arranged (as mentioned a few episodes prior). "A Shadow On The Sea" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GSjri2qRWs Highlights: 1:31 in.^ And marked your Whimsical Closing Cue bingo card. 2:55 in: all tracked. 20:45 in: tracked. 25:50 in: I think it's all tracked. 29:29 in: tracked. 40:13 in: tracked. And so is the cue after the commercial break. 43:13 in: tracked. "Sweet Kathleen" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnSM1CnQWdY Highlights: 20:12 in. 42:14 in.^ Whimsical closing cue returns. I can't necessarily say there was any original scoring. 4:02 in to 8:05 in: all tracked. 8:15 in: all tracked. 15:07 in: tracked. 24:59 in: tracked. 35:51 in: all tracked. "Flip of a Coin" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXARXzvWVcE Highlights: 39:29 in.^ 48:15 in. Despite what the credit reads, I'm not certain there is any original scoring in the episode. 0:00 in: tracked. 1:30 in: tracked. 3:02 in: tracked. 7:10 in: pretty sure that's tracked. 10:18 in: tracked. 32:34 in: tracked. 37:06 in: all tracked. About 45:05 in: all tracked. "Good Old Uncle Ben" (series finale) By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ2zgYjvgDc Highlights: 14:18 in. 21:47 in. 24:57 in. 39:33 in. 42:57 in.^ 45:45 in.^ 1:32 in: tracked. 5:11 in: tracked. 10:45 in: tracked.
Continuing SEASON 1:
Doubling back to one of the two or three episodes I couldn't do before. "Smack" By: Richard Shores https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcnRuLGfdnk Highlights: 37:56 in. Despite what the credit reads, I don't think there's any original scoring in the episode. Guest-starring The Shat. For the guys here: 5:21 in. You're welcome. 1:31 in: tracked. 11:30 to commercial break: tracked. 15:33 in: I think it's all tracked. 27:15 in: tracked. Used in three or four episodes, including "Shoefly". 34:00 in: tracked. 36:25 in: tracked. 43:07 in: tracked. I have no idea about the material before it. I assume it's tracked, too since it's edited together. 49:14 in: tracked.
[quote=Justin Boggan]"Shadow of a Doubt" By: Richard Markowitz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCNIBL7sp7s This is the only effort for the series by Markowitz. Highlights: 1:32 in. About 5:55 in. 37:10 in. 43:25 in. That's nearly all of the score. [/quote] Only Markowitz didn't write a note of it. As many of you know, prior to the composers' strike of 1980 (over-shadowed, as it were, by the legendary actors' strike that same long, hot year) stock score TV episodes often contained musical cues from multiple composers with only one of their names slapped on the end credits -- either due to contract billing issues or just luck-of-the-draw. Markowitz didn't compose a single cue for POLICE WOMAN ever, let alone this specific episode -- although he did compose scores for the parent series, POLICE STORY... So why does he take, or receive, a credit for POLICE WOMAN's "Shadow of a Doubt" installment? Who knows? Maybe it was a contract certain-number-of-screen-credits issue with Columbia TV. Or perhaps a mistake... These things could get very sloppy back in the day. But given how long Markowitz was denied credit for WILD, WILD WEST, he's earned a freebie or two. Hopefully he was compensated. In the Season 2 POLICE WOMAN episode, "Double Image" (with guest star Catherine Burns) where Richard Shores (one of my all-time favorites) is given a "Music by" screen credit, not a single cue used was by Shores... But at least Shores actually composed three original scores for POLICE WOMAN ("Smack," "Target Black" -- which were heavily tracked throughout the last half of Season 1, arguably the best or most consistent era of the show, and "Brain Wash" from Season 3 and even that was supplemented with stock cues from other composers). So this stuff got awfully messy, credit-wise.
See also Lalo Schifrin getting an Emmy nomination for scoring the Mission: Impossible episode "The Seal"... which was heavily tracked! OMG -- seriously??
Posted: |
Dec 2, 2023 - 7:02 AM
By: |
See also Lalo Schifrin getting an Emmy nomination for scoring the Mission: Impossible episode "The Seal"... which was heavily tracked! OMG -- seriously?? Yes, it's true. Ironically, Lalo Schifrin had no involvement with Mission: Impossible in its second season (the season including "The Seal"), probably due to commitments to Mannix and several film features: The President's Analyst, The Fox, Cool Hand Luke, Who's Minding The Mint? The little bit of original music that is heard in the episode (for Rollin's trance scenes) was, in fact, composed by Jack Urbont. Schifrin, did, however, contribute several substantial scores for subsequent season's episodes, but the people largely responsible for the music in season 2 were Walter Scharf, Gerald Fried, Jerry Fielding and Bob Drasnin.
Cedar Abbey, that was interesting information you provided about the scoring. Only registered this month but you already had a great first post. Can I ask: How did you know this information?
Just in the off chance anybody missed it, Dragon's Domain Records releases The Morton Stevens Collection: Volume2 which includes a long "Single Version" of the theme for this show (I haven't compared them, but presumably this is the same track from the obscure 2LP promo set of work from various projects by Stevens). The thread for the release: https://www.filmscoremonthly.com/board/posts.cfm?threadID=156480&forumID=1&archive=0&pageID=1&r=923#bottom Hopefully this bods well for scoring from the show also getting released sooner rather than later.