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 Posted:   May 28, 2023 - 4:13 AM   
 By:   Mark malmstrom   (Member)

I'd also say those threads can be value for the album producers becaurse it do shows what the fans want

it can be a perfect guide to what to include as long as there are free reign

license-things are a different matter though

 Posted:   May 28, 2023 - 7:22 PM   
 By:   WillemAfo   (Member)

Gotta say I really love the tank chase music. I don't know if it's the most amazing music in the world, but you can really tell how much John Altman knew orchestration because it's perfectly fitted to the film as an extremely functional piece.

It doesn't overuse the Bond theme, but carefully maps out hints of it that lead to the more full moments, giving the scene a much clearer contour. From emphasizing when Natalya drops through the grate to the tank bursting through the wall to a pileup of cars, Altman knows precisely when to play music and when NOT to play music.

The sound effects are a huge sonic battle in this scene, and Altman gets that the brass will cut through some of it, just enough, with the percussion maintaining the energy.

The use of triangle is a clear indicator of Altman's orchestration abilities - it's a simple device to cut through all the loud gunfire and explosions to create a constant sense of building energy. Where a lesser composer would default to generic woodwind or string runs Altman keeps it sparse and the triangle maintains a sense of action momentum without being overbearing.

In contrast, Serra's original music has no contour whatsoever, which diminishes the impact of the action, and pays no attention to how sound effects were used, resulting in the two competing with each other.

Long live Altman's tank chase!

 Posted:   May 29, 2023 - 5:41 AM   
 By:   Mark malmstrom   (Member)


Serra's music does fit the scene better

While Altman is the classic bond kind of music it is also too serious on the matter

there are videos on youtube with Serra's music sat to the scene

Serra's does make the scene more fun while altman just show what Bond are - a brutal dinosaur - a relic from old days

while i do like the Alman piece better in terms of just music even I can see that Serra's music fares much better with the film scenes and not being too serious

I have a hard time following Bond smashes everything for a girl

 Posted:   May 29, 2023 - 6:14 AM   
 By:   Randy Watson   (Member)


Serra's music does fit the scene better

While Altman is the classic bond kind of music it is also too serious on the matter

there are videos on youtube with Serra's music sat to the scene

Serra's does make the scene more fun while altman just show what Bond are - a brutal dinosaur - a relic from old days

while i do like the Alman piece better in terms of just music even I can see that Serra's music fares much better with the film scenes and not being too serious

I have a hard time following Bond smashes everything for a girl

Lol, say what now? I'm probably one of Serra's biggest defenders but what he wrote for the tank chase was laughably bad and atrocious. It doesn't fit the scene at all, it just chugs along without really hitting any of the beats of the scene.

 Posted:   May 29, 2023 - 7:00 AM   
 By:   panavision   (Member)

My favourite track is We share the same passions. Serra captured the Bond sound with that cue.

That whole scene is so Bond

classic line like

that's one trick i'd never learn

before going in a different direction because of: plot

and the music is just great

- better than the natalya theme (love theme?)

I love the ending of We Share the Same Passions, too.

Going from the romance of Bond to something mysterious, a hint of menace. Wonderful scoring.

I like the Natalya theme too.

Serra knocked those out of the park.

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