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 Posted:   Jan 14, 2025 - 9:38 AM   
 By:   Prince Damian   (Member)

Terribly sorry to post this here, but I am trying to reach MovieScoreMedia regarding my latest order. I can't seem to find any contact information on the site and I can't figure out how private messaging works on this board. (And yes, I am horrible at computer stuff.) Any chance anybody knows an emailaddress I can try?

Once again sorry and thank you for any help I can get!

'If you would like to get in touch with Mikael Carlsson, the best way is probably to email him: mikael [at] moviescoremedia [dot] com.

You can also phone him at +46-704-135113,'

 Posted:   Jan 14, 2025 - 9:42 AM   
 By:   JonesIndiana01   (Member)

Thank you very much! big grin

 Posted:   Jan 25, 2025 - 12:21 AM   
 By:   Lokutus   (Member)

Time to finally place another order...
with my luck something I've been waiting for for the past 6 months (at least) will be announced in a week or two... smile

Sin Instrucciones
Super Klaus
Treasure Trackers
Kensuke’s Kingdom
El Bus de la Vida
Elli and Her Monster Team

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