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 Posted:   Jan 21, 2021 - 8:11 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

Read the first post.

 Posted:   Jan 25, 2021 - 8:53 AM   
 By:   OnyaBirri   (Member)

Any other suggestions?

 Posted:   Jan 26, 2021 - 12:25 PM   
 By:   merlyn   (Member)

DEAR JUSTIN I will e-mail you to suggest something to you.

Or you can e-mail me
Kindest regards

 Posted:   Jan 26, 2021 - 12:45 PM   
 By:   merlyn   (Member)

Hi Justin Just to make it clear it is Lyn from the UK e-mail me if you can I just sent you a mail just moments ago


 Posted:   Jan 26, 2021 - 12:50 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

I'll just wait for the e-mail. :-)

You can post here though; no need to be secret about it. At least no reason I can think of.

 Posted:   Jan 26, 2021 - 5:25 PM   
 By:   merlyn   (Member)

I'll just wait for the e-mail. :-)

You can post here though; no need to be secret about it. At least no reason I can think of.

OK I can help you out with a donation $50 dollars let me know were to send it


 Posted:   Jan 30, 2021 - 9:36 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

Tentatively -- hopefully I'll be able to get my butt into gear and update Monday -- the funding for the flash drive has been met.

Pending that, here is a list of projects I hope t handle in the coming weeks:

  • Some pilots.

  • "Unchained" (Alex North). Previously only ten minutes of the film had been up, but now the whole film is up on YouTube. Never been released, can't be rented, so it's an obscurity.

  • Some TV series I have done (plenty more will be handled in the future).

  • A 1960's movie (which I haven't covered yet).

  • Miscellaneous stuff.

     Posted:   Jan 30, 2021 - 11:01 AM   
     By:   merlyn   (Member)

    That sounds great

     Posted:   Jan 30, 2021 - 11:21 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    And as a note for those following my threads:

    I'll probably spend a week or two just doing "Peyton Place". With over 500 episodes, I want to make a dent in it faster.

    "Johnny Dollar" will go on the back burner during that time.

     Posted:   Feb 1, 2021 - 12:10 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Funding is met, thanks to a generous donor. I am working on right now as I type, "Unchained" (North).

    Previously I had ripped all the score from the first ten minutes of the film because that's all there was.

    I had included the song as sung in the film, but that tripped copyright and I had to delete it, remove the song as sung in the film, and re-upload.

    I had been disappointed I didn't hear the theme from the song in the score, but making this suite now, the first new cue is a long arrangement of the theme as we know from the song. Delicious.
    I'll have to leave the dialogue in or else I'll ruin that cue.

     Posted:   Feb 3, 2021 - 1:59 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    To show I am making good on my promise and didn't take the money and run, here are this week's suites (possibly more before the week is over):

    A 1975 Quinn Martin pilot. Covered in my Random TV Pilots thread.

    Episode: "Who Do You Trust?"
    A 1987 short-lived TV series I'd love to do a thread for based on the composer roster, but to date no episode was available, until a few months ago when this one popped up. I grabbed the audio and the video vanishes shortly thereafter, before I had a chance to grab the screen credit. I skipped 98% of the annoying simplistic synth stuff.

    A failed 1961 pilot. Covered in my Random TV Pilots thread. Too long for one video (unverified accounts have a fifteen minute limit).

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    "Nero Wolfe"
    In the 1950's, two or three episodes of a William Shatner co-starring Nero Wolfe series were filmed. For years no one could see any episodes and it had no IMDb page (until I created it) and then a few months ago, the pilot suddenly popped up. Alex North scored it, although he is only credited for the theme music on screen.

     Posted:   Feb 5, 2021 - 4:53 PM   
     By:   merlyn   (Member)

    To show I am making good on my promise and didn't take the money and run, here are this week's suites (possibly more before the week is over):

    A 1975 Quinn Martin pilot. Covered in my Random TV Pilots thread.

    Episode: "Who Do You Trust?"
    A 1987 short-lived TV series I'd love to do a thread for based on the composer roster, but to date no episode was available, until a few months ago when this one popped up. I grabbed the audio and the video vanishes shortly thereafter, before I had a chance to grab the screen credit. I skipped 98% of the annoying simplistic synth stuff.

    A failed 1961 pilot. Covered in my Random TV Pilots thread. Too long for one video (unverified accounts have a fifteen minute limit).

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    "Nero Wolfe"
    In the 1950's, two or three episodes of a William Shatner co-starring Nero Wolfe series were filmed. For years no one could see any episodes and it had no IMDb page (until I created it) and then a few months ago, the pilot suddenly popped up. Alex North scored it, although he is only credited for the theme music on screen.

    Justin these are great thanks for all your efforts


     Posted:   Feb 8, 2021 - 11:30 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    This week's suites (doesn't necessarily mean there won't be anymore during the week):

    Episode: "Scream of Silence"
    Composer: John Parker

    One cool as fuck score that I really wish would be released on a "perhaps one day" Volume 1 set of scoring from the show.

    "The Duke"
    Episode: Pilot
    Composers: Post & Carpenter

    NOTE: I got a copyright claim almost immediately, even though the video fits within Fair Use (not unusual -- YouTube/Google doesn't give an F about Fair Use). Can anybody hear the audio?

    "The Father and Feather Gang"
    Episode: Pilot
    Composer: George Romanis
    (suites for all episodes will be forthcoming; will be added to my thread on the series scoring)

    Witches Brew
    Composer: John Parker

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    "The Rookies"
    Season three score suites:

     Posted:   Feb 9, 2021 - 2:03 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    "The Father and Feather Gang"
    Suites to the rest of the episodes.

    "The Death Squad"
    Composer: Dave Grusin

    If you've not heard it, Grusin was on fire for this opening cue. The rest of the film score has some stuff here and there worth having, but nothing on the level of this cue. The cue was repeated for the end credits and edited to include part of another cue and then faded out unnaturally. I used part of the end credits to cover up FX from the opening. This is the best that can be done with the film loads available.

     Posted:   Feb 16, 2021 - 11:50 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    This week's suites. Maybe a tiny bit more later this week.

    "McGruff, the Talking Dog"
    Composer: Richard La Salle

    For curiosity's sake, two cues ripped from an episode. Reportedly the series was lost in a fire, but a guy on YouTube found a 16mmm copy on eBay, so I took the chance to rip a super super rarity.

    Composer unknown; possibly a track job.

    Tried asking to find out if anybody recognized the music, in a Jan. 14 post here:

    More suites from "The Rookies":
    By the way, all season three episodes have been ripped; I just need to edit them. I rip one to three a days, six days a week, then edit on Sunday, so it's a slow pace.

    My thread for the scoring:

     Posted:   Feb 17, 2021 - 9:20 AM   
     By:   merlyn   (Member)

    This week's suites. Maybe a tiny bit more later this week.

    "McGruff, the Talking Dog"
    Composer: Richard La Salle

    For curiosity's sake, two cues ripped from an episode. Reportedly the series was lost in a fire, but a guy on YouTube found a 16mmm copy on eBay, so I took the chance to rip a super super rarity.

    Composer unknown; possibly a track job.

    Tried asking to find out if anybody recognized the music, in a Jan. 14 post here:

    More suites from "The Rookies":
    By the way, all season three episodes have been ripped; I just need to edit them. I rip one to three a days, six days a week, then edit on Sunday, so it's a slow pace.

    My thread for the scoring:

    This is very much like the montage music (aka Nervous teaser) was composed by Richard Shores, which proceeds the shows main credits for The Dick Powell Theatre. theme Herschel Burke Gilbert.
    which you will be familiar with, Just a thought.
    Great compilation of suites brilliant

     Posted:   Feb 17, 2021 - 9:38 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    You're welcome.

    The mystery 1960's film I wanted to do, is out; only two loads up and one sounds terrible and the one that sounded good, has been blocked due to copyright. However, while trying to find it, I stumbled upon a completely unfamiliar 1960's score with excellent material and a striking main title by a familiar name to older members. Look for this one soon!

     Posted:   Feb 18, 2021 - 1:51 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Final suites for this week.

    A short-lived 1975 TV series.

    Suite for Benny Golson:
    Included it score from two episodes he scored. I've included the catchy and fun opening/closing credits.

    Suite for Duane Tatro:

    Two or three episodes had the credits cut short, so I can't say if they scored any other episodes or if there were any other composers for the show.

    "The Smugglers"
    Composer: Lyn Murray

    A 1968 TV movie that as info' lists online, was cut short for a live broadcast and thought to be lost for some time, until apparently some guy with a Youtube channel put it up one day.

     Posted:   Feb 19, 2021 - 1:12 PM   
     By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

    I thought I'd suggest a few anthology shows which had some great composers work on them, assuming you can find episodes uploaded online. First up:

    Playhouse 90 -- 4 seasons, 134 episodes (90 minutes each, with commercials); IMDb composer credits:
    Russell Garcia ... (35 episodes, 1956-1957)
    Jerry Goldsmith ... (12 episodes, 1958-1960) (alas only two survive that we at The Goldsmith Odyssey have found: "A Marriage of Strangers" and "Tomorrow")
    Fred Steiner ... (2 episodes, 1957-1958)
    Bernard Herrmann ... (1 episode, 1957)
    Robert Drasnin ... (1 episode, 1958)
    Jackie Gleason ... (1 episode, 1958)
    John Williams ... (1 episode, 1958) (this was his first and only composing credit on IMDb, pre-Daddy-O)
    Alexander Courage ... (1 episode, 1959)

    Studio One in Hollywood -- 10 seasons, 467 episodes (one hour each with commercials, not sure when original scoring started). IMDb composer credits are woefully incomplete. They say Bernard Herrmann scored some and list six by Jerry Goldsmith (but I am fairly certain they omit some).

    General Electric Theater -- 10 seasons, 303 episodes. Again I am fairly certain IMDb composer credits are incomplete, probably because the episodes are missing. They list the following:
    Series Music by
    Lyn Murray ... (25 episodes, 1957-1962)
    Elmer Bernstein ... (8 episodes, 1958-1959)
    Conrad Salinger ... (8 episodes, 1959-1962)
    Jerry Goldsmith ... (6 episodes, 1959-1962)
    Robert Mersey ... (5 episodes, 1960-1961)
    Bernard Herrmann ... (2 episodes, 1955-1956)
    John Williams ... (2 episodes, 1960-1962)
    Morton Stevens ... (2 episodes, 1960)
    Nelson Riddle ... (1 episode, 1956)
    Dave Kahn ... (1 episode, 1958)
    Frank De Vol ... (1 episode, 1959)
    David Raksin ... (1 episode, 1959)
    Cyril J. Mockridge ... (1 episode, 1960)
    Fred Steiner ... (1 episode, 1960)
    Stanley Wilson ... (1 episode, 1960)
    Benny Carter ... (1 episode, 1961)
    Leonard Rosenman ... (1 episode, 1961)
    Pete Rugolo ... (1 episode, 1961)
    John Scott Trotter ... (1 episode, 1961)
    Van Cleave ... (1 episode, 1961)
    Sidney Fine ... (1 episode, 1962)

    But I know of at least two Goldsmith scores for the series which they omit, as well as the fact that Elmer Bernstein apparently scored an entire season of the show but is only credited for eight episodes here.

    Kraft Mystery Theater -- 3 seasons, 47 episodes. IMDb composer listing appears to be incomplete:
    Series Music by
    Don Banks ... (1 episode, 1961)
    Stanley Black ... (1 episode, 1961)
    Tony Crombie ... (1 episode, 1961)
    James Stevens ... (1 episode, 1961)
    Carlo Savina ... (1 episode, 1962)
    Jerry Goldsmith ... (1 episode, 1963)
    Lyn Murray ... (1 episode, 1963)
    Morton Stevens ... (1 episode, 1963)
    John Williams ... (unknown episodes)

    Bob Hope presents The Chrysler Theater -- 4 seasons, 101 episodes. IMDb composer listing:
    Series Music by
    John Williams ... (8 episodes, 1963-1967)
    Benny Carter ... (8 episodes, 1963-1966)
    Joseph J. Lilley ... (6 episodes, 1964-1966)
    Bernard Herrmann ... (3 episodes, 1963-1966)
    Lyn Murray ... (3 episodes, 1963-1966)
    Morton Stevens ... (3 episodes, 1963-1964)
    Lennie Hayton ... (2 episodes, 1963-1966)
    Sidney Fine ... (2 episodes, 1964-1965)
    Johnny Mandel ... (2 episodes, 1966-1967)
    Lalo Schifrin ... (1 episode, 1966)
    Les Brown ... (1 episode, 1965)
    Russell Garcia ... (1 episode, 1965)
    Cyril J. Mockridge ... (1 episode, 1965)
    Jeff Alexander ... (1 episode, 1966)
    Dizzy Gillespie ... (1 episode, 1966)
    Quincy Jones ... (1 episode, 1966)
    Stanley Wilson ... (1 episode, 1967)
    Jerry Goldsmith ... (unknown episodes)

    Jerry Goldsmith's episode is not unknown; as noted as far back as Jeff Bond's FSM Buyer's Guide, he scored the pilot episode "A Killing at Sundial" written by Rod Serling. (And a great score it is!)

    Alcoa Premiere -- 2 seasons, 60 episodes. IMDb says:
    Series Music by
    John Williams ... (7 episodes, 1961-1963)
    Jerry Goldsmith ... (1 episode, 1962)
    Sidney Fine ... (1 episode, 1963)
    Morton Stevens ... (1 episode, 1963)

    Their Jerry Goldsmith credit for "Of This Time, Of This Place" is 100% inaccurate however; John Williams wrote a very nice score for that episode and I suspect Jerry Goldsmith did not work on this show. According to FSM user zooba, there are at least 25 episodes of Alcoa Premiere scored by this may be his most sustained and significant contribution to TV scoring:


     Posted:   Feb 19, 2021 - 1:17 PM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    I'll certainly consider them, but at this point there aren't that many hour-long long-running shows I intend to do. Kind of burned out of that right now.

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