It's a good score, but I have to make a comment about the sound quality--and I hardly ever do that, except in passing. This is one of the best-sounding soundtracks I've ever heard, which is even more amazing since it is from a movie over 50 years ago. Knock-out sound. So, give Chris Malone credit for this one.
Quick question for the proud owners of this score (of whom I am not one, yet, anyway): How dominant is the main theme in the score presentation overall? The clips make it sound like it's pretty dang frequent. Even though nicely varied in the clips, and a fine theme from the era, I don't think it'd get much play from me if it shows up in most cues. Sue me, I just want to buy scores that I know will get repeat listens these days. It's not like I need one. More. CD!
That bizarre choice to combine the End Title song with the orchestral Finale/End Title sounded totally wrong when I watched the film some weeks back, and it still sounds totally wrong now. What were the producers thinking!!?? When it was first broadcast on British TV (late 1970s/early 1980s) the end title didn't sound like that, the song was mixed correctly.
Quick question for the proud owners of this score (of whom I am not one, yet, anyway): How dominant is the main theme in the score presentation overall? The clips make it sound like it's pretty dang frequent. Even though nicely varied in the clips, and a fine theme from the era, I don't think it'd get much play from me if it shows up in most cues. Sue me, I just want to buy scores that I know will get repeat listens these days. It's not like I need one. More. CD! Sounds like you already made your mind up Sean. I love the fantastic main theme in any disguise.
May be, Bill. But I asked the question in case there isn't as much repetition of the theme as there seems to be from the clips.
I can't speak for the entire score, but the old CD had it quite a few places, but with many variations: the main/closing theme presentation, the love theme arrangement, cleverly used as action music, and I think that little whimsical comedic cue is just a clever arrangement of it, too.
Thanks, Justin! That's helpful. (I don't mind mono-thematic, just when one's on the fence one needs convincing.) I placed my last order for the year with Intrada, but that also means I'll have some additional bonus bucks from them to maybe sneak in a purchase of this with some savings. (Not that anyone needs to know that.)