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 Posted:   Nov 7, 2023 - 1:03 PM   
 By:   Steve Vertlieb   (Member)


A Lovely memory from 1980 ...

Steve Vertlieb

 Posted:   Feb 9, 2024 - 11:27 AM   
 By:   Steve Vertlieb   (Member)

Remembering Jerry Goldsmith on what would have been this gifted composer's 95th birthday.


 Posted:   Feb 9, 2024 - 11:48 AM   
 By:   Sartoris   (Member)

95th tomorrow you mean, not 85th....

 Posted:   Feb 10, 2024 - 2:41 AM   
 By:   Gold Digger   (Member)

Very much missed. Always listening to the legendary JG!

 Posted:   Feb 10, 2024 - 5:12 AM   
 By:   Graham Watt   (Member)

Thanks for sharing, Steve. He could be an old curmudgeon, but "he's really a sweetheart". I get the impression that he was VERY uncomfortable in later life with all the fan worship, but you have a treasured memory there of how gracious he could be.

 Posted:   Feb 10, 2024 - 7:28 AM   
 By:   CK   (Member)

And 44 years after he wrote that, they're stil dealing with rainstorms in SoCal.

A lovely note, Steve, thank you for sharing it.

20 years ago this month, a number of people from Filmtracks journeyed to London to experience Jerry at the Barbican. Most unfortunately, he could not make it to London on the counsel of his doctors; the concert was conducted by Dirk Brossé, and a grand ol' time was had by all despite Jerry not being there.

A few days after returning home, I wrote to him (through his agency, I believe), telling him about this meeting of friends from half the world on the occasion of the concert, and, on a more personal note, how his music for ST:TMP was among the very first pieces of film music to capture my ear and interest and launch this rather exclusive hobby.

A few weeks later, I received the following in the mail:

Considering that Jerry would pass away only a few months later, both the concert experience with my friends and the autograph hold a very special place in my heart...and on my shelf, as it were. wink

A good weekend to all,

 Posted:   Feb 10, 2024 - 2:04 PM   
 By:   Sartoris   (Member)

Was there in attendance as well. We didn't realize at the time we were gonna never see our hero live on stage again.

 Posted:   Feb 10, 2024 - 2:46 PM   
 By:   Howard L   (Member)

Thank you for sharing this, Steve. Your sincere reverence for film, scores and composers never ceases to move.

 Posted:   Feb 10, 2024 - 3:22 PM   
 By:   joan hue   (Member)

Thank you for sharing this, Steve. Your sincere reverence for film, scores and composers never ceases to move.

Ditto. I agree with Howard. I'm always moved by your sharing with us.

 Posted:   Feb 11, 2024 - 11:16 AM   
 By:   Steve Vertlieb   (Member)

Thank you for sharing this, Steve. Your sincere reverence for film, scores and composers never ceases to move.

Ditto. I agree with Howard. I'm always moved by your sharing with us.

You are both very kind.


 Posted:   Feb 11, 2024 - 7:04 PM   
 By:   Guy   (Member)

Nice CK.

I was lucky enough to attend the Barbican in March 2003, a great concert and one of his last in the UK. I was lucky enough to get signed my Omen CD...

 Posted:   Feb 12, 2024 - 12:10 AM   
 By:   Bill Carson, Earl of Poncey   (Member)

Yes, I attended that 2003 one (i think it was 03, not sure).
Great concert. Love how he sent trumpeters to the back of the hall for Patton.

Zero signing done at stage door after the concert (to be fair was a long concert and poor fellow looked exhausted at the end and left stage rather rapidly) but we were allowed to leave stamped addressed envelopes and my Patton cd arrived signed a few days later.

 Posted:   Feb 12, 2024 - 1:52 PM   
 By:   Howard L   (Member)

Zero signing. Wow. Quite the about-face from like 2-3 years earlier. But what a nice consolation prize.

 Posted:   Feb 15, 2024 - 10:35 AM   
 By:   Guy   (Member)

Yes Bill it was done well, not many times have I seen/heard ‘surround orchestra sound’! I think it was me and one other person got them signed that night - I was going back to Canada and the other was from Russia. Glad that the posting worked. A fun night, I found the Barbican a more intimate venue than Royal Alberta Hall, where I had seen Goldsmith in 2001 and Barry in 1999.

 Posted:   Apr 2, 2024 - 7:58 AM   
 By:   Steve Vertlieb   (Member)

Looking forward to the new physical copies of Jeff's book.


 Posted:   Apr 2, 2024 - 10:02 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

Looking forward to the new physical copies of Jeff's book.


I think you switched the replies around. This should be in the Bond Book thread, and the one you gave there should be in this.

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