I don't know if many fellow soundtrack album collectors realize how precious these fully remixed, exhaustively archival projects like the new Foul Play soundtrack are. You can hear that clearly in the new samples from the remixed version of "Help!" (especiially those Gilbert & Sullivan timpani). It does not surprise me to hear notice of Chris Malone's involvment on this project. So, fans of full '70s remixes, pony up for the full monty like I did and increase the odds of more in the future!
I have a question about Album Versions in general, but using Foul Play as an example. So, if Disc 1, Track 1 is “ Ready To Take A Chance Again – Main Title (Album Version)” as well as Disc 2, Track 1, is this the same exact recording just sequenced differently? Same for other tracks with identical titles? Good question, Jeff! Yes, it’s the same audio for Disc 1 Track 1 and Disc 2 Track 1 as well as Disc 1 Track 23 and Disc 2 Track 12. In this case it was a programming choice because the (previously unreleased, until now!) film versions of the “Ready to Take a Chance Again” song were mixed to mono only. We felt it would be a more cohesive listening experience to bookend Disc 1’s main presentation with the stereo album mixes instead. The booklet notes also seek to clarify this decision and why there are multiple versions of the Manilow songs. For score cues on the original soundtrack album (Disc 2), the “Love Theme” (Track 4) has partial takes that are unique to that assembly. Whilst the rest uses the same takes as the film, some are a combination of cues, shortened, or faded early. Chris
If I get a decent remastering of the single cue "Help!", that's all I'm really after with a new album of the Foul Play score. That I got "Help!" with maximum fidelity and warm analogue sound makes it that much better. When you pile on so many other cues and songs, and different edits and mixes of those songs, plus the unchopped Mikado excerpts, I can only conclude this was something of a passion project for its producers.
This one is a real feast of elaborate, expansive, fully-funded late '70s studio scoring. One of those cases of the score being a smidge better than the movie it was written for. Not so unusual in any decade, but the mid-to-late '70s are replete with movies considered classics today that wouldn't have attained that status without their music.
Posted: |
Oct 10, 2024 - 2:17 AM
By: |
Does anyone who has bought the new FOUL PLAY 2CD set have any thoughts or issues with the overall sound quality, compared with the previous two CDs? I picked this up and I am really enjoying the extra material, including the "Film Versions", but I did notice that the newly remixed audio for "Ready To Take A Chance Again", that leads off Discs 1 & 2, has a much lower volume level and sounds weaker overall, compared to the same track on the 2016 FOUL PLAY reissue CD from Varese Sarabande, which sounds much better to be honest. Generally, I'm not always a fan of remixing and prefer straight up remastering whenever possible, which will typically keep the songs or a score sounding fuller and with better tone, but remixing could sometimes make the audio sound thinner and brighter. Of course, it all depends though, as some remixes do sound better than others.
Does anyone who has bought the new FOUL PLAY 2CD set have any thoughts or issues with the overall sound quality, compared with the previous two CDs? I'd say yeah, you've got some differences in levels and mastering between all those versions of Ready to Take a Chance Again, between past album and single versions and the most recent score album versions. For me, it enables me to choose just the version of Ready that I want, while enjoying a great Chris Malone remaster of what really matters most to me, the orchestral underscore. All in all, more TLC than I ever thought would be lavished on this material and boy am I grateful for it.