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 Posted:   Dec 21, 2022 - 4:00 PM   
 By:   GoblinScore   (Member)

....and I suppose this IP has a bit broader appeal than making a series about Radioland Murders or Mishima, but I will admit I'm a bit

The day Herr Maus gets its paws on Yukio a day we should all despair.

The Radioland album is on my stack to revisit, very nice work and strong album there.

Mishima made me chuckle though, thanks Schiffy.

 Posted:   Dec 21, 2022 - 4:09 PM   
 By:   jb1234   (Member)

I only watched the first two episodes (couldn't take anymore) and the score was underachieving during them. But it's not like JNH was given much to work with. I also found the action music mostly disappointing with all the added synths and electronic guitar. It's clear that the producers want this show to appeal to a younger audience (the awful pop song drops reinforce this) but as Schiffy says, why would they even care?

 Posted:   Dec 21, 2022 - 5:50 PM   
 By:   BrenKel   (Member)

The 60 min album plays much better and you hear the Horner references much clearer than in the series. I do agree that both the series and the score are missed opportunities but it’s not a bad fantasy score by JNH.

 Posted:   Jan 12, 2023 - 7:58 AM   
 By:   Jason LeBlanc   (Member)

Vol 3 album is out where it's Friday

1. The Day Never Ends (1:44)
2. Breaking the Ice (3:32)
3. Zeb (2:07)
4. New Girl (1:54)
5. Scrambled or Poached (3:03)
6. The Mudmander (1:38)
7. Combat Training (2:52)
8. What Is Real? (3:08)
9. Getting Close (1:40)
10. Admissions (3:09)
11. Not Worthy (1:54)
12. Courtyard Attack (5:22)
13. How Far We’d Go (2:45)
14. Not How This Ends (3:41)
15. Harbinger (2:46)
16. Bigger Than Anything (1:57)
17. Loyal (1:35)
18. Into the Light (1:39)
19. This Can’t Be Real (1:54)
20. Try Harder! (1:29)
21. The Wyrm (3:15)
22. Remember Who You Are (1:50)
23. Your Own Path (1:03)
24. Help Arrives (3:50)
25. Facing Off (5:05)
26. Last Gasp (2:39)
27. The Most Powerful Thing in the Universe (2:18)
28. Closing Chapter (2:50)

 Posted:   Jan 12, 2023 - 9:24 AM   
 By:   Ian J.   (Member)

OT - I'm discussing the series itself, rather than the music.

Having renewed by D+ subs for a month or two (specifically to watch Andor - which I liked, btw) I finished watching the eight Willow episodes last night. It's an odd-fish of a series, trying to be reverential to the original film, but irreverential to it at the same time. As others have said, clearly trying to engage a more modern audience with the modern usage of language in the banter, something the original film never did. I fail to see how it ends up gaining a long term audience if the odd mix of language is maintained. I like Warwick Davis, but his dialogue delivery is often quite staid, without much emotional nuance, unfortunately. I'm not sure if that's just him, or is as much down to how a director gets a performance out of him. The other actors all seemed to be OK with their delivery though.

 Posted:   Jan 16, 2023 - 6:38 PM   
 By:   Mr. Jack   (Member)

 Posted:   May 25, 2023 - 1:45 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

So, "news" about this shows cancellation was apparently clickbait, according to Kasdan. There was no cancellation, but for reasons no renewal happened and cast has been released so they can work on other projects until another season is ordered.

Really, it shouldn't come back.

 Posted:   May 25, 2023 - 2:39 PM   
 By:   SchiffyM   (Member)

So, "news" about this shows cancellation was apparently clickbait, according to Kasdan. There was no cancellation, but for reasons no renewal happened and cast has been released so they can work on other projects until another season is ordered.

Kasdan has been saying a lot about this, and I think all of it is nonsense. They didn't have to fake-cancel this show to release the cast for more work. (Pedro Pascal did "The Last of Us" without "The Mandalorian" ever being "canceled." Holds on cast – and writers – are a real issue, but they can be negotiated.)

Earlier this week, Kasdan also claimed to be "kinda into" the series being removed from Disney+, likening it to the moratoriums on classic Disney films when he was a kid (they'd disappear for a while before coming back to great fanfare). That's inventive spin, certainly. But removing an expensive series after six months doesn't happen because the series is an asset – it happens because it's not being watched and they want to cut costs.

 Posted:   May 25, 2023 - 3:05 PM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

Wow I had no idea the show was removed from Disney+!


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