February 5 I open the month with Morton Stevens, and Mike Post & Pete Carpenter. By that time Puxatony Phil will probably have seen his shadow, which may or may not be a clue for one of the two listed above... Also, I've been experimenting with the vocal remover at: https://www.lalal.ai/ It's not perfect, but it's removed vocals. One track in a "Longstreet" suite I am editing, had dialogue over the entire cue. Now there is none. The entire source cue for the Bruce Lee training scene in the first episode after the feature-length pilot, had a god deal of Lee talking/making sounds -- most of it is gone now.
Man, this A.I. dialogue remover is pretty damn sweet. Still playing with it. Just finished up a James Horner suite, where I applied it. It removed damn near all the dialogue. This one cue had talking over pretty much the whole thing, now there is no talking. Man, wish I had found this earlier before I had finished things like the "Bronk" pilot score salvage job suite.
It doesn't strictly speaking do FX. But sometimes it appears to confuse some FX with dialogue, and removes it. A section of music may, for example, have dialogue and shoe steps; the A.I. program will remove the dialogue, but the shoe steps will still be there.
This week's suites. And a NOTE afterwards. "87th Precinct" Composer: Morton Stevens https://youtube.com/watch?v=maShG0pLyZ0 Suite #1. This suite covers the first four or five episodes he scored. This suite also utilizes a little the A.I. program that removes dialogue (https://lalal.ai). One cue was tracked again inside an episode, so I was able to do a little salvaging repair. "The White Shadow" Composers: Mike Post & Pete Carpenter https://youtube.com/watch?v=Kr1qG7gFL1M Suite #1. This suite covers approximately the first half of season one. Suite #1 and #2 were in the can before I discovered the A.I. program referenced above. NOTE: Next week one special Valentine's Day batch, then skip a week, then suites will either pick back up regularly for the final Monday of February or the first Monday of January. I'm behind in work for my salvage jobs suites and I haven't even recorded score for Spring suites theme "Spring into Action" which I did in 2023 and will do again this year.
You're welcome. :-)
Next week's Valentine's Day suites: Three suites, one with Hart, another with love, and one where perhaps there was a little to much love. And two "Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar" MuTel Music cues.
This week's Valentine's Day suites: "Hart to Hart" Composer: Mark Snow https://youtube.com/watch?v=j08xOFx3pyk Suite #2. Suite #1 covered the feature-length pilot episode, now I start through season one. This suite covers the first few episodes. "To Rome with Love" Composer: Frank DeVol https://youtube.com/watch?v=Tv06iOOMOLo Suite #2. The final suite. No further suites will be done for this show. Previously a year or two ago I made a short suite that covered the pilot episode, because, as I noted back then, that was the only episode that had ever surfaced online. Then a few short months ago about a dozen episodes popped up on YouTube, on a channel that just got copyrighted out of existence a week or two ago. Suite #2 represents almost all of those episodes. There was some tracking, so I was able to eliminate redundancy and keep the music in one suite. Back then I had to make a fake composer credit as there were no credits on the pilot, but now I can present the REAL composer credit. Passions Composer: Bruce Broughton https://youtube.com/watch?v=HI4r1g1Oi6Q Straight from the Department of Too Much Love, comes this TV movie. In it, the husband plays a plagiarist who has two wives. His work takes on him on the road, so he would go see both wives. Your typical TV movie might have his wives find out, then argue with him and force him to pick one over the other, but here, this movie decides to begin normal and suddenly tosses a monkey wrench into gears: the husband is in a horrible accident. One of the wives comes to see him, but he's in such bad shape he can barely speak intelligently and dies, leaving no resolution and forcing the two women to come to terms with what happened. This suite was a fan request. MuTel Music:
When the Bob Bailey era of episodes of the radio program "Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar" began, on top of re-vamping the writing and plotting of the show, the show shifted to the MuTel Music library for music. Most of the re-occurring and semi re-occurring cues have never been released. I decided to rectify that by doing salvage jobs on many of the cues. I had to nick name the cues for identification purposes. "Opener" https://youtube.com/watch?v=lN8htUJCJkU After the opening theme music, each episode began with Johnny telling us abut the case he was going to investigate. The cue would get repeated in the episode as needed, even in the thirty-minute format episodes. As you can hear, there is an a loop in the music. I have retained that, because that's how it was almost always presented -- fans expect to hear it that way. Cutting the loop out would make the cue even shorter. This was one of very very few cues that survived when Bailey left and the music library was changed. "1234" https://youtube.com/watch?v=1WzRZUDOj_A After the opening cue, you knew the next cue to follow where Johnny begins the case and talks about the start of his expense account, was this cue. I nick named it "1234", simply because the brass at the beginning sounds like its saying those numbers, so it makes is easy to remember and identify. The real name of the cue is not currently known. Like the "Opener" cue, this cue was re-used inside episodes. In the thirty-minute format episodes, this cue didn't get used as often. This was one of very very few cues that survived when Bailey left and the music library was changed.
Some suites notes (for those curious): Completed the suite for the first episode of "Destry" that Goldsmith scored. Drop date: Hopefully the first Monday in May. I should have the suite for the second episode, done next week (June release). Third episode is still in progress. I have applied the A.I. dialogue remover as much as possible. These suites will be the best thing short of an official release. Porn. So much porn music. So much good jazz porn music you've never heard. I should have two very special "Hawaii Five-O" salvage-job suites done next week. First one drops with the first "Destry" suite.
First episode to ever pop up I've ever seen for the failed series "Bert D'Angelo/Superstar" (Quinn Martin series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQjCp5j0xxY It's a poor quality 16mm video. Don't bother for an original score -- it's a track-job episode.
Next week's suites: More Hart, Adult film music, and two "Johnny Dollar" radio program MuTel Music cues. I don't know when the suites will be posted next week. Unlikely yo be Monday.
This week's suites. Got lucky today and I am able to post today. "Hart to Hart" Composer: Mark Snow https://youtube.com/watch?v=yAbOPAKEbT4 Suite #3. Continuing through season one. Next year: I should finish season one scoring and then start season two. Some cues utilized the A.I. dialogue remover, which I will speak about soon (probably when I posted the first "Hawaii Five-O" suite in May). Indecent Desires Composer: "Music Sound Recorders" https://youtube.com/watch?v=/uKtEX8xrIIk Porn time! LOL, okay, I lied a little bit. I said "porn" to lure some of you in. What these suites I referred to as good jazz porn music are, are really adult films: yeah, just plain healthy nudity, no exposing of privates or sexual intercourse, and they two films I will cover, both have … plots. And adult film "Acting". But the scoring is what counts. Good jazz scoring, way over and above the needs to the film. And it must have not been cheap, either -- some of this stuff sounds like it took at least five to ten takes to get right. I looked around online and could not identify who the contributing composer(s) were. Maybe somebody here knows this. There was some tracking inside the film, so as a result I was able to do some salvage work. Not all cues heard in the film were used in full, sadly. I used the A.I. dialogue remover quite a bit -- the music is so good I didn't want to cut out anymore than I had to. You'll still hear some female, ah … moans … the A.I. dialogue remover isn't perfect. EDIT: The Copyright I.D. system has identified pieces, so it appears not everything was original, despite the credit. The identified pieces so far: "Pseudo-Blue" (Roger Roger) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NgqEp_Sefk "Unawareness" (Stuart Crombie) "Along Came Love" (Syd Dale) "Indecent Desires - Opening credits" (Something Weird -- yeah, that doesn't help name the composer at all!) MuTel Music:
Two more cues used on the "Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar" radio program during the Bob Bailey run. "comedy radio show music": https://youtube.com/watch?v=5SkKmBDz7I4 That's the title I nick named the cue in my thread on the Non-Film Score Discussion side. This cue wasn't used much. In the available episodes I think I only found it half a dozen times. "lightly whimsical": https://youtube.com/watch?v=mydGKQh5Gqk That's the title I nick named the cue in my thread on the Non-Film Score Discussion side. This cue was also not really used that much, but more than the above one. It always accompanied some comedic situation of whimsical moment. Due to the nature of the cue being looped sometimes and not always used in full as a result, there was a small section that I had to use the A.I. dialogue remover on, and it sadly shows.
What to expect from Monday's suites: Morton Stevens, Mike Post, and two more Mutel Music cues.