Has a "special edition" of the soundtrack for "Smokey & the Bandit" ever been issued? Several songs and parts of the score on the original album appear to be different takes than the versions that appear in the film (which, to my ears, are superior). Over n' out...
We tried this year, but were turned down. No reason was given. I really, REALLY wanted it out this past May for the 40th Anniversary. We were gonna hype the hell out the release and describe it as a ground breaking film that forever changed the way movies were made. A film celebrating its 40th Anniversary that came out in May 1977 --- and then, of course, announce that it was Smokey and the Bandit. We were even going to look into making 8 track version just for kicks.  MV
Hahaha got it (Star Wars, right?)... Yes, sounds like this could/ would have been awesome. What might you think the chances are could still happen sometime in near future?
Such a letdown. That LLL campaign would really have been fun. We all would have gotten it wrong, except for the one smartass on the board that would have posted SMOKEY as a silly, contrary guess... and been right. I will say, however, that a straight reissue of the LP to CD is up Varese's alley, given the album reissues they've done recently of song soundtracks. C'mon, DMD, do you guys have this? Is that why LLL can't get it?
Why not be a little dissatisfied? It's a re-issue of LP material instead of deluxe treatment, issued by a label which has somebody who may or may not brickwall it, and ties up the rights to both titles until it sells out. I know Thor and a handful of other people are plumb happy about short issues, but not the rest of us.
Well, now that you posted that image, I can think of something else to complain about...
Why not be a little dissatisfied? It's a re-issue of LP material instead of deluxe treatment, issued by a label which has somebody who may or may not brickwall it, and ties up the rights to both titles until it sells out. I know Thor and a handful of other people are plumb happy about short issues, but not the rest of us. The La-La Land version would have of course been STELLAR and the end all of Smokey releases, that's a given. They do insanely great work constantly! Happy to have owned almost all their releases. Varese is doing it now. Also, this is a Cary Mansfield release at Varese. He has ZERO history of brickwalling any release that he's produced himself. He uses Chas Ferry for almost all his releases and he's a top notch mastering engineer. There are zero releases by Chas Ferry where brickwalling is apparent.
Such a letdown. That LLL campaign would really have been fun. (etc., etc.) Some people are never satisfied... Cindy, if you'd read the order in which I posted, that "letdown" comment was when it looked like LLL couldn't get the rights but that no one else was going to be releasing it, either. If you look further on (eastbound and) down the page, you'll see my elation when Peter announced that Varese is now releasing it. Definitely excited!