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 Posted:   Oct 24, 2024 - 8:52 AM   
 By:   Grimsdyke   (Member)

An Oscar please for this one big grin

 Posted:   Oct 24, 2024 - 10:22 PM   
 By:   Paul MacLean   (Member)

 Posted:   Nov 3, 2024 - 5:05 AM   
 By:   Jim Phelps   (Member)

Quite funny big grin

Another music sample. Shame on you for not posting it.

 Posted:   Nov 8, 2024 - 8:48 AM   
 By:   msmith   (Member)

Say what you will about ASMR videos but these two help me relax and/or fall asleep better than anything else.

When I want to see and hear a male, I go here:

When I want to see and hear a female I go here:

 Posted:   Nov 9, 2024 - 8:35 AM   
 By:   Nightingale   (Member)

Too many food review channels. Seeing others eating incredible steaks, seafood, BBQ ribs, Southern fried chicken that I will never get to eat (or afford).

Seems somewhat masochistic actually.

 Posted:   Nov 11, 2024 - 8:15 AM   
 By:   Solium   (Member)

I really enjoyed this short. Very well crafted, visually interesting and emotionally satisfying. Best of all, filmed with practical effects!

Creators description: A lone rescue robot in a strange galaxy must reach a surviving astronaut before she's consumed by a looming black hole. A live-action space adventure made entirely with practical effects.

 Posted:   Nov 12, 2024 - 4:39 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

Pitch Meetings are TIGHT: Battlefield Earth

 Posted:   Nov 12, 2024 - 4:42 PM   
 By:   Ado   (Member)

hopefully that guy is really trying to be that annoying

 Posted:   Nov 22, 2024 - 12:08 PM   
 By:   Adam.   (Member)

This little woman (who starts the chant) is terrifying...but in a good way. smile

 Posted:   Dec 1, 2024 - 5:17 AM   
 By:   Jim Phelps   (Member)

I've been catching up with that old visionary sci-fi scribe, Philip K. Dick, and have been watching any and all documentaries and interviews I can find on the old fellow.

I wonder if PKD ever bumped into Charles Bukowski...

 Posted:   Dec 1, 2024 - 6:28 AM   
 By:   Solium   (Member)

A.I. Star Babes. Every nerds dream come true! 3D printing clothing still a problem in the future.

Son of a bitch, they won't let me embed the video! mad

 Posted:   Dec 24, 2024 - 7:20 AM   
 By:   Jim Phelps   (Member)

Top-rated Noir from each year during that era of film history. Here's 1947, Noir's greatest year IMO.

 Posted:   Dec 24, 2024 - 7:21 AM   
 By:   Jim Phelps   (Member)

...and 1948.

 Posted:   Dec 24, 2024 - 3:58 PM   
 By:   Adam.   (Member)

The Mego Star Trek channel has many deleted scenes or alternate takes from TOS. Here's an interesting one from The Doomsday Machine.

 Posted:   Dec 24, 2024 - 6:25 PM   
 By:   Solium   (Member)

Nice one Adam! Two things strike me here. One, how William Windom managed to show such intensity in more than one take and two, how much the score (absent here) really sells the scene.

 Posted:   Dec 26, 2024 - 12:25 AM   
 By:   msmith   (Member)

Watching peoples first reactions to seeing Arbogast's death from the film "PSYCHO" is rather amusing.

People reacting to their first time seeing the final revelation scene from PSYCHO.

 Posted:   Dec 26, 2024 - 7:37 AM   
 By:   Jim Phelps   (Member)

A couple years back, I watched GenZ people being completely pulled in and f*cked up over PSYCHO.

Well done, Hitch.

 Posted:   Dec 26, 2024 - 8:19 AM   
 By:   Solium   (Member)

Whole generations of people who do nothing but "react" to what they're watching instead of actually creating something or saying something interesting. I'd respect people who create sculptures out of trash over this drivel. You can tell a lot of these "reactions" are fake too.

 Posted:   Dec 26, 2024 - 8:23 AM   
 By:   Jim Phelps   (Member)

Whole generations of people who do nothing but "react" to what they're watching instead of actually creating something or saying something interesting. I'd respect people who create sculptures out of trash over this drivel. You can tell a lot of these "reactions" are fake too.

Many of them are view driven phonies. Just look at the thumbnails of these kids in full mock shrieking soyface. However, there are also thoughtful, non-hysterical youngsters who give balanced reviews of the films and music we have known all our lives.

 Posted:   Jan 10, 2025 - 9:39 PM   
 By:   msmith   (Member)

65 year old Jamie Curtis still looks pretty good recreating her workout scene from the 1985 film "Perfect"
Jimmie Fallon recreates John Travolta's part.

Below is the original 1985 scene.

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