Posted: |
May 18, 2022 - 9:57 AM
By: |
I can't believe there's no thread (that I could find at any rate) for this excellent score. For anyone who hasn't seen this series, which is on AppleTV+, its one of the best series I've seen in recent memory and is worth giving a shot to. Fully fleshed out characters, a mystery without too many cards being played, extremely dense writing (meriting rewatch after rewatch), and an edge-of-your-seat slow burn to one of the best season finales I can remember. I'm honestly obsessed. And each one of the main cast (Adam Scott, Christopher Walken, John Tuturro, Zac Cherry, Britt Lower) truly invents a one of a kind character. And a special shout out to Patricia Arquette who puts in a career performance as well. Meanwhile, the music is just so good and exceptionally well spotted. Its a great after-dark listen on its own. It's not complex in the best way: just a few piano lines and some synths (and other more lively music as needed) create an outstanding mood that also does some emotional directing. The main title theme is a catchy earworm and Shipiro isn't afraid to use it and integrate it into the music proper. There's a couple other motifs here and there that recur and leave an impression. The music, against the picture, adds to the atmosphere and mystery that was created and does what so few scores anymore seem to do: elevate the drama and become part of the story. And the main theme over a proper opening credits sequence sets the right mood to get you into the show. I've not really paid much attention to Shapiro before this but his work on Severance has me paying attention now.
The main title is so heavily indebted to Shire’s Conversation score that it unfortunately tips the tone of the show from the first note. The rest of the score is fine, almost shocking how piano-led it all is.