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 Posted:   Dec 13, 2014 - 1:46 PM   
 By:   Sir David of Garland   (Member)

Received Standard n (ca. 1911): the form of English spoken at the English public schools, at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge and by many educated Englishmen elsewhere.

Well, la-dee-DAH! smile

What name do y'all give to the kind of English we-uns speak here in America? big grin

 Posted:   Dec 13, 2014 - 1:48 PM   
 By:   Sir David of Garland   (Member)

Bill "Wild Man" Carson will post something that includes the words "thinly disguised".


 Posted:   Dec 13, 2014 - 6:22 PM   
 By:   Bill Carson, Earl of Poncey   (Member)

dave, Is this another of your thinly disguised Brit-bashing threads!?

 Posted:   Dec 13, 2014 - 7:14 PM   
 By:   Timmer   (Member)

What name do y'all give to the kind of English we-uns speak here in America? big grin


 Posted:   Dec 13, 2014 - 7:21 PM   
 By:   Grecchus   (Member)

La-dee-DAH?? That ain't no disguise, mate. You're nicked, my son!!

 Posted:   Dec 13, 2014 - 11:22 PM   
 By:   Mr Greg   (Member)

Received Pronunciation can be a dead giveaway as to class or lack thereof (if done badly, and it very often is) was a requirement of BBC Newsreaders until surprisingly recently...I was taught a few bits and boibs during University course - mainly for theatre work. It's quite difficult to sound even remotely convincing (unless you're Harry Enfield or Paul Whitehouse).

Best place to hear it is Waitrose.

Or Cheltenham.

 Posted:   Dec 14, 2014 - 12:14 PM   
 By:   Bill Carson, Earl of Poncey   (Member)

"...Because Ay am considerably richer than yo!!"

 Posted:   Dec 14, 2014 - 1:30 PM   
 By:   Mr Greg   (Member)

...not quite the sketch I meant...wink

 Posted:   Dec 14, 2014 - 2:24 PM   
 By:   Bill Carson, Earl of Poncey   (Member)

"...i'll have my man... wash your kit. Doo carry on with your ...mud pies!..."

 Posted:   Dec 14, 2014 - 2:46 PM   
 By:   WILLIAMDMCCRUM   (Member)

Actually, there are several different variants of 'RP' depending on time and place.

For instance take the word 'half'. In some varieties, such as the military or the horsey fraternity, it's pronounced 'harf'. In others, it's 'heff'. Some attribute these to Oxford versus Cambridge.

 Posted:   Dec 14, 2014 - 2:59 PM   
 By:   WILLIAMDMCCRUM   (Member)


 Posted:   Dec 14, 2014 - 3:00 PM   
 By:   WILLIAMDMCCRUM   (Member)

 Posted:   Dec 14, 2014 - 3:04 PM   
 By:   Bob DiMucci   (Member)

 Posted:   Dec 14, 2014 - 3:08 PM   
 By:   WILLIAMDMCCRUM   (Member)

I say, thanks awfully Bob: you're an absolute brick and a bally good sport. Demned clipboard thingy on me android makes a frightful mess of it.

 Posted:   Dec 16, 2014 - 4:13 AM   
 By:   Jehannum   (Member)

Received pronunciation sometimes sounds one short step away from Cockney to me. Example: the Queen.

 Posted:   Dec 16, 2014 - 5:24 AM   
 By:   Bill Carson, Earl of Poncey   (Member)

bob, nice video of the king, El Tel, the gap toothed emperor!

"..I say, what an absolute shower!"

 Posted:   Dec 20, 2014 - 5:22 PM   
 By:   Sir David of Garland   (Member)

Received pronunciation sometimes sounds one short step away from Cockney to me. Example: the Queen.

Tim Curry said that when he chose the voice to use for THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW (the movie version), he decided he should have an accent like the Queen.

 Posted:   Dec 21, 2014 - 8:08 AM   
 By:   WILLIAMDMCCRUM   (Member)

Received pronunciation sometimes sounds one short step away from Cockney to me. Example: the Queen.

Everybody knpws the Queen Mum sounded like Beryl Reid Brummie:

Here, what am I missing re YouTube embeds? Has something changed?

 Posted:   Nov 20, 2018 - 8:43 PM   
 By:   Sir David of Garland   (Member)

Oh, dear. The British have innovated:

And someone must stop me.

Stop me from remembering the Tall Brit I just met recently, and thinking of those wreaths in the same moment. Please! big grin

 Posted:   Nov 21, 2018 - 12:19 AM   
 By:   Bill Carson, Earl of Poncey   (Member)

What a turn off these gimmicky things are! Last thing i want is hugging my mrs and getting ripped to bits by mini holly tit muffs!!

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