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 Posted:   Jun 4, 2024 - 11:18 AM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

What about the written (but unrecorded) score for Alligator — is that in the archive? Barring any music Horner wrote for Up from the Depths which didn’t make it into the film, it could be reconstructed by ear…


 Posted:   Jun 4, 2024 - 11:27 AM   
 By:   neumation   (Member)

What about the written (but unrecorded) score for Alligator — is that in the archive? Barring any music Horner wrote for Up from the Depths which didn’t make it into the film, it could be reconstructed by ear…


It’s not at UCLA (nor is Up from the Depths) and I’m not sure if that means the estate kept it or if they didn’t have it. I don’t think an accurate transcription could be made given the limitations in the fidelity of the film audio. A cue sheet would also be needed to pinpoint exactly what Horner wrote.

 Posted:   Jun 6, 2024 - 9:13 AM   
 By:   TruPretender   (Member)

Roger Feigelson revealed that Intrada searched and searched for a tape source on everything Horner recorded for this, to pair with their release of The Lady in Red. Alas nothing appears to have survived. So maybe it could be tacked on as a stretch goal for a future James Horner rerecording Kickstarter… maybe with Horner’s fully written but not recorded score for Alligator (1980)? (

Presumably even if tapes are lost, the Horner Estate might have all the written music still.


It would be worth asking Roger if INTRADA ever got a cue sheet for the film that might help locating what of Horner's score is in the film and where.

If the written score still exists in the Horner Archive, why not get someone to record it with a Sample Orchestra that I suspect might be better performed then the one he used.

Now a combination of this and the lost score to "Alligator" would make a rather interesting release.

I know that the anal retentive, who think using a virtual orchestra sacrilege wouldn't go for this, but I know I would.

Ford A. Thaxton

I'm on board with this as well. And yes, I would LOVE to also get Horner's written but unrecorded score for "Alligator"

 Posted:   Jun 6, 2024 - 9:39 AM   
 By:   Ford A. Thaxton   (Member)

What about the written (but unrecorded) score for Alligator — is that in the archive? Barring any music Horner wrote for Up from the Depths which didn’t make it into the film, it could be reconstructed by ear…


It’s not at UCLA (nor is Up from the Depths) and I’m not sure if that means the estate kept it or if they didn’t have it. I don’t think an accurate transcription could be made given the limitations in the fidelity of the film audio. A cue sheet would also be needed to pinpoint exactly what Horner wrote.

You'd have to check and see if that was the name of the movie when it was in productionm or it was filmed under a different title.

Ford A. Thaxton

 Posted:   Jun 7, 2024 - 12:50 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

ALLIGATOR? Never even heard of it, and here I thought I had reasonably good control of Horner's output.

 Posted:   Jun 7, 2024 - 12:57 AM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

Why would you necessarily have heard of it, if no one has heard it? All we know is he finished writing it but a strike prevented it from being recorded.


 Posted:   Jun 7, 2024 - 1:03 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

I mean I've never even heard of the TITLE in relation to Horner. Obviously, none of us have heard the actual music. I guess you learn something new every day.

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