Posted: |
Nov 28, 2024 - 1:02 PM
By: |
Ray Worley
Saw the film yesterday. The opening battle of the film demonstrates how badly film music has deterioriated since Han Zimmer's score for the first one. Some complained about his score back then not being up to snuff compared to the likes of Rozsa, Waxman, etc.(I agree a bit, but thought it was a fine score for its time). Compared to the groans, grunts, drones, and blats of the new score, Zimmer's score shines. The opening battle scene in the first film was excitingly filmed and Zimmer's score added tremendous power with it's strong melody and dynamic forward thrust. The battle in Gladiator II was just a lot of noise. Maybe if I could have heard more of the score through the loudly-mixed SFX, I could have appreciated it more. I suspect not because what I could hear at the end credits was not impressive (except for the reprises of Zimmer's/Gerard's themes). I could be wrong though. It wouldn't the first time I was unimpressed with something in a film, only to like it once I hear it on CD.