I've just watched the first episide of this RTE documentary about the 1916 Irish rebellion. Wonderful score by Patrick Cassidy. Well woth watching. Available (officially) here:
I haven't seen any of the 1916 series Peter, so I haven't heard any of the excellent Patrick Cassidy's score, but, going on his track record I do imagine it may be well worth a listen. I do agree and I think it is wise that we do not discuss "the politics of the Rising" on this board as per the rules, just as it is wise that we don't get into a discussion on the politics of the 800 years of illegal occupation of Ireland. That's fair enough I think. I feel sure you will agree.
I haven't seen any of the 1916 series Peter, so I haven't heard any of the excellent Patrick Cassidy's score, but, going on his track record I do imagine it may be well worth a listen. I do agree and I think it is wise that we do not discuss "the politics of the Rising" on this board as per the rules, just as it is wise that we don't get into a discussion on the politics of the 800 years of illegal occupation of Ireland. That's fair enough I think. I feel sure you will agree. ----------- Absolutely, Niall.
Great stuff. CD is also available. The title song is fantastic. I think it's a relative of his singing. Maybe his daughter or niece? This guy should do more scores. I guess there aren't many projects that take his fancy.
Cassidy has been on my radar since a selection from his Famine Remembrance was used in the Tree of Life trailer, so I was pretty excited to hear about this -- and indeed, really digging the score. A solid, somber dramatic piece.
Playing the first track now from my recently acquired CD.
Acquired from where? Finally found a copy on discogs, ordered and got my money back within hours claiming the seller can't find it. Searching continues...
Somebody in the UK listed a brand new copy for 20 quid on eBay last week. My previous searches had only found one copy for about £180.00!!! So it's all in the timing...with a spot of luck.