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 Posted:   Feb 3, 2023 - 7:15 AM   
 By:   Jason LeBlanc   (Member)

 Posted:   Feb 3, 2023 - 7:25 AM   
 By:   AdoKrycha007   (Member)

 Posted:   Feb 3, 2023 - 7:31 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

That's cool! To be fair, a Fincher thriller sounds like a return to the sound they came to fame for, and I've been kinda enjoying their recent departure from that into other, brighter landscapes, but hey -- it's a great match, and I've dug most of what they've done for the director, so I'm all game for now.

 Posted:   Feb 3, 2023 - 8:08 AM   
 By:   Erik Woods   (Member)

I'm curious to know just what happened between Fincher and Howard Shore?


 Posted:   Feb 3, 2023 - 9:55 AM   
 By:   Juanki   (Member)

I'm curious to know just what happened between Fincher and Howard Shore?


And Goldenthal? and Shire? and Desplat?

It's unbelievable to think now that all this talent worked with him and somehow he preferred Reznor & Ross. I guess it's because that way he can "control" the sound design of his films.

 Posted:   Feb 3, 2023 - 10:31 AM   
 By:   Night   (Member)

In an ideal world, he should have continued to work with Elliot Goldenthal...

 Posted:   Feb 3, 2023 - 11:17 AM   
 By:   jamesluckard   (Member)

I'm curious to know just what happened between Fincher and Howard Shore?


And Goldenthal? and Shire? and Desplat?

It's unbelievable to think now that all this talent worked with him and somehow he preferred Reznor & Ross. I guess it's because that way he can "control" the sound design of his films.

He only worked with Shire and Desplat once each. He clearly wanted very specific sounds that they could deliver for Zodiac and Benjamin Button.

Reznor and Ross match his style perfectly. Now that he's found them, I can't see why he'd switch.

Dragon Tattoo is one of my favorite scores of the last 20 years. (I can't say the last decade any more, because it's now 11+ years old, yikes, time flies!)

That said, I do miss Howard Shore, both on Fincher's films, and just on big studio films in general.

 Posted:   Feb 3, 2023 - 12:10 PM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

I mean, nobody would want another Goldenthal/Fincher collaboration more than me (I consider ALIEN 3 both Fincher and Goldenthal's best effort), but nobody can deny the beautiful organic blend of Fincher's style and Reznor/Ross' music in the films they've done together. It seems like a match made in heaven.

 Posted:   Feb 3, 2023 - 1:17 PM   
 By:   Erik Woods   (Member)

but nobody can deny the beautiful organic blend of Fincher's style and Reznor/Ross' music in the films they've done together.

LOL! "Nobody can deny". Thanks for speaking for all of us, Thor! roll eyes


 Posted:   Feb 3, 2023 - 1:18 PM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

Figure of speech.

 Posted:   Feb 3, 2023 - 3:12 PM   
 By:   nuts_score   (Member)

I think the reason why Fincher continues working with Reznor and Ross is, well, he wants to. Very little rocket science was used in coming to this conclusion. He has been trying to push Reznor into scoring since the 90s (Fincher courted him for Fight Club).

 Posted:   Feb 3, 2023 - 6:36 PM   
 By:   jamesluckard   (Member)

nobody can deny the beautiful organic blend of Fincher's style and Reznor/Ross' music in the films they've done together. It seems like a match made in heaven.

I totally agree. The scores for The Social Network, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Gone Girl fit them like a glove. I was surprised he didn't stray from them on Mank, but they seem perfect for this new action movie. smile

 Posted:   Apr 4, 2023 - 7:43 AM   
 By:   Jason LeBlanc   (Member)

 Posted:   Apr 4, 2023 - 10:31 AM   
 By:   SchiffyM   (Member)

I think the reason why Fincher continues working with Reznor and Ross is, well, he wants to. Very little rocket science was used in coming to this conclusion.

Thank you, nuts_score! A lot of things in the world just happen because. Yes, Fincher and Shore did two films together, and haven't since. What does that mean? More than possibly it means absolutely nothing other than Fincher deciding he wanted something else.

 Posted:   Apr 5, 2023 - 1:54 AM   
 By:   Randy Watson   (Member)

I think the reason why Fincher continues working with Reznor and Ross is, well, he wants to. Very little rocket science was used in coming to this conclusion.

Thank you, nuts_score! A lot of things in the world just happen because. Yes, Fincher and Shore did two films together, and haven't since. What does that mean? More than possibly it means absolutely nothing other than Fincher deciding he wanted something else.

Three films actually. But your point still stands.

At the end of the day we can ask these type of questions about a lot of directors who've worked with several composers. Why did Del Toro stop working with Beltrami, Nolan with Julyan, etc.

 Posted:   Apr 5, 2023 - 2:23 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

Three films actually. But your point still stands.

At the end of the day we can ask these type of questions about a lot of directors who've worked with several composers. Why did Del Toro stop working with Beltrami, Nolan with Julyan, etc.

Gosh, I remember discussing that thing with Julyan himself in a basement pub in Ghent in 2012, in the wee hours of the morn'. Alas, we were both drunk out of our minds, so I can't remember any details. That's annoying.

Back on-topic, I'm glad Fincher found Reznor & Ross to do his movies. I like those more than the Shore efforts, believe it or not. But film-wise, it's the other way around. I prefer pre-ZODIAC Fincher more than post-ZODIAC, with the exception of GONE GIRL.

 Posted:   Aug 28, 2023 - 7:52 AM   
 By:   Jason LeBlanc   (Member)

 Posted:   Aug 28, 2023 - 9:02 AM   
 By:   nuts_score   (Member)

That's a very nice poster. Some early viewings of this film have set my expectations as "inspired by Jean-Pierre Melville Crime films" so I'm getting excited. I read this graphic novel AGES ago when Fincher first courted it with Brad Pitt. This was even before Zodiac if my memory is still sharp.

 Posted:   Aug 28, 2023 - 9:08 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

That's a very nice poster. Some early viewings of this film have set my expectations as "inspired by Jean-Pierre Melville Crime films" so I'm getting excited.

Oooh. That, along with the great poster, is tantalizing.

 Posted:   Aug 29, 2023 - 7:13 AM   
 By:   Jason LeBlanc   (Member)

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