What is the best release out there of this score to purchase? I somehow had not given the main theme a proper listen until now (I know, I need to be jumped) and HOLY COW THE THEME IS SO FREAKING EPIC. I must have this score but I honestly do not know which release is the latest and greatest. Any and all suggestions would be welcomed, thanks guys!
Posted: |
Apr 23, 2017 - 11:27 PM
By: |
Dana Wilcox
What is the best release out there of this score to purchase? I somehow had not given the main theme a proper listen until now (I know, I need to be jumped) and HOLY COW THE THEME IS SO FREAKING EPIC. I must have this score but I honestly do not know which release is the latest and greatest. Any and all suggestions would be welcomed, thanks guys! Okay, Peter, the answer may be a little complicated. (1) The actual original tracks: https://www.amazon.com/Magnificent-Seven-Original-Soundtrack-Enhanced/dp/B00000C40G/ref=sr_1_4?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1493010802&sr=1-4&keywords=magnificent+seven+soundtrack (The real stuff, but frankly, in mono and a little pinched-sounding for my taste) (2) Bernstein re-recorded (in stereo) and re-used the same Mag 7 music in a sequel, Return of the 7: https://www.amazon.com/Return-Magnificent-Seven-Original-Soundtrack/dp/B000005Z5Y/ref=pd_sim_15_3?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B000005Z5Y&pd_rd_r=PKDNT48PTHTXVAZ9B3W0&pd_rd_w=cgg8E&pd_rd_wg=QIjj3&psc=1&refRID=PKDNT48PTHTXVAZ9B3W0 (My favorite, really punchy though a bit re-verby) (3) James Sedaris re-recorded the score in a generally-well-regarded recording on the Koch label: https://www.amazon.com/Magnificent-Seven-Elmer-Bernstein/dp/B000001SGU/ref=sr_1_3?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1493010802&sr=1-3&keywords=magnificent+seven+soundtrack (you can listen to the clips on this listing and see what you think) You might want to read the thread below, about the RNSO re-recording of the score. There are a variety of opinions offered there. Hope that helps.
It HAS to be the original tracks (on Ryko or Varese Sarabande) for the simple reason that the re-recordings get the main title a bit wrong. The Sedares comes closest, but the concert-hall sound deflates it a bit. No, the terse, spring-loaded sound of Elmer Bernstein in the studio conducting to film is essential and vital. It may be in mono, but it is the best. No question! (An aside - and in no way wishing to de-rail the thread) - while the RETURN OF THE SEVEN album has great sound and served us Bernstein fans for years, I must say that the listening experience of GUNS OF TM7 (available as part of box-set FSM Vol.10No.10) is extremely satisfying. And, as a bonus of sorts, the guitar solos that take up the last 12 minutes or so of the disc are exceptional. I wish the guitar player had been credited on the CD. Here's a thought - how about a Magnificent Seven box set? The TM7 original tracks, followed by ROT7 original tracks (if they still exist (?) followed by Guns of TM7 and then THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN RIDE! And if that ever happens, I want to do the liner notes! JMM.
For me actual tracks. I do completely agree Henry. No other recording comes close to matching Elmer's original recording.
For me actual tracks. I do completely agree Henry. No other recording comes close to matching Elmer's original recording.
I have to chime in to agree with those saying that the original soundtrack recording is the most rousing and energetic rendition there is out there. It may be in mono, but that performance packs one hell of a punch. The other recordings certainly have their merit, but the original has not been topped, at least, not for me.