How has nobody mentioned THE OMEGA MAN and THE POSEIDON ADVENTURE?
I found those scores riveting from the first time I saw the films, never forgot them, and could hardly believe they got no LP release. I waited decades for those CDs!
I was too young to see these movies when they came out or to actively collect film scores and music, but yes, I remember the first time I ever saw THE OMEGA MAN, I wanted the score. I remember when FSM released that, it was incredibly to finally have that score many years later.
I have good youth memories from CP3, scored by Cory Lerios and John D'Andrea.
lol-Chucky and I have had a very interesting relationship. When I was a kid, he embodied all my anxieties and fears. But, ten years and a marathon later, and he's one of my favorite intellectual properties.
CP3 had fun moments, but the score was a lot less memorable than what Graeme Revell did in CP2. CP2 still is my very favorite Chucky movie or show, and I literally jumped out of my bed when I saw that La La Land was releasing the complete score on CD. AND IT'S NOW GOT A PERMANENT PLACE IN STREAMING SERVICES!!! Just for completion's sake, I wish the scores for CP1 and CP3 got the same treatment and wide release.
Back in 1981, with an MCA LP soundtrack already announced, I went to the theater on opening night for the 5PM showing, and took my seat pretty far up front. About halfway through the film, I turned around to see how many filmgoers were also there.
I was the only one in the theater!!
Thanks to the Varese Sarabande CD Club for the eventual release. Though there was a suboptimal promo cassette that circulated among collectors, as well as an unmentionable.
I always have had this fantasy that, as a surprise encore at one of his concerts, John Williams will announce "Here are the End Credits from my biggest flop."