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 Posted:   Feb 21, 2024 - 12:38 PM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

I thought the film was okay.
Nothing special, but I've suffered through far worse.
It was highly derivative of ORPHAN and maybe CHUCKY too.
The score, like Sean says, has some good moments and is better than A LOT in this day and age.

 Posted:   Feb 21, 2024 - 9:50 PM   
 By:   haineshisway   (Member)

I thought the film was okay.
Nothing special, but I've suffered through far worse.
It was highly derivative of ORPHAN and maybe CHUCKY too.
The score, like Sean says, has some good moments and is better than A LOT in this day and age.

I love Orphan and I love M3GAN - they have zero in common however other than they are both very well acted and directed. It was a hit for a reason. Of course, I do know how this works - something that's this praised immediately causes people to have expectations that cannot be met.

 Posted:   Feb 21, 2024 - 9:57 PM   
 By:   GoblinScore   (Member)

Dear Bruce,

You're a mensch, unequivocally. If I'm not blocked, you'll surely scoff at lil ol nobody's post here.

Your history and knowledge....I'm surprised M3gan spoke to you. I found it an annoying, "relevant", irritating, wholly unfrightening piece of garbage relying on a naff, tired concept.

Thank you for emerging to share your thoughts on this one, sincerely, no snide. Seriously gobsmacked M3gan actually provided anything to you of all people.

Willis' score is quite good. (And he was never heard from again.....)

 Posted:   Feb 22, 2024 - 12:45 AM   
 By:   chriscoyle   (Member)

I thought M3GAN was a very good film. It took off on TikTok if I’m not mistaken and I saw it in a theatre the second week it played. Right from the beginning with the death of the parents it held my attention. A self absorbed geek girl who has no relationship with her sister or responsibilities in life gets stuck with her orphaned niece. She becomes a modern Dr. Frankenstein trying to do good and it goes south. The role of consumerism and marketing the next big thing. Loved Alison Williams character. Loved the reference to the Lost in Space movie when she fights M3GAN at the end. A humorous thoughtful film.

 Posted:   Feb 22, 2024 - 2:07 AM   
 By:   Luc Van der Eeken   (Member)

Dear Bruce,

You're a mensch, unequivocally. If I'm not blocked, you'll surely scoff at lil ol nobody's post here.

Your history and knowledge....I'm surprised M3gan spoke to you. I found it an annoying, "relevant", irritating, wholly unfrightening piece of garbage relying on a naff, tired concept.

Thank you for emerging to share your thoughts on this one, sincerely, no snide. Seriously gobsmacked M3gan actually provided anything to you of all people.

Willis' score is quite good. (And he was never heard from again.....)

That's not exactly true. Willis wrote a great score for Saltburn last year.

 Posted:   Feb 22, 2024 - 4:36 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

"they have zero in common however other than they are both very well acted and directed"
Oh, I dunno.
Bleak autumn/winter locales.
Tragic family event early on.
Strange female protector/guardian-like character who mercilessly kills anyone who messes with young child (hell, even the forest/woods death stalk sequence from ORPHAN was duplicated in M3GAN).
I got quite a few 'vibe outs' from ORPHAN while watching M3GAN.
And as I say, I liked both films, although I think ORPHAN is the much superior effort.

 Posted:   Feb 3, 2025 - 4:39 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

Playing this score CD again and for all the stick Ben Wallfisch tends to get for his noise/distortion effect, that he's been using within his horror scores of the past 5-10 years, this score emulates that technique to the point where it actually sounds like a Ben Wallfisch score at times.
No diss. I know Hollywood producers/editors like to follow a tried and tested, 'successful' formula and this was probably suggested to Willis during spotting.
Just wanted to chat some more about the score, which is very well done and enjoyable.

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