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This is a comments thread about Blog Post: Aisle Seat 10-24: Halloween Frights, A BRONX TALE Remastered by Andy Dursin
 Posted:   Oct 24, 2023 - 5:36 AM   
 By:   DavidCorkum   (Member)

Let the Right One In was directed by Tomas Alfredson.

 Posted:   Oct 24, 2023 - 1:22 PM   
 By:   TominAtl   (Member)

LOL, omg I remembered seeing television promos for ARNOLD. They scared me as a kid but they were wacky even to me, particularly with the theme song. I've thought about this movie off and on over the years and yet never have seen it, and even did so last week and here it is making it's BR debut. I may have to check it out. Glad to see you gave it spin. It does looks decidedly 70'ish fun.

 Posted:   Oct 24, 2023 - 1:30 PM   
 By:   SBD   (Member)

Caught "Arnold" on YouTube a few years back. The film lost me from the set-up (so, even though he's dead, he's also able to get married...but then, if my bride was Stella Stevens, death wouldn't be able to stop me, either big grin), but it's hard to completely dislike a movie that stars John McGiver and Victor Buono and I quite liked George Duning's score. Duning is probably as far from a marketable name as you can get, but I'd love releases to this and Duning's other score for Georg 'No, You Cannot Buy a Vowel!' Fenady, "Terror in the Wax Museum".

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