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 Posted:   May 15, 2023 - 1:39 AM   
 By:   moolik   (Member)

Hi Lukas.
Being a fan from the start of your wonderful FSM releases and being veeeeerrrryyy sad they stopped..I was just wondering and curious:

What would have been the ones you'd like to have released, if the FSM edition had continued....?

 Posted:   May 24, 2023 - 9:27 AM   
 By:   Lukas Kendall   (Member)

Hi Lukas.
Being a fan from the start of your wonderful FSM releases and being veeeeerrrryyy sad they stopped..I was just wondering and curious:

What would have been the ones you'd like to have released, if the FSM edition had continued....?

Sorry, I missed this when it was posted. I'm not sure because a lot of them I was happy to help produce for other labels!

I regret that I wasn't able to release St. Ives by Lalo Schifrin from Warner Bros.!


 Posted:   May 24, 2023 - 11:30 AM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

One I remember you mentioning in the past Lukas was an Andre Previn at M-G-M set. I love Andre Previn as much as you do and I would have been all over that! Moreso even than more Lalo Schifrin or Bronislau Kaper or TV Omnibus sets, the absence of that happening is what I lament the most, timing-wise, about your shutting down FSM.


 Posted:   May 24, 2023 - 1:52 PM   
 By:   Lukas Kendall   (Member)

One I remember you mentioning in the past Lukas was an Andre Previn at M-G-M set. I love Andre Previn as much as you do and I would have been all over that! Moreso even than more Lalo Schifrin or Bronislau Kaper or TV Omnibus sets, the absence of that happening is what I lament the most, timing-wise, about your shutting down FSM.


Ah, poor Andre. Yes that was frustrating.


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