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 Posted:   Sep 4, 2024 - 12:54 PM   
 By:   Sean Nethery   (Member)

Good point. Then there's The Firm, with the Grusin underscore primarily for solo piano, and one of the best score ideas of the last 30 years!

 Posted:   Sep 5, 2024 - 12:30 PM   
 By:   MMM   (Member)

When is "International Triangle Hour?"

 Posted:   Sep 5, 2024 - 1:21 PM   
 By:   Prince Damian   (Member)

I've been trying to think of an appropriate joke but the piano isn't my forte! Boom!!boom!

 Posted:   Sep 7, 2024 - 5:36 PM   
 By:   Sir David of Garland   (Member)

When is "International Triangle Hour?"

Whenever someone watches "The Bionic Woman." I notice they used triangle a LOT.

 Posted:   Sep 10, 2024 - 7:23 PM   
 By:   Sir David of Garland   (Member)

I missed an obvious one:

 Posted:   Sep 14, 2024 - 4:58 PM   
 By:   Sir David of Garland   (Member)

I would call PRESUMED INNOCENT, piano-heavy (and I'm surprised Thor didn't cite it before me).

 Posted:   Sep 15, 2024 - 12:10 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

I would call PRESUMED INNOCENT, piano-heavy (and I'm surprised Thor didn't cite it before me).

Well, outside mentioning THE PIANO in passing (since it was such an obvious pick that no one had mentioned), I hadn't really intended to recommend a lot, because a) the topic is a little wide and there are so many to choose from, and b) there are so many previous threads about it. I even did a variation of it in 2012, it seems, a thread I had completely forgotten about:

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