This is the 1960's American series that ran for two seasons. Attention readers: I have been implementing a new system that is nothing more than a note to myself; for cues that I want to include in a suite one day, for now on I will denote them with ^ symbol. It has no special meaning to anyone else but myself. No, the lack of an up arrow symbol doesn't mean the cue is bad (it just may have too much SFX or FX for suite use or just isn't worth my time to edit and include). Hence forth this system will be in all future threads and pre-exiting threads that I go back to for missed episodes. Anything in ( ) are just notes to the arrow and you need not bother with that. "The Twisted Image" By: Pete Rugolo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qRSrhjPSiA Highlights: 0:00 in.^(open/close) 5:48 in.^ 7:49 in.^ 14:45 in. Bumper. And the cue after the bumper.^(both) 16:01 in.^(16:30) 23:29 in.^ 31:46 in.^ 36:51 in.^ 41:41 in.^ 44:35 in.^ 45:24 in.^ 48:07 in.^ (Note to Me: 12:07, 28:30, 29:49, 30:09) "Child's Play" By: Pete Rugolo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkkQLwc7OGI Highlights: 0:39 in.^ 2:03 in.^ 12:17 in. Joining a cue already in progress.^ 14:17 in.^ 18:06 in.^ 21:49/24:17 in.^ 26:27 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(second: open) 29:49 in.^ 35:25 in. 36:55 in.^ 37:55 in. 39:02 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 41:37 in.^ 44:27 in.^ 46:47 in.^ When the kid says "Put the apple on your head" it reminds me of Nicolas Cage saying in the film "Con Air": "Put ... the bunny ... down." (NtM: 17:57) "Worse Than Murder" By: Pete Rugolo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gf8lztztBzw Highlights: 1:47 in.^ 4:21 in.^ 5:55 in.^ 7:34 in.^ 8:41 in.^ 10:56 in.^ 14:05 in.^ 14:52 in.^ 17:01 in.^ 19:53 in. The woodwind clusters, cymbal taps, and triangle make for a very effective moody cue.^ 22:45 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^ 24:53 in.^(use?) 26:58 in.^ 27:44 in.^ 29:09 in.^ 30:44 in. 32:25 in.^ 36:31 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 43:16 in.^ 47:20 in.^ (NtM: 13:55) "The Mark of the Hand" By: Pete Rugolo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG41FWHTq9U Highlights: 0:00 in.^ 2:23 in.^ 5:54 in.^ 11:40 in.^ 16:47/18:18 in.^ 22:01 in.^ 26:20 in. Bumper.^ 27:27 in.^ 30:22 in. 32:58 in.^ 43:00 in. 44:26 in.^ (NtM: 46:56) "Rose's Last Summer" By: Pete Rugolo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5hMmKe_zlI Highlights: 0:00 in.^ 1:47 in.^ 3:49 in.^ 4:49 in.^ 8:17 in. 11:06 in.^ 12:26 in.^ 15:38 in.^ 17:12 in.^ 19:27 in. 24:06 in.^ 25:34 in. Dramatic outtro and intros.^ 28:45 in.^ 31:24 in.^ 36:34 in.^ 37:56 in. 39:17 in.^ 42:00 in.^ 43:17 in.^ 45:58 in. 48:12 in.^ (NtM: 38:31)
Continuing SEASON 1:
"The Guilty Men" By: Pete Rugolo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4rPLUyG1sM Highlights: 7:53 in. 13:16 in.^ 18:09 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 23:45 in.^ 31:04 in.^ 40:41 in.^ 46:50 in.^ (NtM: 41:40 gif) "The Purple Room" By: Pete Rugolo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bj0oKmSOW-w Highlights: 0:00 in.^ 1:18 in. 2:10 in.^ 4:28 in.^ 8:22 in.^ 13:06 in. 17:15 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 20:03 in.^ 22:38 in.^ 24:55 in.^ 28:35 in.^(parts?) 32:11 in.^ 33:23 in.^ 42:57 in.^ 47:55 in. And the special end credits which immediately follows it.^ "The Watcher" By: Pete Rugolo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PjDgm6AytA Highlights: 0:00 in.^ 2:11 in.^ * 5:55 in.^ 9:32 in.^ 12:12 in.^ 15:37 in.^ 23:00 in.^ 23:42 in. And the cue after the commercial break**.^ 26:21 in.^ 29:14 in.^ 33:22 in.^ 34:22 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^ 37:44 in.^ 40:59 in.^ 42:11 in.^ 46:46 in. And the special end credits music which immediately follows it.^ This is the best over-all score to the series thus far. I may have cited nearly every single cue. * = CinemaSins: "Tommy ... how's the peepin'?" ** = You'd have to pry me off her with a crowbar. And from that point onward she spends several minutes of the episode in that same two piece. "The Simpsons" Comic Book Guy: "Best. Episode. Ever." (NtM: 48:20 gif) "Girl With a Secret" By: Pete Rugolo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gy4mLmmhVJE Highlights: 0:00 in.^ 1:44 in. Music to run some one off the road by.^ 3:55 in.^ 9:42 in.^ 13:55 in. Outtro.^ 17:42 in.^ 19:16 in.^ 23:53 in.^ 32:39 in.^ 35:13 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both; first: closing) 36:43 in.^ 42:34 in.(42:59) 43:45 in.^ 45:53 in.^ 48:04 in. And the special end credits music which immediately follows it.^ "The Prediction" By: Pete Rugolo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puYD7EZ0cN8 Highlights: 0:00 in.^ 4:02 in.^ 5:25 in.^ 6:05 in.^ 21:00 in.^ 32:10 in.^ 33:09 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both: first: closing) 35:29 in.^ 43:28 in.^ 44:48 in.^ 48:28 in.^ (NtM: 20:12)
Posted: |
Oct 17, 2021 - 4:50 AM
By: |
Graham Watt
What a coincidence - my second post today about THRILLER! I just have to say that I was very aware of the later, supernatural/horror episodes, but I never got to see the early ones scored by Rugolo until very recently. I'm very pleasantly surprised by the episodes themselves, and the scores. I had kind of imagined them all to be about gangsters and stuff like that, with blaring, brassy cop-show scoring, but the episodes I've seen are in general much more delicate than that - even touching on semi-supernatural in places. And Rugolo's scores are splendid. I don't have the re-recorded disc that was first released on LP in 1961 (and later released on CD), but it's up on YouTube, and after watching each Rugolo-scored episode, I'll see if it's represented on that disc and have a listen to the reinterpretation. They're truly great arrangements, ranging from all-out jazz to subtle chamber pieces - not too unlike some of the scores which Goldsmith and Stevens would later do for the series.
Continuing SEASON 1:
"The Fatal Impulse" By: Pete Rugolo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1fs4iyPomg Highlights: 0:00 in.^ 4:04 in.^ 8:43 in.^ 12:28 in.^ * 13:56 in.^ 18:04 in.^ 20:27 in.^ 21:08 in.^ 27:00 in.^ 30:55 in.^ 33:37 in.^ 34:21 in.^ 35:23 in.^ 37:02 in.^ 38:17 in.^(38:44) 39:36 in.^ 41:28 in.^ 43:07 in.^ 46:14 in.^ 48:37 in. And the special end credits music which immediately follows it.^ Guest-starring Robert Lansing. * = That was a surprisingly real looking car hit. "Suddenly I feel a great need for a cup of coffee." "The Big Blackout" By: Pete Rugolo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZSi67SZxrM Highlights: 0:00 in.^ 1:12 in.^ 2:28 in.^ 4:07 in.^ 6:50 in.^ 8:36 in.^ 10:16 in.^ 11:53 in.^ 13:17 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 16:19 in.^ 18:24 in.^ 22:00 in.^ 23:15 in.^ 24:31 in. That music just fits that baby so perfectly, especially that flourish when the baby smiles.^ 27:24 in.^ 29:29 in.^ 30:39 in.^ 32:22 in.^ 34:05 in.^ 37:28 in.^ 40:00 in.^ 46:31 in.^ 47:58 in.^ That's nearly every single cue. There's an actor named ... Chubby Johnson. Must ... resist ... temptation to... "Knock Three-One-Two" By: Pete Rugolo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VD9UtbGya0 Highlights: 0:00/0:53 in.^ 3:09 in.^ 6:35 in.^ 12:27 in. 17:06 in.^ 24:59 in.^ 25:58 in.^ 29:13 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both: first: closing) 32:22 in.^ 35:19 in.^ 36:56 in.^ 38:26 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 41:38 in.^ 44:59 in. And the special end credits music which immediately follows it.^ "Man in the Middle" By: Pete Rugolo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUIxjiW3F2E (Note to Me: find a better-sound load) Highlights: 0:00 in.^ 5:28 in.^ 11:29 in.^ 21:22 in.^ 23:14 in.^ 24:38 in.^ 27:57 in.^ 33:01 in.^ 34:00 in.^ 37:51 in.^ 40:36 in. Almost three and-a-half minutes long.^ 44:08 in.^ 46:44 in. Lord, Mort Sahl is almost as bad an actor as Jerry Orbach. "I tried to be a fence-sitter all my life, but there's no fence!" "The Cheaters" By: Jerry Goldsmith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3IIZLo-5hw This is the first effort by Jerry for the series. Highlights: 0:00 in.^ 1:08 in.^ 3:09 in. 9:45 in.^ 11:59 in.^ 15:50 in.^ 19:02 in.^ 20:51 in.^ 22:31 in.^ 25:50 in.^(26:45) 30:00 in.^ 34:00/35:09 in. 38:19 in.^ 43:14 in.^ 45:55 in.^ 47:45 in. And the special end credits music which immediately follows it.^ Interesting that the first episode of the series to feel like an episode of "The Twilight Zone" -- is scored by a composer who worked on that show, too. I can only imagine if Rod Serling had been involved, what this could have been. (NtM: 2:25 gif) NOTE: This episode score was isolated on DVD with SFX.
What a coincidence - my second post today about THRILLER! Help me Graham — I’m having trouble finding your other recent post about Thriller and it’s driving me crazy!  Yavar
Continuing SEASON 1:
"The Hungry Glass" By: Pete Rugolo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlPFOtSFAPs (Note to Me: Find a better quality load) Highlights: 0:00 in.^ :22 in. 10:20 in.^ * 13:42 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 15:12 in.^ 18:22 in. A LONG cue, running nearly eight minutes long.^ 29:18 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 32:05 in.^ 32:58 in.^ 36:18 in. 39:47 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(second) 44:05 in.^ 46:57 in. And the special end credits music which immediately follows it.^ Maybe a contender for a series' best score list. Perhaps he should have even gotten an Emmy nomination. * = Theeerrree'sssss ... somethingoutthewindow! And he never recovered from the events in the house. Avoided jail, decided he needed to get away from things, and took a flight, where he saw somethingonthewing! "The Poisoner" By: Jerry Goldsmith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ppH0tYq3Rs Highlights: 0:00 in.^ 2:08 in.^ 4:01 in. 4:58 in.^ 9:11 in.^ 13:46 in.^ 14:49 in.^ 17:28 in.^ 20:21 in.^ 25:07 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^ 27:13 in.^ 33:10 in.^ 35:10 in.^ 40:35 in.^ 43:32 in.^ 47:33 in.^ 50:27 in. The special end credits music.^ Sure I'm not done with season one yet, but it's safe to say this is one or the best scores of the series. Jerry was on fire here. This score deserves nothing more than a full release. It's also a good episode. And -- might I say -- this episode hinged on the casting of the lead, and the score. Thankfully both were well done. NOTE: This episode score was isolated on DVD with SFX. NOTE: Three cues were re-recorded for Volume 1 from Tadlow. "Man in a Cage" By: Pete Rugolo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6uY52ZwuJc Highlights: 0:00 in.^ 1:08 in.^ 4:18 in.^ 6:14 in.^ 8:44 in.^ 12:38 in.^ 15:42 in. And the source cue which immediately follows it.^ 17:27 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(first: closing) 23:13 in.^ 26:18 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 37:07 in.^ 42:27 in.^ 44:50 in.^ 46:47 in.^ 48:25 in. 50:24 in. The special end credits music.^ This is a very differnt kind of score from the above Goldsmith effort, but still of its own accord, another good score and probably one of the series' best efforts. I may have cited every single cue. "Choose a Victim" By: Pete Rugolo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LITkPpefHK8 Highlights: 1:10 in.^ 3:09 in. 4:12 in. The source musuic.^ 5:47 in.^ 7:25 in.^(open) 10:33 in.^ 11:57 in.^ 15:23 in.^ 16:33 in.^ 17:45 in.^ 19:04 in. 22:12 in.^ 24:34 in.^ 28:35 in.^ 29:48 in.^ 32:51 in.^ 37:03 in.^ 46:03 in.^ 47:33 in. And the special end credits music which immediately follows it.^(both; first: parts/closing) "Hay-Fork and Bill-Hook" By: Jerry Goldsmith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5p8y5qV2iw Highlights: 0:00 in.^(1:10) 3:38 in. 4:15 in.^ 5:22 in. 8:02 in.^ 9:52 in.^ 15:03 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^ 18:45 in. 27:09 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both; first: open/close) 30:12 in.^ 32:42 in.^ 38:07 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 41:38 in. My goodness, just way above the call of scoring duty here. It's clear even back in 1960 he was meant for bigger things. There is a two or three second lull, then the cue continues. About seven minutes long, to the end of the episode.^ 50:19 in. The special end credits music.^ Surely one of the series' best episode scores. NOTE: This episode score was isolated on DVD with SFX. NOTE: Three cues were re-recorded for Volume 1 from Tadlow. "Yes, yes, your flippin' lordship."
Continuing SEASON 1:
"The Merriweather File" By: Pete Rugolo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HIXH6_pjFI Highlights: 0:00 in.^ 2:54 in. 3:42 in.^ 11:47 in. There is a two or three second lull and the cue continues. Nearing four minutes long. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 20:53 in.^ 22:38 in.^ 25:42 in.^ 28:06 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 30:59 in. The cool source music. Wish I could find a blonde that enjoyed listening to that.^ 33:50 in.^(open/close) 36:02 in.^ 42:14 in.^ 50:25 in. The special end credits music.^ (NtM: 42:06) "The Fingers of Fear" By: Pete Rugolo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuVGmRAC7Mc Highlights: 0:35 in.^ 1:31 in.^ 2:44 in.^ 3:25 in.^ 6:48 in.^ 11:42 in.^ 12:47 in.^ 14:45 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 20:04 in.^ 24:54 in.^ 26:18 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^ 27:33 in.^ 29:24 in.^ 31:16 in.^ 35:37 in.^ 37:51 in.^ 40:22 in.^ 44:42 in.^ 48:15 in.^ 50:10 in. The special end credits music.^ I'd say amongst the series' best scores. I cited probably nearly every single cue. "Well of Doom" By: Jerry Goldsmith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rspfshrFZRs Highlights: 1:20 in.^ 3:25 in. 4:17 in.^ 10:08 in.^ 12:10 in. Jerry would later go on to use those growling brass clusters in the mini series "Contract on Cherry street".^(13:22) 15:25 in.^ 17:18 in.^ 25:24 in.^ 29:10 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 33:47 in.^ 38:31 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 46:37 in.^ 50:05 in. The special end credits music.^ Not a bad score and certainly amongst the series' best efforts, it's sjust that it's not as spectacular as two or three earlier efforts I gave praise to. NOTE: This episode score was isolated on DVD with SFX. NOTE: Three cues were re-recorded for Volume 1 from Tadlow. "The Ordeal of Dr. Cordell" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OqP9v_m_jw This is the first effort by Stevens for the series. Highlights: 0:00 in. 0:49 in.^ 3:09 in. 8:55 in.^ 10:25 in.^ 15:30 in.^ 18:07 in.^ 19:15 in.^ 20:47 in.^ 29:24 in.^ 31:56 in.^ 33:13 in.^ 35:33 in.^ 38:02 in.^ 39:53 in.^ 44:19 in.^ 44:55 in.^ 50:14 in. The special end credits music.^ "Trio for Terror" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7zs-D_66jw Highlights: 0:00 in.^(open) 2:15 in.^ 6:18 in.^ 8:01 in.^ 12:35 in. 14:51 in.^ 15:59 in.^ 19:41 in.^ 23:58 in.^ 28:41 in.^ 30:16 in.^ 33:10 in.^ 39:04 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 47:10 in. And the special end credits music which immediately follows it which reprises the material for when Boris talks during segments.^ Boris: "We've learned a lot in the last hundred years, but how much do you supposed has been forgotten in the passed five thousand?"
Just a quick note about the “special end credits” — in all (or at the very least, most) cases this music was simply tracked from earlier in the score, and edited (sometimes a bit clumsily) to fit the length of the credits at the end. Yavar
Continuing SEASON 1:
"Papa Benjamin" By: Pete Rugolo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52Qvi1YQYGE This is the final effort by Rugolo for the series. Highlights: 0:00 in.^ 1:25 in.^(2:27) 3:02 in.^(closing) 4:15 in.^ 5:14 in. 10:02 in.^(open/11:02 12:11 in.^ 14:14 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 22:15 in.^ 23:42 in.^ 26:07 in.^ 29:09 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 31:20 in.^ 33:26 in.^ 34:59 in.^ 36:07 in.^ 38:09 in.^ 41:14 in.^ 42:36 in.^ 44:17 in. Almost three minutes long, no SFX.^ 47:38 in. And the special end credits music which immediately follows it.^ This score is sort of like one long exotica instrumental album. It might be open to some debate, but I feel this is amongst the series' best episode scores. I think I cited all but maybe one or two cues, so I might as well say the complete score should be released. "Late Date" By: Jerry Goldsmith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dFdMacu928 Highlights: 0:00 in.^ 2:09 in.^ 9:40 in.^ 12:37 in.^ 14:41 in.^ 18:23 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 23:39 in.^ 26:31 in.^ 30:56 in.^ 35:44 in.^ 44:52 in.^ 47:21 in. And the special end credits music which immediately follows it.^ Another one of the series' best episode scores. And a personal favorite of mine. For the guys here: 11:14 in. You're welcome. NOTE: This episode score was isolated on DVD with SFX. NOTE: Two tracks (one a suite) were re-recorded for Volume 2 from Tadlow. "Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper" By: Jerry Goldsmith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpj_yjZOvSo Highlights: 0:00 in.^ 1:25 in.^ 5:01 in.^ 11:48 in.^ 16:23 in.^ 21:24 in.^ 26:06 in.^ 29:42 in. The party source music.^ 33:46 in.^ 37:13 in. 39:09 in.^ 44:09 in.^ 47:45 in. And the special end credits music which immediately follows it.^ (NtM: 19:34) An episode scored by Jerry Goldsmith stars an actor named John Williams. And Donald Woods (also the name of a composer: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0940582/ ) NOTE: This episode score was isolated on DVD with SFX. NOTE: Three tracks (one a suite) were re-recorded for Volume 1 from Tadlow. Out-of-context quote... "The Ripper will come. He has to." "The Devil's Ticket" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLUMolT9ygY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTtV0ONrleg Highlights: 4:16 in. 5:11 in.^ 7:22 in.^ 11:39 in.^ 14:16 in.^ 18:29 in.^ 20:22 in.^ 28:28 in.^ 29:29 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^ 32:28 in.^ 34:27 in.^ 37:16 in.^ 38:41 in.^ 42:38 in.^ 44:51 in.^ 47:53 in. And the special end credits music which immediately follows it.^ Another one of the series' best episode scores. "I have given the Devil his due." "Parasite Mansion" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BI-D5c5yauQ Highlights: 2:07 in. 2:55 in.^ 4:14 in.^ 9:25 in.^ 12::27 in.^ 16:16 in. 18:35 in.^ 25:07 in.^ 26:08 in.^ 30:01 in.^ 36:20 in.^ 38:39 in.^ 41:22 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^ 43:25 in.^ * 47:34 in. And the special end credits music which immediately follows it.^ Guest-starring Jeanette Nolan, who is almost always a delight to watch. I think this is the nearest Stevens got to scoring his own poltergeist. * = Sooooo ... they're not going to keep chasing after her to put her out, right? He's just going to give up and let her burn to death, right? Yep, that's precisely right. Out-of-context(?) quote... "Ah, she stirs your manhood, ay?"
Continuing SEASON 1:
"A Good Imagination" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpwBxv9hRbI Highlights: 0:00 in.^ 2:21 in. All of the end credits is edited mainly out of this cue, but the speed change a little and presented out-of-order. Some bits are found in one or two other cues. For suite #3 I decided to preserve most of this presentation.^ 4:48 in.^ 8:10 in.^ 15:31 in.^ 18:42 in.^ 22:06 in.^ 25:12 in.^ 29:52 in. Murder boner: activated.^ 39:15 in.^(second) 40:57 in.^ 41:57 in.^ 46:27 in.^ 47:57 in.^ One of the series' best episode scores. And a delightfully whimsical work at times. There's just something about affiable older lawbreakers that seemed to get Stevens' creative juices going. This is I think the third episode I have seen of a series where he did this. "Mr. George" By: Jerry Goldsmith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngGcJvgd5e8 Highlights: 0:00 in.^ 2:14 in.^ 3:36 in.^ 6:11 in. 7:03 in.^ 10:52 in. 14:11 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 17:25 in.^(open) 21:07 in.^ 22:25 in.^ 24:17 in.^ 25:23 in.^ 26:50 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 30:53 in.^ 31:54 in.^ 32:42 in.^ 33:53 in.^ 35:19 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 37:08 in.^ 42:26 in.^ 45:55 in.^ 46:57 in. And the special end credits music which immediately follows it.^ What a highly effective episode about a sweet little girl and her "imaginary" friend Mr. George. Jerry gave it everything it needed. Surely one of the series' best episode scores. NOTE: This episode score was isolated on DVD with SFX. NOTE: Three cues were re-recorded for Volume 1 from Tadlow. "Terror in Teakwood" By: Jerry Goldsmith Piano solos composed and performed by: Caesar Giovannini https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71pBn3JyXvM Highlights: 0:00 in.^ 2:01 in. Ending in a Rosenman tone pyramid.^ 3:19 in.^ 11:26 in.^ 13:52 in.^ 18:30 in.^ 22:30 in. Ending in a Rosenman tone pyramid. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 27:07 in. Am I hearing piano string scraping or harp scraping? I bet Yavar knows. 29:48 in. 38:30 in. Ending in a Rosenman tone pyramid.^ 45:03 in.^ 41:44 in.^ 46:49 in. Including Rosenman tone pyramids.^ I think this episode was a waste of Goldsmith's time. Quite frankly I think Rosenman himself would have been a better choice. Giovannini died in 2017 at the age of 92. His IMDb page shows he played piano on film scores, too: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0320520/?ref_=tt_rv NOTE: This episode score was isolated on DVD with SFX. NOTE: Two tracks (one a suite) were re-recorded for Volume 2 from Tadlow. Out-of-context quote... Boris: "I can only suggest you get a grip on yourself..." "The Prisoner in the Mirror" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkKHxCBPLv8 Highlights: 0:00 in. That first approx. minute of the cue is just beautiful. The end credits music is an edit of this cue, which cuts out a portion of the softer material in the middle. Sadly, this portion was not recoverable for suite purposes because of the dialogue. 3:29 in.^(closing) 4:28 in.^ 9:05 in. 10:11 in.^ 11:42 in.^ 14:00 in.^ 18:17 in.^ 21:42 in.^ 25:47 in.^ 29:34 in.^ 31:23 in.^ 35:22 in.^ 38:26 in.^ 40:04 in.^ 40:56 in.^ 44:33 in.^ 46:16 in.^ 47:39 in.^(48:03) Perhaps a second tier effort for the series. (NtM: 5:42) Boris: "The hand of Death strikes suddenly. And without regards for the plain, the beautiful, the bad or the good."
Finishing SEASON 1:
"Dark Legacy" By: Jerry Goldsmith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpOLmU8YN3g Highlights: 0:00 in. Over four minutes long, with a powerful dark opening, flourishes of tension and mystery, just showcasing Jerry's abilities even back then.^ 6:35 in.^ 8:58 in. 9:48 in.^ 26:01 in. Over five minutes long.^ 40:55 in.^ 44:58 in. 47:36 in. And the special end credits music which immediately follows it.^ One of the series' best episode scores. "Pigeons From Hell" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4JDBQYvU2Q Highlights: 1:29 in.^ 4:06 in.^ 5:36 in.^(closing) 6:20 in.^ 7:37 in.^ 9:42 in. 12:07 in.^ 16:33 in. Including a Rosenman tone pyramid.^ 17:41 in.^ 19:33 in.^ 23:27 in.^ 27:55 in.^ 32:26 in. This cue might be able to be connected to the above cue without being forced and sounding out-of-place.^(use parts?) 41:03 in.^ 43:28 in.^ 47:05 in. The end credits cue which follows it an edited down version of score heard in this cue, but the end credits is special: in the episode during the build to the end of the cue, the wordless female vocal is faded out, but the end credits presents the cue as intended. For suite #6 I chose to edit back in the music and keep the intended end instead of the episode version (plus, this removes all the annoying pigeon sounds).^ One of the series' best episode scores. In bizarro America, this would be: Alfred Hitchcock's "The Pigeons". Make sure you feed them, or they won't come after you. And now for a true, but disgusting story involving pigeons. So, a few years ago I was at the beach and under a pier. People leave food everywhere and the pigeons who live under the pier fly down and eat what they can find, which also includes hot fries and Cheetos. So, some pigeon had obviously eaten one of those things and it had not really digested very well. The pigeon shit from up under the pier; it fell onto the sand and another pigeon walking around looking for food, came over and ate the orange/red shit. "The Grim Reaper" By: Jerry Goldsmith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlxyA0SgBm0 Highlights: 0:00 in.^ 2:33 in.^ * 4:38 in. 5:38 in.^ 12:22 in.^ 16:20 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(first) 19:28 in.^ 21:38 in.^ 28:52 in.^ 35:01 in.^ 35:49 in.^ 38:32 in.^ 41:14 in.^ 44:40 in.^ One of the series' best episode scores and one of Jerry's best efforts for the show, I'd say. Guest-starring William Shatner. Man, when he was locked in the room and looked over at the painting ... that was just pure fucking awesome. Moments like that are what good television was all about. * = Yeah, I understand the shadow was for dramatic effect, but look at the two -- they're looking at the shadow, not in the direction from where the shadow was cast. Scary shadow! NOTE: This episode score was isolated on DVD with SFX. NOTE: Three cues were re-recorded for Volume 1 from Tadlow. Out-of-context quote exchange... Shat: "I haven't touched it." Woman: "But if you won't, I will."
Hey Justin, “Dark Legacy” is a Goldsmith score! It’s the first one chronologically since his first “The Cheaters” which hasn’t been represented on a Tadlow volume yet, but it is available on an iso M&E track on the DVDs. It’s actually the most recent Thriller score that The Goldsmith Odyssey has covered — you’ve just surpassed us because “The Grim Reaper” is our next up (and I’m looking forward to it!) Here’s our episode covering it: https://goldsmithodyssey.buzzsprout.com/159614/9290211-episode-32-thriller-dark-legacy-1961 Also just a heads up for you: in season two “The Closed Cabinet” and “The Last of the Somervilles” are credited to Goldsmith I think but they consist of tracked music from his earlier Thriller scores. Very rare for this series to have tracked scores but these are a couple of exceptions. Yavar
My mistake --corrected. Yeah, there are four episodes in season two that have no credited composer, so track jobs. Three of them are the last episodes -- they apparently gave up wanting to shell out money at the end.
"What Beckoning Ghost?" By: Jerry Goldsmith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omf6CZgoib8 Highlights: 0:00 in.^ 3:32 in.^(closing) 4:34 in.^ 11:20 in.^ 16:03 in.And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 23:21 in.^ 25:02 in. Over five minutes long.^ 31:27 in.^ 37:46 in.^ 40:41 in.^ 43:31 in.^ 48:55 in. And the special end credits music which immediately follows it.^ NOTE: This episode score was isolated on DVD with SFX. "Guillotine" By: Jerry Goldsmith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbOJ0xgrbM0 Highlights: 0:26 in.^ 5:06 in.^ 10:52 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(first) 16:06 in.^ 27:45 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(second: 28:53) 30:12/32:57 in.^ 33:57 in.^ 35:26 in.^ 38:39 in.^ 39:37 in.^ 40:07 in.^ 41:13 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 42:17 in.^ 43:44 in.^ 45:10 in.^ 49:37 in. And the special end credits music which immediately follows it.^ Perhaps another one of the series' best episode scores. I may have cited nearly every single cue. Most of the score sounds like it could be reasonably, if not perfectly, arranged into one to three suites. A heck of an episode. I got to say I was rooting for both of them in the end. Sadly, I saw the ending coming... Right before the 10:50 highlight, it sounds like he said "Silly rabbit". NOTE: This episode score was isolated on DVD with SFX. "The Premature Burial" By: Morton Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mr4n0maqaCo Highlights: 0:00 in. Mournful funeral music, with strings and I think I hear a little soft brass in there (maybe).^ 2:34 in.^ 4:51 in.^ 6:01 in.^ 7:24 in.^ 10:11 in.^ 13:39 in.^ 16:20 in.^ 17:26 in. 22:27 in.^ 24:06 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 30:42 in.^ 35:17 in.^ 39:03 in.^ 40:50 in.^ 43:07 in.^ 46:11 in.^ 48:47 in. And the special end credits music which immediately follows it (ending in a Rosenman tone pyramid).^ About half of the score is contained on suite #7 and the rest in suite #8. Boris guest stars in this episode as a character instead of just an opening/closing host. "The Weird Tailor" By: Jerry Goldsmith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_xHq4yRQyc Highlights: 3:11 in.^ 4:42 in. 5:37 in.^ 9:38 in.^ 14:49 in.^ 17:21 in.^ 21:47 in.^ 25:04 in.^ 27:17 in.^ 34:30 in. And the cue after the commercial break. The second cue reminds me of Christmas time.^(both) 38:58 in.^ 41:40 in.^ 47:24 in. And the special end credits music which immediately follows it.^ Guest-starring George Mcready. Mr. Smith went to Washington, now Mr. Smith goes to Hell. Special note to the acting of Henry Jones, perfectly cast as the tailor. If only the woman had been cast just as good... Out-of-context quote... "Please ... I'll take it. Give it to me." NOTE: This episode score was isolated on DVD with SFX. NOTE: Two tracks (one a suite) were re-recorded for Volume 2 from Tadlow. "God Grante That She Lye Stille" By: Jerry Goldsmith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaTeUu_mNHQ Highlights: 2:02 in.^ 4:46 in.^ 6:20 in.^ 13:55 in.^(16:14) 19:21 in. In orchestration and creativity, way above what the episode needed, but one heck of a cue nonetheless. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 26:41 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 31:07 in.^ 33:24 in.^ 35:05 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 41:04 in.^ 42:59 in.^ 45:26 in. And the special end credits music which immediately follows it.^ Perhaps one of the series' best episode scores. A little shaky at the start for me to fully make the claim. I hope my murderer is a hot blonde like her. I want a time machine so I can go back in time, take him out of her arms, and insert myself there. NOTE: This episode score was isolated on DVD with SFX. NOTE: Two tracks (one a suite) were re-recorded for Volume 2 from Tadlow. "Masquerade" By: Jerry Goldsmith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1TVG-m14Gk Highlights: 4:38 in. 11:24 in.^ 12:41 in.^ 17:55 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(second) 19:56 in.^ 25:50 in.^ 28:33 in.^ 34:29 in.^ 35:33 in.^ 39:59 in. About two minutes long, with that last minute sounding kind of Horner-esque. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 43:16 in.^ 44:56 in.^ 48:14 in. And the special end credits music which immediately follows it.^(second) Borderline top tier effort by Jerry. The Pete Rugolo theme has been irritating for some time now. As the show matured and music improved, the theme should have been replaced mid season one. If I had a sexy brunette girl like that, I wouldn't be going to sleep on her. Nope nope nope, I have some other ideas... NOTE: This episode score was isolated on DVD with SFX. NOTE: Two tracks (one a suite) were re-recorded for Volume 2 from Tadlow. Out-of-context quote... Sexy Brunette: "I had to bean him to get it."