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 Posted:   Feb 25, 2018 - 11:56 PM   
 By:   Jim Cleveland   (Member)

Does anyone know if TMC was temp-tracked with parts of Paul Horn's album "Inside the Taj Mahal"?

 Posted:   Sep 15, 2024 - 5:29 PM   
 By:   Solium   (Member)

Bump! I just watched the mini series, which was awful as I remembered! But the music was rather good though stylistically all over the place. Shocked to discover the soundtrack was released on CD at some point in time. Appears to be on all the major digital streaming services too.

 Posted:   Sep 15, 2024 - 8:21 PM   
 By:   Josh   (Member)

Curses to you, Boy, for dashing my hopes that Jim "Prodigal Son" Cleveland had returned to his family, and kudos to you for reminding me of my second-favorite Myers score (after Sitting Target,).

 Posted:   Sep 15, 2024 - 9:28 PM   
 By:   Advise & Consent   (Member)

The mini-series wasn't great, but it wasn't nearly as bad as many say. There were some good moments and few sublime ones. It just didn't really hang together very well.

Glad I recently snagged a copy the score recently.

 Posted:   Sep 15, 2024 - 11:38 PM   
 By:   zippy   (Member)

With you Josh.

"No Way to Treat a Lady" & "Otley" would be very welcomed Cd releases.

More Myers, just not the nearly unnoticeable ones w/Zimzer.

 Posted:   Sep 15, 2024 - 11:42 PM   
 By:   paulhickling   (Member)

Two things stand out in my memory. One good, one bad. First how bad the spaceship fx were. Second the scene where Darren McGavin sees the Earth die through the telescope. Chilling at at the time...

That is, if my memory serves me..

 Posted:   Sep 16, 2024 - 12:22 AM   
 By:   Nicolai P. Zwar   (Member)

I saw this decades ago, so it’s been a while. Always loved the music, that stayed with me.
The show also boasted an A-list cast and at times captured the poetic atmosphere of Bradbury's short story collection quite well. There was little science fiction on TV back in those days, so as a kid, I enjoyed the show a lot. Not sure how well it would hold up today.
I loved those sailing ships through the Martian desert, those were weird and dreamlike.

 Posted:   Sep 16, 2024 - 7:09 AM   
 By:   villagardens553   (Member)

Yes, No Way to Treat a Lady and Otley would be great. Both are witty, inventive scores from the sixties, NWTTAL on the darker side and Otley just riotous fun.

Let me add, also from the sixties (and early seventies): Ulysses, A Raging Moon, and Take a Girl Like You.

Ulysses is a swirl of orchestral marches, Gregorian chant, barroom piano, and more. A Raging Moon is a highly emotional score with guitarist John Williams and also features some lighter playful moments. TAGLY is swinging sixties stuff with a great slice of instrumental rock--"Organ Fantasia in D Minor."

 Posted:   Sep 16, 2024 - 7:37 AM   
 By:   Paul MacLean   (Member)

Myers was such an underrated composer, and I'm surprised his career didn't blast-off after scoring the acclaimed The Deer Hunter, and the popularity of his "Cavatina".

My favorite of his is probably The Witches, one more title in a long line of Myers score that are sitting unreleased.

 Posted:   Sep 16, 2024 - 9:39 AM   
 By:   Solium   (Member)

I think some of you forget how godawful that mini series was. Mars looks and behaves like earth, the monks on Mars, a redneck restaurant dive, the date episode, the paper thin plots. The laughably bad acting even by some top talent. The only marginally interesting part was when the one astronaut on the third mission was taken over by the martians and it turns into a life and death game of cat and mouse. The music was pretty interesting though. Like I said its all over the place stylistically but there's some good stuff on the soundtrack.

 Posted:   Sep 16, 2024 - 10:26 AM   
 By:   Nicolai P. Zwar   (Member)

I think some of you forget how godawful that mini series was. Mars looks and behaves like earth, the monks on Mars, a redneck restaurant dive, the date episode, the paper thin plots. The laughably bad acting even by some top talent. The only marginally interesting part was when the one astronaut on the third mission was taken over by the martians and it turns into a life and death game of cat and mouse. The music was pretty interesting though. Like I said its all over the place stylistically but there's some good stuff on the soundtrack.

As I said, I watched it when I was a kid with kid's eyes, at a time when there was not much science fiction on TV, so yeah, maybe it was awful. I remember Ray Bradbury didn't think highly of it.
However, neither Bradbury's book nor the series were intended as a realistic depiction of colonizing Mars.

 Posted:   Sep 16, 2024 - 10:51 AM   
 By:   Solium   (Member)

I think some of you forget how godawful that mini series was. Mars looks and behaves like earth, the monks on Mars, a redneck restaurant dive, the date episode, the paper thin plots. The laughably bad acting even by some top talent. The only marginally interesting part was when the one astronaut on the third mission was taken over by the martians and it turns into a life and death game of cat and mouse. The music was pretty interesting though. Like I said its all over the place stylistically but there's some good stuff on the soundtrack.

As I said, I watched it when I was a kid with kid's eyes, at a time when there was not much science fiction on TV, so yeah, maybe it was awful. I remember Ray Bradbury didn't think highly of it.
However, neither Bradbury's book nor the series were intended as a realistic depiction of colonizing Mars.

Understood. smile

 Posted:   Sep 17, 2024 - 6:58 AM   
 By:   jkannry   (Member)

With you Josh.

"No Way to Treat a Lady" & "Otley" would be very welcomed Cd releases.

More Myers, just not the nearly unnoticeable ones w/Zimzer.

Otley is available digitally on iTunes. Otley (Music from the Original Film Score) by Stanley Myers

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