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 Posted:   Apr 5, 2024 - 5:19 AM   
 By:   ZardozSpeaks   (Member)

including cues from The Mice

As sure as God made little green apples.

... hey, I better bring a couple of hero sandwiches with me.

 Posted:   Apr 8, 2024 - 7:06 PM   
 By:   jkruppa   (Member)

including cues from The Mice

As sure as God made little green apples.

... hey, I better bring a couple of hero sandwiches with me.

Here's one from Nightmare, "Mother's Loop."

I'll almost certainly go back to this one since the flute/accordion/electric violin/Onafets sounds a little too "polite" here but, you know, work in progress.

 Posted:   Apr 9, 2024 - 2:05 AM   
 By:   ZardozSpeaks   (Member)

I'll almost certainly go back to this one since the flute/accordion/electric violin/Onafets sounds a little too "polite" here but, you know, work in progress.

We'll manage to get along with Major Jong's sense of humor.

 Posted:   Apr 14, 2024 - 12:38 PM   
 By:   jkruppa   (Member)

Working on some pieces from Nightmare this week, but first here's one more from The Mice:

I'm zeroing in on that Onafets/flute/electric violin sound -- turns out tape saturation and delay help immensely. I'm less enamored of the midi guitar here though, but learning a lot about Frontiere's orchestration techniques.

 Posted:   Apr 18, 2024 - 8:32 AM   
 By:   jkruppa   (Member)

One of my favorites, the "Exam Loops" cue from "Controlled Experiment." It's interesting to me that something so foreboding is buried under a scene that plays as droll rather than serious. This is, incidentally, used to much greater effect over the opening titles of Incubus, in slightly edited form.

And once again the SoundCloud link, since Youtube does weird things to audio sometimes:

 Posted:   Apr 18, 2024 - 11:38 AM   
 By:   dogplant   (Member)

Back in 2008, Charles Thaxton (the great Char-El, may he rest in peace) sparked an interesting discussion about tracking versus original music for "The Outer Limits" and Harry Lubin's contributions – some classic episodes, for which I have a great fondness:

Here's an excerpt from my favorite of Harry's scores, with Harlan Ellison's immortal lines for Vic Perrin's Control Voice narration, "Like Gilgamesh..."

 Posted:   Apr 21, 2024 - 10:31 AM   
 By:   jkruppa   (Member)

Back in 2008, Charles Thaxton (the great Char-El, may he rest in peace) sparked an interesting discussion about tracking versus original music for "The Outer Limits" and Harry Lubin's contributions – some classic episodes, for which I have a great fondness:

Here's an excerpt from my favorite of Harry's scores, with Harlan Ellison's immortal lines for Vic Perrin's Control Voice narration, "Like Gilgamesh..."

If I can get a copy of the score for Demon With a Glass Hand, I'll see about recreating some of the cues. The bits with the Novachord are very cool.

Here's another Frontiere piece, this time unused and unreleased: "Cloud II" from "The Man With the Power."

Bill Wrobel will have a video of this one soon, and I've sent him isolations of a couple of different instrument groups so you can hear more clearly how Frontiere combined the different sounds.

 Posted:   Apr 23, 2024 - 3:21 PM   
 By:   jkruppa   (Member)

I'm just going to keep posting these if you guys don't mind. This is "Loop #6" (such a dynamic title), another unreleased track, but this one was at least used in "Nightmare." I really like the way Frontiere blends the harp, celeste and vibes here.

 Posted:   Apr 23, 2024 - 3:23 PM   
 By:   dogplant   (Member)

I'm just going to keep posting these if you guys don't mind. This is "Loop #6" (such a dynamic title), another unreleased track, but this one was at least used in "Nightmare." I really like the way Frontiere blends the harp, celeste and vibes here.

Lovely. And, yes please to "Demon" -- I'd love to hear a reconstruction!

 Posted:   Apr 23, 2024 - 6:42 PM   
 By:   jkruppa   (Member)

I'm just going to keep posting these if you guys don't mind. This is "Loop #6" (such a dynamic title), another unreleased track, but this one was at least used in "Nightmare." I really like the way Frontiere blends the harp, celeste and vibes here.

Lovely. And, yes please to "Demon" -- I'd love to hear a reconstruction!

Thanks, and I will!

I also neglected to mention that this cue appears all over the first season of The Outer Limits, including in the opening narration. But you guys know that already, I'm sure!

 Posted:   Jun 18, 2024 - 1:32 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

Just read that a movie called Nurse Sherri is supposed to be largely tracked with Frontiere's score from this series. Film and examples of score that is probably tracked:
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