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This is a comments thread about Blog Post: Aisle Seat 9-19: Vinegar Syndrome Autumn Arrival Edition by Andy Dursin
 Posted:   Sep 19, 2023 - 2:12 PM   
 By:   judy the hutt   (Member)

you speak of these horror films as if they are important
check out on Youtube the Day After which shows the horror of nuclear war in a mid western town Lawrence Kansas NOT New York City like most of these films

this is the real freaken horror.

 Posted:   Sep 19, 2023 - 3:22 PM   
 By:   Bob DiMucci   (Member)

The first (and last?) NC-17 release from a major studio, ”Showgirls” was the movie that you had to flash your ID at the door or else a group of 13 year-old ushers wouldn’t allow you in.

Technically, some might give the "first" nod to Universal's HENRY & JUNE (1990), which initially received an [X] rating, but because the film didn’t open until after the [X] rating was discontinued, the rating symbol was changed to [NC-17]. Then there was the case of Bernardo Bertolucci's 1900. Originally released in 1977 in a shorter version with an [R] rating, the longer version was released by Paramount in 1991 with an [NC-17] rating. The [NC-17] rating was surrendered in 2006, and the film is currently unrated.

Subsequent to 1995's SHOWGIRLS, we've had the following [NC-17] films released by the majors::

  • Bernardo Bertolucci's THE DREAMERS [Twentieth Century-Fox] (2004)
  • INSIDE DEEP THROAT [Universal] (2005)
  • SHAME [Twentieth Century-Fox] (2011)

    Others have come from New Line, Fine Line, and Sony Pictures Classics, which are associated with majors.

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