Continuing SEASON 1:
"The Snow Job" https://ok.ru/video/5032925399755 Highlights: 3:09 in.^ 4:49 in.^(5:28) 7:41 in. 9:23 in.^ 10:19 in.^ 14:55 in. Continues after the brief cutaway to the sauna. 23:39 in.^(open/24:12) 24:57 in. Pleasant violins-lead cue meant to evoke a breezy cool mountain place for skiers.^ 26:26 in. A particularly well-crafted and varied cue opening with notable solo brass work.^ * 32:!6 in.^ 34:48 in. 35:28 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(second) 40:00 in. Spirited skiing music using part of the theme music in the opening. Fast skiing and avalanches seem to have inspired Stu.^ 43:00 in.^ For the guys here: 11:37 in. You're welcome. And 12:41 in. And 25:51 in. * = And yes, in a show full of Bullshit Detector=-breaking scenes, the scene where the guy tries to out-skii an avalanche but gets caught in it, is true to life. You can't out-skii an avalanche. You may be able to get ahead of it for a bit, but it catches up to you fast; a typical avalanche quickly gets up to 100 MPH and can exceed -- under the right circumstances -- 200 MPH. There re some ways around some avalanches, as some -- as described online -- are kind of like rivers, so you just need to ski to the side and gets out of the width of the wake. According to Avalanche.org, in North American, about forty people are killed each year by avalanches. Worldwide, generally around 150 people are killed by avalanches. (NtM: 16:28, 46:57, 48:23) Out-of-context quote... Guy to Another Guy: "Now what else do I have that will satisfy you?" "Guess Who's Coming to Town?" https://ok.ru/video/2776821336823 Alternative link: https://ok.ru/video/5032925072075 Highlights: 2:50 in. 6:01 in.^(6:25) 8:00 in.^ 13:19 in.^ 19:57 in. And the short country-flavored source cue which follows.^(open/source) 23:23 in. Car chase music. 27:00 in.^ 29:09 in. 32:08/34:27 * in.^ 39:20 in.^ 45:15 in.^ + 47:03 in.^(close) (NtM: 28:07) * = Lord. How do tires squeal on sand and grass? They don't. + = When the car crashes into the house, look at it -- the reflection of two flash camera photos being taken are seen. I wonder if those ever got released or if that was a private collection. "Child's Play" https://ok.ru/video/4041212168845 Alternartive link: https://ok.ru/video/5032925137611 Highlights: 2:53 in.^ 5:31 in.^ 6:23 in. For the guys here: Stick around for the end of the cue. You're welcome.^ 6:55 in.^ 10:11 in.^ 16:21 in.^(open/16:43) 22:59 in. Car chase music.^ 26:39 in. 31:35 in.^ 34:41 in.^ 35:41 in.^ 38:11 in.^ 40:25 in.^ 42:54 in. Car chase music.^ 44:24 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) A theme park arrangement of John Barry's popular theme from The Sting is heard. (NtM: 24:??, 30:47, 38:53)
Continuing SEASON 1:
"Charlie" https://ok.ru/video/3955775572621 Alternative link: https://ok.ru/video/5032925334219 Highlights: 2:55 in. 5:23 in.^ 8:14 in.^ 10:19 in.^ 14:19 in. Fight music.^ 22:41 in. Chase music. 25:41 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(second) 29:47 in.^ 34:54 in.^ 41:18 in. Lots of chase music. 45:19 in.^ For the guys here: 11:55 in. You're welcome. And 16:12 in again in the same bikini, this time seeing more. I don't care how flimsy the excuse or writing is, any reason to put her in a bikini, is a good reason. (Note to Me: 48:19) "Three for the Road" https://ok.ru/video/5032925268683 (lower quality) Highlights: 2:53 in.^ 4:10 in.^ 6:49 in.^ 8:17 in.^ 12:50 in. Including a Rosenman tone pyramid. Continues after the commercial break.^(first: close) 34:43 in.^ 44:32 in. (NtM: 46:36, 48:16)
Concluding SEASON 1:
"The Silent Partner" https://ok.ru/video/5032925727435 Highlights: 6:27 in.^ 16:04 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^ 19:13 in. 20:41 in. The disco-flavored music for a love scene in a fake TV show on TV.^ 30:02 in.^ 39:52 in.^ 41:14 in.^ 42:24 in.^ 44:27/45:29 in. The second half is fast percussion music with staccato brass over.^ 47:50 in.^(close) Comparatively speaking to prior episodes, there is not much original scoring, since the episode has a number of country music songs tracked in. "Scavenger Hunt" https://ok.ru/video/4013743147661 Highlights: 3:08 in. 7:57 in. 11:41 in.^ 19:33 in. 21:46 in.^ 23:10 in.^ 28:47 in.^ 33:04 in.^ 34:35/35:21 in. Car chase music. 44:50 in. Joining a cue already in progress for the fight music.^ Herve Villechaize plays himself. Briefly. (NtM: 9:01, 48:06) "All right, let's have a visit with Mrs. Butterworth." (sounds syrupy and kinky...)
Continuing SEASON 2:
The after-opening-credits montage explaining the show's premise, that goes on for over a minute, has been eliminated for the second season. "The Ives Have It" https://ok.ru/video/5032990542539 Highlights: 1:53 in.^(up to mystery music) 6:13 in. Tropical-island cue with steel drum taking the lead. And the next source cue which immediately follows it, with percussion and a flute playing over. The second cue goes on for several minutes (up to about 12:00) and I can't say that it is not looped during the SFX when not easily detectable.^ 13:20 in. Another source music cue, this one sounding more like a laid back daytime lounge club piece. But for the guys here, stick around to watch Jodi dancing around in a tight tiny two-piece pink bikini. And another tropical-island source cue with steel drum taking the lead, after the commercial break.^ 20:10 in. Moderately paced trembling mystery strings with nervous percussion work over, like edgy guiro work, for the first minute.^ 23:13 in.^ 28:22/30:21 in.^ 34:42 in. 39:22 in. 41:01/42:38 in. 44:18 in.^ 45:43 in. Short closing cue with steel drum.^ Once again another episode with her in a tight small two-piece bikini and Stu's name isn't over it. Damn. "Colt's Outlaws" https://ok.ru/video/5032990345931 Highlights: 3:45 in.^ 6:55 in.^ 8:28 in.^ 11:26 in.^(middle) 13:12 in. 27:25 in.^ 28:27 in. 33:19 in.^ 3545 in.^ 36:36 in.^ 42:33 in.^ Note: This episode feature video footage for the end credits, instead of stills. (NtM: 9:48) "Colt Breaks Out" By: Frank De Vol & Tom Worrall https://ok.ru/video/5032990411467 Highlights: 5:42 in.^ 9:36 in.^ 10:17 in.^ 12:46 in.^ 24:06 in.^ 25:58 in. And the cue after the commercial break, which can be combined with it. 28:02 in.^ 32:08 in.^ 34:21 in.^(open/close) 36:24 in.^ I have no idea why both halves of this two-parter were scored by different composers. (NtM: 34:00, 34:59) Out-of-context quote... "I just hope that farmer across the way doesn't notice the way you've been milking his cows..."
When I was a young teenager I enjoyed this show so much. Now, it would be a nostalgic guilty pleasure. But Stu Phillips? I’m so there. I would buy this instantly.
When I was a young teenager I enjoyed this show so much. Now, it would be a nostalgic guilty pleasure. But Stu Phillips? I’m so there. I would buy this instantly. Forget it! I asked Stu a year ago or so and he replied that he'd tried to convince the studios and the labels, but nobody wants to do it. Now I think it's Disney property, so I think that was that.
Concluding SEASON 2:
"Win One for the Gipper???" https://ok.ru/video/5032991263435 Highlights: 3:23 in.^ 7:01 in.^ 10:35 in. Takes off about fifteen seconds in.^ 12:06 in.^ About 15:46 in. Bar fight music. 23:45 in. 27:04 in.^ 34:28 in.^ 42:26 in.^ (NtM: 9:07, 18:08, 21:33, 22:14, 29:41) Out-of-context quote exchange... Jodi: "You wanna come?" Female: "Yes, but I can't." "Strange Bedfellows" https://ok.ru/video/5032991460043 Highlights: 2:52 in. Action music for a fake movie being filmed. 6:38 in.^ 13:42 in.^(first ten seonds) 15:09 in.^ 18:05 in. 23:41 in. 25:08 in. Car chase music. And the cue after the commercial break.^ 28:10 in.^ 31:17 in. Funky car chase music with disco wah-wah.^ 36:46 in.^ 38:28 in. 42:13 in.^ 42:39 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^ (NtM: 45:51) "The Molly Sue" https://ok.ru/video/4502589672077 Alternative link: https://ok.ru/video/5032991591115 (lower quality) Highlights: 1:42 in.^ 3:11 in.^ 9:30 in.^ 12:16/13:21 in.^ 15:39 in. Perhaps a little too whimsical for most.^ 23:43 in.^ 25:17 in. 31:53 in.^ 34:47 in.^ 36:10 in.^ 39:48 in. Short outtro cue.^ 41:18/43:44 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(second: close; third) 45:34 in.^ "Fishing trips can be tough; did you see 'Deliverance'?"
When I was a young teenager I enjoyed this show so much. Now, it would be a nostalgic guilty pleasure. But Stu Phillips? I’m so there. I would buy this instantly. Forget it! I asked Stu a year ago or so and he replied that he'd tried to convince the studios and the labels, but nobody wants to do it. Now I think it's Disney property, so I think that was that. Too bad. Maybe a slight chance when the remake movie is released next year?
That's sad. Maybe two or three suites next year will help change some minds.
When I was a young teenager I enjoyed this show so much. Now, it would be a nostalgic guilty pleasure. But Stu Phillips? I’m so there. I would buy this instantly. Forget it! I asked Stu a year ago or so and he replied that he'd tried to convince the studios and the labels, but nobody wants to do it. Now I think it's Disney property, so I think that was that. Too bad. Maybe a slight chance when the remake movie is released next year? I didn't even know, that a movie is coming. But be that as it may: Lee Majors is Colt Seavers and not Dwayne Johnson or whoever is playing Colt. Wouldn't watch it.
Concluding SEASON 3:
I only missed three episodes from this season, so... "Inside, Outside" https://ok.ru/video/3956079528589 Alternative link: https://ok.ru/video/2755900869367 Highlights: 1:39 in. 3:43 in.^ 6:27 in.^ 9:44 in.^ 11:10 in. 12:49 in.^ 16:23 in.^ 30:32/31:22 in.^ 32:35 in. Car chase music.^ 36:08 in. 38:29 in.^ 40:13 in.^ 42:01 in.^ 44:11 in.^ 45:26 in.^ For the guys here: about 5:30 in. You're welcome. God, such a boring episode. If it wasn't for Markie Post in the two-piece bikini, there'd be nothing to see here! I'm surprised her in the bikini didn't make a screen grab for the end credits. Almost always can count on a hot girl in a bikini making it in. So, once again, Stu was screwed not having his credit on a hot girl. (NtM: 13:08, 15:15, 19:35, 23:10, 29:20) "Bite of the Wasp" By: Ron Ramin https://ok.ru/video/2755901393655 Highlights: 1:39 in.^ 3:13 in. Parody of Hamlisch's main theme from "The Sting".^ 3:38 in. 5:00 in. Funky action music for a fake movie scene being filmed.^ 7:14 in. Also contains some more "The Sting" parody music.^(7:28) 12:40 in. Yet more "The Sting"parody music.^ 15:00 in.^ 16:40 in. Including three minutes of militaristic snare drum and brass lead action music, taking a breather for just a few seconds only to lead to some more action music, for a total of just over five minutes of scoring. Then there's more action music after the commercial break.^(16:57) 24:22 in. More "The Sting" parody music.^ 27:10 in. 28:47 in. And some more "The Sting" parody music after the commercial break.^ 33:40 in.^ 34:44 in.^ 35:15 in.^ 37:20 in.^ 39:44 in.^ 41:43 in. And the cue after the commercial break. Both contain small bits of "The Sting" parody music.^ 44:31 in. And the special end credits piece that follows.^ Ramin was clearly inspired by the episode. (NtM: 12:07) "Then hurt somebody who isn't important." Colt Seavers: "You ever notice how well things go when you got a good script." (a good way to sum up this episode, especially after that prior bad episode) "Olympic Quest" By: Ron Ramin https://ok.ru/video/5033053784779 https://ok.ru/video/2755901786871 Highlights: 1:39 in. Music for the Olympics, opening with the famous theme but them leading to Ron's own music.^ 4:24 in.^ 8:34 in.^ 9:50 in.^ * 13:17 in. And the cue after the commercial break. Both sound like something Morton Stevens would have done.^ 15:42 in. 16:49 in.^ 21:09 in.^ 22:05 in. 23:35 in. 26:05 in. 28:31 in. Fight music.^ 29:35 in.^ 31:49 in.^ 34:09 in. Over five minutes of chase music and action music.^ 40:43 in. 43:54 in. Upbeat theme arrangement with finger snaps.^ 44:$4 in.^ Another good score from Ramin. Two in a row! Stu was incorrectly credited as the composer on IMDb for this episode. I correct it. (NtM: 7:23) * = Of course it exploded. Why? Because. Don't look any deeper than that!
Sadly, I cannot do the two missing episode of season four, thus completing the series. Still no load for "Losers Weepers: Part 2" to be found. One load is mis-labled as it, but in reality it is the next episode, "Stranger Than Fiction". The only load of "Sandcastles" is too awful to use; pauses and goes often and is in poor quality. If anybody here can find a public load I can link to that is safe to click on for those two, feel free to share.
Film based on the series (apparently loosely based upon) coming. From dragon53's film/TV news/triva thread from yesterday: THE FALL GUY---photo and synopsis released for the David Leitch movie starring Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt based on the Lee Majors stunt man tv series, “In this version, Ryan Gosling plays Colt Seavers, a stuntman laid low by an on-set performance gone so wrong that it nearly killed him, while Emily Blunt is Jody Moreno, a former camera operator (and former love) getting her big break as the director of a ridiculously extravagant sci-fi Western that needs his help.”
David Leitch's composers for the last few films he directed: Dominic Lewis and Tyler Bates. One polished turd comin' your way. At least Stu knows in advance he can role over in his grave once gone.