As i understand it, beyond the basic LP track titles, there werent any titles, just m numbers. The track titles for the first extended CD were done in italy by Patrick E, when he put the CD together for gdm in 2001.
Well only Patrick can answer that fully (im sure he's reachable via Fuiano at gdm). but bear in mind they had much more music than what was included on the expanded in 2001. It had to be trimmed to fit 1 cd and a few things glued together to get it past morricone. So whether he gave a label to more unused tracks i dont know.
Some suspect that CD2 Track 10. Tuco fa la colletta (1:05) may be the cue for the Socorro sequence given the (translated) title of the track, "Tuco does the collection". However, as others have already stated above, I suspect this was the track intended for the grotto scene (despite the track title not fitting the grotto scene) Maybe colletta/collection refers to the new gang.
Glorious release of the classic soundtrack I take mine to bed as a comfort blanket lol
Glorious release of the classic soundtrack I take mine to bed as a comfort blanket lol I tried taking mine to bed too but it refused. I have no luck with fkn cds, either!
Fistful already expanded n im not sure how much more music there is, if any. Fully expanded Fafdm official is way overdue. Screaming for a quartet/malone upgrade.
Bring it on! An updated FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE would be great.
Fistful already expanded n im not sure how much more music there is, if any. Fully expanded Fafdm official is way overdue. Screaming for a quartet/malone upgrade. Watched this last night and you are correct, there is lots of music missing from the CD's in circulation. Would not mind 'Fist' also getting a polished treatment from Mr Malone! I noticed just before bedtime it was on (BBC 2?) and, though I have it on disc, couldn't resist watching a few minutes. I'm sure we all do this. Plenty of 'Vice of Killing ' . Around the scene where Manco shoots the apples off the tree for the kid. Sign me up to an extended soundtrack.
Fistful already expanded n im not sure how much more music there is, if any. Fully expanded Fafdm official is way overdue. Screaming for a quartet/malone upgrade. What label did Fistful? I need to complete the trilogy!
Fistful already expanded n im not sure how much more music there is, if any. Fully expanded Fafdm official is way overdue. Screaming for a quartet/malone upgrade. What label did Fistful? I need to complete the trilogy! GDM 2066