Every so often there is an album of film music where it's never enough to be doing other things when we give it a spin. Plenty of music I can listen to while doing chores etc. But The Vikings is one of those where I have to stop and enjoy it to the full, without distractions. That Vikings theme is surely one of the most 'more-ish' ever for a film. It occurred to me that that and the other major themes keep coming around throughout the score so as to make it repetitive to some folks' ears. Not me. I love each time it reoccurs, and seems to get better each time. Without doubt one of the best releases ever.
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Sep 16, 2024 - 6:29 AM
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Hurdy Gurdy
Without really being aware of it (until I became aware of it), THE VIKINGS music by Mario Nascimbene was probably my FIRST EVER awareness that music, while watching a film, was A THING. I can't remember how old I was (but it was young) when I watched this film, with my Dad, on the telly, back in those long lost days of old. But I distinctly remember LOTS of bits from the film, including that final fight between the two bro's...and the sad ending. AND THE MUSIC!!! That Horn Call...WOW!!! THAT'S A Movie Theme!! It stayed with me way beyond the film ending. And then stuff happened, and I moved on...and it wasn't until the JAWS 45' single (sometime in 1975...I was 10) that things would never be the same again. But anyway...THIS MUSIC. I'd never bought the LP when I got into scores proper (don't know why). And I never bought any CDs of it thereafter (don't know why Part II...although I've since read that they all sound quite bad, recording-wise). But a few weeks back, I was playing that BIG MOVIE EPICS compilation from Silva Screen, in the car, and the Suite from this came on and...WOW!!! (all over again) I remembered how ACE the whole thing was. So, I began my search and investigations and was lucky enough to find that this shiny spanking release was still attainable (and at original list price from Pete Kelly/Movie Music...BEWARE, it's getting higher everywhere else) so I did the honourable thing, and fell on my sword and got my body burned out to sea. No, I didn't, I ordered it and paid for it and... Now I'm sitting here, enjoying music that touched my soul some 50+ years ago (Dancing On The Oars is playing as I type...MEIN GOTT). You really can go home again, can't you.
Doo doooooooooo doo
The thing about this one is that my mum new who Mario was. When I was a fledging collector ( yes I did have an lp, yes it was a bit crappy) she would make me smile when pronouncing Nascimbene. She new him from this and beyond. Her ear opening was his Farewell to Arms. She was a big Rock Hudson fan( ' he's still lovely though'). She would often tell me about the final scene and it's music.
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Sep 17, 2024 - 12:41 AM
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As someone who hails from a country that actually spawned vikings, I've always had this film in my side vision throughout the years, from when I was a kid, but I never actually sat down to watch it in full. What I've seen was a bit hokey for my taste, and adds to the eternal frustration that there is NO good viking film in the history of cinema, and I've seen a lot. No, I didn't care for THE NORTHMAN either. Possible exception is the Icelandic film WHEN THE RAVEN FLIES (1984), which I haven't yet seen, but heard good things about. And when attempting to sample the score, it was a little too bombastic for my taste. But maybe it's time for a reassessment at this point.