Are you referring to L'isola degli uomini pesce?  Michelini wrote and recorded this score in 1978 and the film premiered in Italy in January 1979. When it was distributed in 1981 on U.S. screens, it was titled Screamers and this is when some cues (Horner's?) were tracked into the Americanized print.
Anyone do a link to the film on YouTube? The End Titles sound like they "could" be Horner, but it seems like a very rudimentary and badly performed theme based, somewhat hilariously, on SUPERMAN. Now I think about it, it seems way too rough even for 1979 Horner. More like 1963 Horner.
https://youtu.be/WKxv7GbaabA?si=MNrAZdMC7eH8I5-B Here ya go! Watched the last 5mins to confirm it's the full film. Definitely Horner at the end, possibly mixed with some library score? Horrible playing, those horns are embarrassing. My only memory is cracking up as a lad hearing the upcoming announcement on Channel 36 San Jose I think... Up from the Depths....starring Sam Bottoms ( lol ) Still chuckles me....
Roger Feigelson revealed that Intrada searched and searched for a tape source on everything Horner recorded for this, to pair with their release of The Lady in Red. Alas nothing appears to have survived. So maybe it could be tacked on as a stretch goal for a future James Horner rerecording Kickstarter… maybe with Horner’s fully written but not recorded score for Alligator (1980)? (https://filmscoremonthly.com/board/posts.cfm?threadID=119101&forumID=1&archive=0) Presumably even if tapes are lost, the Horner Estate might have all the written music still. Yavar
Roger Feigelson revealed that Intrada searched and searched for a tape source on everything Horner recorded for this, to pair with their release of The Lady in Red. Alas nothing appears to have survived. So maybe it could be tacked on as a stretch goal for a future James Horner rerecording Kickstarter… maybe with Horner’s fully written but not recorded score for Alligator (1980)? (https://filmscoremonthly.com/board/posts.cfm?threadID=119101&forumID=1&archive=0) Presumably even if tapes are lost, the Horner Estate might have all the written music still. Yavar Simple solutions to simple problems.... If the written score exists, get someone to put it together with samples (Which are quite good today) and record it. It couldn't have been a big group given the budget of the film and what they ended up using which was a combination of Goldsmith Library dues from THE TWILIGHT ZONE (Back There I seem to recall) and Hudley's original cues. Yeah, I'm sure the anal purists would object, but it would be better than nothing. Also it's note like we have an OST to compare it too. Ford A. Thaxton
Roger Feigelson revealed that Intrada searched and searched for a tape source on everything Horner recorded for this, to pair with their release of The Lady in Red. Alas nothing appears to have survived. So maybe it could be tacked on as a stretch goal for a future James Horner rerecording Kickstarter… maybe with Horner’s fully written but not recorded score for Alligator (1980)? (https://filmscoremonthly.com/board/posts.cfm?threadID=119101&forumID=1&archive=0) Presumably even if tapes are lost, the Horner Estate might have all the written music still. Yavar It would be worth asking Roger if INTRADA ever got a cue sheet for the film that might help locating what of Horner's score is in the film and where. If the written score still exists in the Horner Archive, why not get someone to record it with a Sample Orchestra that I suspect might be better performed then the one he used. Now a combination of this and the lost score to "Alligator" would make a rather interesting release. I know that the anal retentive, who think using a virtual orchestra sacrilege wouldn't go for this, but I know I would. Ford A. Thaxton
I mean sure use samples if that’s how it needs to happen, but why not try to crowdfund a live orchestra recording first, and see if there’s enough support? Glad you like my pairing idea though, Ford! Yavar
Would any of us actually want UP FROM THE DEPTHS, even as a polished re-recording? Those End Titles sound dreadful in every way! Maybe from a historical/archaeological perspective it might have value... similar to the old recording of Jerry Goldsmith plonking away at his Fischer-Price baby's xylophone circa 1936 and recorded live by visiting dignitary Herr Telefunken. Goldsmith's oldest known recording, it's on Ebay, asking price 12 million dollars.
I mean sure use samples if that’s how it needs to happen, but why not try to crowdfund a live orchestra recording first, and see if there’s enough support? Glad you like my pairing idea though, Ford! Yavar Because that would be in my view a waste of time and resources. I know people who mock out scores all the time and who could do this so we would get an idea of what it would’ve sounded like also given the nature of these movies. I’m sure there are lots of elements which are sound design like in them, that samples would be able to realize quite effectively and cost vastly less than having to engage a live group. In short, it’s a lot easier to spend between $5000.00 to $7500.00 to get a virtual orchestra to do it then have it to raise $20-$25,000 for live group. But that’s just my opinion. Ford A. Thaxton
Yeah, I'm sure the anal purists would object, Pfft. Anal purists. Listen, they're not all they're cracked up to be.