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 Posted:   Aug 7, 2024 - 2:58 PM   
 By:   GoblinScore   (Member)

The L is my own shorthand (laziness) for LaLaLand.

Good point Chris, I watched the film a few years ago and sensed that, but find the album rather upbeat.

I'm sure there is an offhand remark here somewhere from MV Gerhard that SHOE kinda tanked. It was a Super Grail for me, despite missing the End Title which incorporates Michael Massers awful love theme, which I thought spurred the excision. Yet, we get a cue of that terrible theme on it's own! Newman handled this music much better in the sadly MIA End Title than its own composer! Sounds like a Folgers coffee commercial.

I'd love ALL that early Newman out before I RIP.
Grand view USA, Reckless, Nerds, Real Genius, the Paper Chase episodes. Every. Bloody. Note.

Both the End Title abd the Airport Scene were terrible omissions from the RED SHOE score, as I say in my review:

Thank you FB for sharing this very good review. I thought the second track was the airport scene.

Directing my anger at Newman then for bollocksing this up and will now sell the overlong bloated boring albums I have of his in protest (kidding, but really...why futz around?).

Let's hope JNH never has a hand in a Head Office or other early works of his to do the same thing.

I still love and am grateful Shoe was released.

Respect FB.

 Posted:   Feb 3, 2025 - 7:37 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

"I am wondering if someone here knows if Newman has done more scores similiar to this one? I am not familiar with a fair number of his 80s scores so I could very well miss something..."
While the answer is YES, if you like this score (and that gorgeous main string melody that dominates) I would suggest you seek out scores by Michael Convertino.
That melody in LESS THAN ZERO sounds more like Convertino than Newman to me (even though it's typical Newman as well, cos the two of them were sellotaped together, I believe).

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