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 Posted:   Jan 4, 2019 - 4:37 PM   
 By:   First Breath   (Member)

I'm surprised not even Thor has made a thread about this, originally titled KONGENS NEI.

I just saw the 2016 Norwegian film, and I have to say it was rather brilliant. Probably among the best Norwegian films ever.

I'm positively surprised that there is a soundtrack CD available on Quartet Records (plus digital of course), although it received a 500 copy release only. The score was cleverly low-key and atmospheric, almost ambient in parts, some of it reminding me a bit of Sigur Ros.


 Posted:   Jan 4, 2019 - 4:55 PM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

I thought I HAD made a thread about it, but apparently not?!

I found the film OK (it was on my 61st place in 2016, out of 162), but wasn't that impressed with the score. Very "static" and not a lot in terms of themes, interesting textures or development. Had a digital promo at some point. I'm usually a big fan of Söderqvist, but his misses have been more common than his hits in recent years, IMO. But one of his 'pupils', Uno Helmersson, has done a few better things recently.

 Posted:   Jan 4, 2019 - 4:57 PM   
 By:   Ray Worley   (Member)

I believe Thor has mentioned this film and score in other threads but not in its own thread. I saw it a few months back and agree: it's a terrific film. I probably see more foreign films than the average American and I particularly like Scandinavian films...this rates very highly among Norwegian films for me. It's right up there with KON-TIKI, BIRKEBEINERNE (THE LAST KING), and TURN ME ON, DAMMIT!

I bought the score and am fairly fond of it even though it does have a few moments where it relies on the currently over-used "Bramm...Bramm...Bramm" motif. I forgive it though, because it works fairly well in the film for some really intense moments. I particularly love the scenes of the commander of the shore artillery taking out the German Battleship. Extremely well done.

EDIT Hah! Two minutes after Thor weighed in. I'm a little slow wink

 Posted:   Jan 4, 2019 - 5:02 PM   
 By:   Lokutus   (Member)

Not that impressed by the film and Soderqvist has done far better things in the past.

It doesn't help much that the finale of the film includes "classical" piece by someone else, which also plays during the end credis and therefore Soderqvist was rather robbed of the main opportunity to actually shine here.

 Posted:   Jan 5, 2019 - 6:50 AM   
 By:   MCurry29   (Member)

Definitely a fantastic score IMO! I did mention in my best of list last year, but then that Lokutus guy told me it was not a 2017 film.
Anyway, I Love it! He has other scores that are better of course, but this is still worthy.
His most underappreciated is Kon-Tiki which is brilliant, and of course the MASTERWORK- Let the Right One in.

 Posted:   Jan 5, 2019 - 12:03 PM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

His most underappreciated is Kon-Tiki which is brilliant, and of course the MASTERWORK- Let the Right One in.

NOW we're talking. Those two are absolutely brilliant, but I dare say THE KING OF DEVIL'S ISLAND might very well be his masterpiece. At least that's the one I like the most. That, and DE USYNLIGE [TROUBLED WATER].

 Posted:   Jan 5, 2019 - 7:40 PM   
 By:   acathla   (Member)


The King of Devil's Island is absolutely fantastic!
Both score and movie (my favorite Norwegian movie. Seen it tons of times! big grin ).
There is one really great cue missing on the album though that I really like :/

 Posted:   Jan 7, 2019 - 4:36 AM   
 By:   MCurry29   (Member)

His most underappreciated is Kon-Tiki which is brilliant, and of course the MASTERWORK- Let the Right One in.

NOW we're talking. Those two are absolutely brilliant, but I dare say THE KING OF DEVIL'S ISLAND might very well be his masterpiece. At least that's the one I like the most. That, and DE USYNLIGE [TROUBLED WATER].

Oh Thor- King of Devil's Island is most definitely 3rd if I were listing, but come now- better than Let the Right One On-not bloody likely. The best film and score marriage since 2008.

 Posted:   Jan 7, 2019 - 5:36 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

LET THE RIGHT ONE IN is a great film and score, but I don't quite rate it as highly as you.

If I were to rank my top 5 Söderqvists, it would maybe be something like this:


But I still have many to explore, especially the 90s period.

Regardless, THE KING'S CHOICE would not rate that highly among the ones I've heard.

Shame he didn't do BIRD BOX, the latest film by Bier on Netflix. Could have been interesting. I hope it doesn't mean their long and fruitful collaboration is over.

 Posted:   Feb 1, 2025 - 12:28 AM   
 By:   CK   (Member)

A great track to have playing while driving through the foggy and barren borderlands between Bavaria, Saxony and Bohemia...a very eerie mood. Absolutely loved it. big grin

 Posted:   Feb 2, 2025 - 3:27 PM   
 By:   acathla   (Member)

I really dig this score! I wasnt all that impressed the first time I listened to it, but it has really grown on me!

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