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 Posted:   Dec 6, 2017 - 8:20 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

Inspired by JTW's response in another thread (see below), I'd like this one to be where people put their 'edited playlists' for albums that run too long or feature repetitive tracks and need a bit of work, in these expanded and C&C days.
I find myself doing it 95% of the time these days.
"Ha. Sorry Jim, but I find that the original hour long CD seems to never end.
Even Goldsmith himself stated regret at releasing the album so long.
I think I whittled it down to one of those old Varese 25-30 minute programmes and it flows much better"

By: JTWfan77 (Member)
"I would love to see your playlist for The Russia House: The Whittled Down Edition. I'm a bit of a whittler myself"
And for the record, my RUSSIA HOUSE album (which runs about 22 mins*) is thus;

3.The Conversation
5.Katya & Barley
6.First Name Yakov
7.Barley's Love

*please feel free to tell me any tracks you think I am missing that are essential to you on RH.

 Posted:   Dec 6, 2017 - 9:54 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

What's a "whittler"? smile

I've also been "forced" to make these kinds of playlists in the last few years for certain kinds of scores, when even the commercial releases have followed the niche labels and released overlong and repetitive soundtrack presentations. A properly arranged album by the composer or producer will ALWAYS be preferred, but when that's not the case, you resort to "emergency measures".

I recently did one for BLADE RUNNER 2049, which I posted over in that thread.

I also fairly recently did one for Lisa Gerrard and James Orr's 2:22 (which is 90 minutes in its original presentation), down to a decent 48-minute playlist. Same with BRIMSTONE and THE GOONIES. I'm trying to copy/paste from iTunes, but there's no copy/paste function. Damn!

Others on my to-do list are: THE STAND, JUSTICE LEAGUE, MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS, the two BEVERLY HILLS COP albums, the OLSENBANDEN box, MOANA and many others.

 Posted:   Dec 6, 2017 - 10:32 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

Ha! JUSTICE LEAGUE was the very last one I did, over the weekend.
55 minutes of sharpness smile

 Posted:   Dec 6, 2017 - 10:45 AM   
 By:   1977   (Member)

Inspired by JTW's response in another thread (see below), I'd like this one to be where people put their 'edited playlists' for albums that run too long or feature repetitive tracks and need a bit of work, in these expanded and C&C days.
I find myself doing it 95% of the time these days.
"Ha. Sorry Jim, but I find that the original hour long CD seems to never end.
Even Goldsmith himself stated regret at releasing the album so long.
I think I whittled it down to one of those old Varese 25-30 minute programmes and it flows much better"
By: JTWfan77 (Member)
"I would love to see your playlist for The Russia House: The Whittled Down Edition. I'm a bit of a whittler myself"
And for the record, my RUSSIA HOUSE album (which runs about 22 mins*) is thus;

3.The Conversation
5.Katya & Barley
6.First Name Yakov
7.Barley's Love

*please feel free to tell me any tracks you think I am missing that are essential to you on RH.

YESSS!!! Best thread ever. Thanks Kev, I was afraid of starting one myself for fear of being flayed alive by the C&C brigade (oops, shouldn't have said that). wink

 Posted:   Dec 6, 2017 - 10:46 AM   
 By:   1977   (Member)

Ha! JUSTICE LEAGUE was the very last one I did, over the weekend.
55 minutes of sharpness smile

Please share! As long as it includes the extended Tunnel Fight and Final Battle cues. wink

 Posted:   Dec 6, 2017 - 10:50 AM   
 By:   1977   (Member)

In case anyone has any thoughts, some WHITTLE-IFICATION candidates (in no particular order):

Goonies (as mentioned by Thor)
The Golden Child (Barry's)

 Posted:   Dec 6, 2017 - 10:55 AM   
 By:   1977   (Member)

What's a "whittler"? smile

To some here, its somebody whose heading the right way for a smacked bottom!

I also fairly recently did one for Lisa Gerrard and James Orr's 2:22 (which is 90 minutes in its original presentation), down to a decent 48-minute playlist. Same with BRIMSTONE and THE GOONIES. I'm trying to copy/paste from iTunes, but there's no copy/paste function. Damn!

Thor, possibly just take a screencap and post it here, I've also been immensely irritated by iTunes' lack of cut/paste-ability in the past, especially when trying to edit metadata.

Another option is to install MP3tag (freeware) and load the album folder, it has an option to export tags to text files.

Would love to see your Goonies Whittle (Whittled Goonies?)

 Posted:   Dec 6, 2017 - 10:57 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

Absolutely JTW..and YES, those extended cues are essential.
Here goes;

1.JL Theme/Logos
2.Hero's Theme
3.WW Rescue
4.Then There Were 3
5.Tunnel Fight (full)
6.Spark Of The Flash
7.Friends & Foes
8.JL United
10.Bruce & Diana
11.Final Battle (full)
12.A New Hope
13.Anti-Hero's Theme

 Posted:   Dec 6, 2017 - 11:09 AM   
 By:   1977   (Member)

Absolutely JWT...and YES, those extended cues are essential.
Here goes;

1.JL Theme/Logos
2.Hero's Theme
3.WW Rescue
4.Then There Were 3
5.Tunnel Fight (full)
6.Spark Of The Flash
7.Friends & Foes
8.JL United
10.Bruce & Diana
11.Final Battle (full)
12.A New Hope
13.Anti-Hero's Theme

Brilliant, thanks!

Any more you'd care to share? smile

 Posted:   Dec 6, 2017 - 11:31 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

My GOONIES list (had to copy/paste each individual track):


Total running time: 50 minutes

The only out-of-sequence track is 17, inserted to allievate some of the heavy action material at the end. If I'm redoing this again, I might shuffle some more cues around to allow for more varied listening.

 Posted:   Dec 6, 2017 - 12:00 PM   
 By:   1977   (Member)


Thanks Thor, apologies for the hastle, appreciate the effort. Will give it a try.

I may have some alternate art for this "album" version, if interested.

 Posted:   Dec 6, 2017 - 1:37 PM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

I'll post my BLADE RUNNER 2049 - The Ambient Edition tomorrow from work.
Thanks for THE GOONIES Thor. I've never gotten round to that one and it is overlong.
JTW, please post some of your proudest and effective whittles.

 Posted:   Dec 6, 2017 - 2:25 PM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

I'll post my BLADE RUNNER 2049 - The Ambient Edition tomorrow from work.
Thanks for THE GOONIES Thor. I've never gotten round to that one and it is overlong.
JTW, please post some of your proudest and effective whittles.

Would be interesting to see if your BR is similar to mine.

My playlist post was buried in the big BLADE RUNNER 2049 thread, where everyone talks endlessly about the packaging, sound quality and postal issues, but hardly ANYONE talks about the actual music. So here's the post again:

"The 90-minute soundtrack release is almost unlistenable, IMO. So I assembled this 53-minute playlist for anyone wanting a more succinct listening experience (with emphasis on the Vangelis-like stuff over the "action" stuff):

1. 2049
2. Sapper's Tree
3. Rain
4. Sea Wall
5. Memory
6. Mesa
7. Joi
8. Wallace
9. That's Why We Believe
10. All the Best Memories are Hers
11. Blade Runner
12. Almost Human

In addition to removing some tracks, I've also rearranged the sequence slightly to allow for better listening. That is, I've kept "Mesa" (as the best track) midway. I've put "Sea Wall" and "Wallace" as 4 and 8, to break up the ambiance cues slightly. While the long, 10-minute "Blade Runner" contains segments I'm not too fond of, it also works as an end credits suite of sorts.

I think this will work for me for now."

 Posted:   Dec 6, 2017 - 2:42 PM   
 By:   SBD   (Member)

And for the record, my RUSSIA HOUSE album (which runs about 22 mins*) is thus;

3.The Conversation
5.Katya & Barley
6.First Name Yakov
7.Barley's Love

*please feel free to tell me any tracks you think I am missing that are essential to you on RH.

What? No "The Deal"?

 Posted:   Dec 6, 2017 - 4:00 PM   
 By:   ZardozSpeaks   (Member)

... overlong and repetitive soundtrack presentations. A properly arranged album by the composer or producer will ALWAYS be preferred, but when that's not the case, you resort to "emergency measures".



properly arranged album.

I wonder how you whittlers would react to Morton Feldman's String Quartet No.2 which exceeds 6 hours in duration without breaks! big grin

The reverse side of the whittler's coin might very well reveal 1) the listeners' intolerance towards duration & reiteration of content in addition to 2) their preconceived notions on what an album should be ... and, also, their expectations that what they listen to should be an album in concept.

... I'm blissfully unattached to such limiting notions ... but then I'm not a whittler. smile

No emergency measures needed with me.

 Posted:   Dec 6, 2017 - 4:11 PM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

Lee Holdridge's Mists of Avalon in the style of a Varese 90s album:

1. Morgaine's Journey
2. Igraine Meets Uther / Arthur Is Born
3. Children Leave / Vivienne's World
4. Morgaine Grows Up
5. Running Up the Hill / Guinevere
6. Merlin's Wisdom / Merlin's Death
7. Morgaine's Despair
8. Vivienne's Death
9. Finale

(38:41 total time)

This for me greatly improves the experience and journey of the score. That said, I'd still love for Varese to do an expanded Deluxe Edition because I suspect the score has more highlights which I would want to incorporate into a longer but still whittled-down playlist.


 Posted:   Dec 6, 2017 - 5:04 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

I don't whittle down, like say Thor, but on some rare occasions if I don't like parts of cues of some cues, I'll make a personal edit in a preferred listening order.

An example is "Contract on Cherry Street", which I made into an excellent listening experience that tells a musical story from start to end.

 Posted:   Dec 6, 2017 - 8:57 PM   
 By:   1977   (Member)

JTW, please post some of your proudest and effective whittles.

I have to out myself, I'm a whittler in name only, that is, I plan to whittle and I want to whittle, but have never actually whittled. Yet. wink

I've been meaning to get to work on Innerspace and Ghostbusters, as I love the scores but just cannot get through those expanded presentations.

I believe the Innerspace album with songs was missing the gas attack cues (don't have the album, so cannot confirm), which are some of my favourite bits of music from the film, hence my desire to revisit that title. I'd also like to include the Rod Stewart cover of Twistin' the Night Away at the end, as the last track on the LLL ends rather abruptly.

I've also been toying with creating a hybrid Ghostbusters album with some of the more iconic songs and about 20-30 minutes of score, but it is going to require some editing with Audacity.

It would be fun to include the Cindy Lauper songs at the end of your Goonies playlist, Thor.

Also would like to create a 40 minute presentation of the original Star Wars double album, to match the shorter ESB and ROJ albums. I'm pedantic that way.

Anyway, I hope to tackle these soon, and will post the resultant playlists.

Someone did a whittled Blown Away on that score's thread, was it you Kev?

 Posted:   Dec 6, 2017 - 9:04 PM   
 By:   1977   (Member)

I don't whittle down, like say Thor, but on some rare occasions if I don't like parts of cues of some cues, I'll make a personal edit in a preferred listening order.

An example is "Contract on Cherry Street", which I made into an excellent listening experience that tells a musical story from start to end.

Sounds intriguing, please post an edit/playlist if you have a chance.

 Posted:   Dec 6, 2017 - 9:08 PM   
 By:   1977   (Member)

Lee Holdridge's Mists of Avalon in the style of a Varese 90s album:

1. Morgaine's Journey
2. Igraine Meets Uther / Arthur Is Born
3. Children Leave / Vivienne's World
4. Morgaine Grows Up
5. Running Up the Hill / Guinevere
6. Merlin's Wisdom / Merlin's Death
7. Morgaine's Despair
8. Vivienne's Death
9. Finale

(38:41 total time)

This for me greatly improves the experience and journey of the score. That said, I'd still love for Varese to do an expanded Deluxe Edition because I suspect the score has more highlights which I would want to incorporate into a longer but still whittled-down playlist.


Sounds good Yavar, haven't got that album yet but will definitely try out your playlist when I eventually do.

Your post also highlights the fact that shorter album presentations and expansions can co-exist, no need for some folk to get all up in arms at the mere mention of whittling. smile

The recent CE3K is a brilliant example of such an "all things to all people" approach.

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