Tonight at midnight
We will soon have all the time in the world… Definitely not The Time Machine. ??
Exactly. And 2003' release sounds incredible. We need first those Bonds with biggest amount of never before released music, in this order: 1. TSWLM (film score never released, album is an re-recording) 2. LTK (released today) 3. AVTAK 4. GOLDENEYE 5. THUNDERBALL 6. OHMSS 7. FYEO 8. TLD
Eastwood, to your comment about OHMSS, your disappointment, and your assumption about a long wait. I honestly don't know why OHMSS didn't get an anniversary release this time and I equally don't know if your assumption about a five year wait is necessarily true. 99.99% of the people here won't know either, but it won't stop them guessing! Get ready for a lot of speculation that adds inferences to confabulations to make fun new fan facts!  Those who do know will probably not be able to comment due to confidentiality and professional discretion. In the meantime, much as I would have loved a complete OHMSS too**, let's celebrate what we DO have. Licence To Kill is an amazing release! ** To the person asking, there's about 6 or 7 unreleased cues in the film, by the way, including the gorgeous ice rink source, as well as the full Gumbold's Safe and Escape From Piz Gloria sequences, both of which were abridged for the 2003 disc. Cheers
I don't know why not OHMSS this time. It's VERY simple. The 2003' edition was very heavily expanded and has very great sound - not missing many minutes of music. So the publisher prefers to release first those titles that have the biggest amount of unreleased music and those that have never been expanded in any form. A simple business decision and I would have done the same in their place, regardless of my "love" for a particular title. All the extended Bonds from 2003' should be released by LLL at the very end, not now. We still have Bond titles that have never been expanded or released in any form.
I don't know why not OHMSS this time. It's VERY simple. The 2003' edition was very heavily expanded and has very great sound - not missing many minutes of music. So the publisher prefers to release first those titles that have the biggest amount of unreleased music and those that have never been expanded in any form. A simple business decision and I would have done the same in their place, regardless of my "love" for a particular title. All the extended Bonds from 2003' should be released by LLL at the very end, not now. We still have Bond titles that have never been expanded or released in any form. I repeat: 99.99% of the people here won't know why, but get ready for a lot of speculation that adds inferences to confabulations to make fun new fan facts! Sorry, I know that probably seems harsh, but you and I really don't know the specific reasons. Cheers
For those craving OHMSS. Wasn't it released in December 69? So technically it could be released up to November 2025 and still be classed as a 55th Anniversary release? Whoa that's a good point; I hadn't thought of it that way. Hopefully LLL does! Yavar