Article 99 is (probably) controlled by Varese Sarabande in perpetuity. But unfortunately it may have a better chance of being expanded at this point than Sommersby, because the latter is Warner Bros. if I'm not mistaken.  Yavar
I think Warners released the film and the soundtrack, but the film was produced by Regency (formerly New Regency—odd?) and Canal+. I know some Regency titles are now part of the 20th Century Studios library, so yeah, maybe I'm just trying to keep this Danny Elfman expansion dream alive.
Sommersby is on Disney+, so I guess it's now part of Disney.
What track was written by Shirley Walker? The liner notes say track #37 Berserker’s Party which definitely has some Batman: TAS vibes, but the last page of the booklet says it’s Dance of the Berserkers which is also the name of track #24. Complicating matters is that Walker’s on-screen credit is for Charge of the Berserkers, which doesn’t correspond to any track names though the liner notes say it’s Berserker’s Party. Hi jgb, when I wrote the notes that's what the track was called. It's definitely Shirley's and one of my favorite cues (and scenes) in the film, and thrilled to finally have her NB music out (ditto her cues in La La Land's complete release of Mystery Men). "Go get 'em boys!"
Wow, what a great film score. Saw the movie way back when it came out but don't remember much, except David Cronenberg's interesting acting stint as a psychiatrist). Got this release when it came out, but today is the first time I truly listen to it (I started with the original soundtrack presentation of CD2, as Elfman's album assemblies are usually well crafted). Great score.