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 Posted:   Nov 16, 2023 - 8:44 AM   
 By:   scatmanjack   (Member)

Aliens 4K UHD announced today...

Digital Release is 12/12/2023
Physical Release is 03/12/2024

Cool feature for us...

Isolated Scores

Final Theatrical Isolated Score – This isolated track presents, as accurately as possible, James Horner’s music score in its final form following extensive reworking during the post-production process.

Composer’s Original Isolated Score – Although there are a few instances where the length of individual sequences was changed slightly after the music was recorded, this isolated score track presents, as accurately as possible, James Horner’s original intentions.

 Posted:   Nov 16, 2023 - 9:35 AM   
 By:   GoblinScore   (Member)

I have this on a blu ray set, and remember I tried watching it, but there was an annoying unremovable pop up taking up a portion of the screen with cue title & slate number. Somewhat marred the experience!

Still, a cool feature.

 Posted:   Nov 16, 2023 - 10:48 AM   
 By:   David Brynskov   (Member)

Aliens 4K UHD announced today...

Digital Release is 12/12/2023
Physical Release is 03/12/2024

Cool feature for us...

Isolated Scores

Final Theatrical Isolated Score – This isolated track presents, as accurately as possible, James Horner’s music score in its final form following extensive reworking during the post-production process.

Composer’s Original Isolated Score – Although there are a few instances where the length of individual sequences was changed slightly after the music was recorded, this isolated score track presents, as accurately as possible, James Horner’s original intentions.

I wish was the Composer's Original Isolated Score was on the Special Edition (since the additional scores are on the 2001 Deluxe Edition and the Complete Music Index in the Menu), but the damage had been done. The Isolated Scores have been ported back to the Theatrical Version and that's the best that they could do.

Who made the Isolated Scores for the Alien films on BD? Mike Matessino? Who then?

 Posted:   Nov 16, 2023 - 10:28 PM   
 By:   Amer Zahid   (Member)

Aliens 4K UHD announced today...

Digital Release is 12/12/2023
Physical Release is 03/12/2024

Cool feature for us...

Isolated Scores

Final Theatrical Isolated Score – This isolated track presents, as accurately as possible, James Horner’s music score in its final form following extensive reworking during the post-production process.

Composer’s Original Isolated Score – Although there are a few instances where the length of individual sequences was changed slightly after the music was recorded, this isolated score track presents, as accurately as possible, James Horner’s original intentions.

These came out for the entire series when the Blu ray/DVDs came out. So nothing new.

 Posted:   Nov 17, 2023 - 1:42 AM   
 By:   JGouse0498   (Member)

These came out for the entire series when the Blu ray/DVDs came out. So nothing new.

Yeah, sadly, Aliens is not getting any new special features. It's all legacy features.

That being said, the legacy special features are pretty comprehensive--especially the Making Of documentary Superior Firepower.

Add to that the episode from Netflix's The Movies That Made Us and CreatorVC's upcoming gargantuan Aliens Expanded crowdfunded multi-hour documentary feature--there's no shortage of BTS info on that movie.

 Posted:   Nov 18, 2023 - 4:42 AM   
 By:   LordDalek   (Member)

What was really frustrating on the Anthology blu was the "intended score" was synched to the wrong cut. So you missed out on Dark Discovery/Newt's Horror in 5.1.

Judging from the press release, this has not been corrected.

 Posted:   Nov 18, 2023 - 5:35 AM   
 By:   danbeck   (Member)

What I really would want was the intended score restored to the movie, both in Alien and Aliens, properly mixed with the dialogue and SFX, (simmilar to what was done in the Directors Cut of Spider-Man 3) instead of the iso score, but it is ok to give an idea of the music in context.

 Posted:   Nov 20, 2023 - 1:21 PM   
 By:   Replicant8   (Member)

Aliens Expanded – A New Aliens Documentary Announced

A brand new Aliens documentary has been announced! CreatorVC have unveiled and announced that it will be producing a documentary all about James Cameron’s Aliens with insight into its cinematic legacy. There will be commentary from cast, crew, and fans alike, and will explore the mythology of the iconic movie.

The Aliens Expanded documentary will feature scene-by-scene analysis driven by memories and stories. It will explore the themes, plot, characters, atmosphere, special effects and what impact James Cameron’s Aliens had on the world.


 Posted:   Nov 20, 2023 - 2:54 PM   
 By:   Magnus Opum   (Member)

What I really would want was the intended score restored to the movie, both in Alien and Aliens, properly mixed with the dialogue and SFX, (simmilar to what was done in the Directors Cut of Spider-Man 3) instead of the iso score, but it is ok to give an idea of the music in context.

That's not really possible, especially with Alien, since the movies were re-cut after they were scored. The scores would have to be cut down to fit.

 Posted:   Nov 20, 2023 - 3:07 PM   
 By:   Tom Servo   (Member)

What I really would want was the intended score restored to the movie, both in Alien and Aliens, properly mixed with the dialogue and SFX, (simmilar to what was done in the Directors Cut of Spider-Man 3) instead of the iso score, but it is ok to give an idea of the music in context.

That's not really possible, especially with Alien, since the movies were re-cut after they were scored. The scores would have to be cut down to fit.

Exactly, and it requires a great deal of time and money, plus someone to approve the new mix of dialogue & SFX with restored score cues - I mean, who's gong to be the person to decide on the proper levels of all aspects of this new sound mix? Not Cameron, he's way to busy and it would take 10 years for him to complete it anyway. Just deal with the fact that you can't always get what you want.

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