Always the pro, Goldsmith gave it his best effort. But a "masterpiece"? On the level of Patton, Chinatown, Star Trek TMP? I don't think so. I'd place M&DSTW on the level of Link or The Lonely Guy.
It might have been a masterpiece if it had been written by someone less talented.
It might have been a masterpiece if it had been written by someone less talented. Or, perhaps, written after the year 2000....
I really like it. I think it's much better than his SUPERGIRL which is a score I do not like. Same here, buddy, same here. I *do* very much consider this wonderful score to be "unsung", and I love it more than many more "great and famous" Goldsmith scores. To me it is an "honorary Dante" score... and I like it better than half of Jerry's scores for Dante! It's so full of life and creativity and silliness. One of Jerry's most delightful and unique scores. I imagine a great many people would reassess it if it ever got a complete Deluxe Edition. Yavar
it is rampant wacky fun Exactly why I think of it as "honorary Dante", even if in reality its sound world isn't quite the same. Yavar
Nah, I never upgraded from the $1 cassette I bought 15 years ago.
First, can we retire "masterpiece" from common parlance? And second, it's undeniably a fun score, performed marvellously by the NPO, but falls under the radar because it's attached to a film that few people saw and left no mark in popular culture. No, it's not better than his Supergirl. Taste is a funny thing and I respect yours a lot my friend. But like henry, I enjoy (and therefore listen to) Mom and Dad Save the World a whole lot more than Supergirl. Maybe a new and improved edition of Supergirl will warm me up to it, but I already love the other score. Yavar
Well, you all have made me realize I haven't listened to this in 20, 25 years. Sheesh, how does that happen? And I never uploaded it to Apple Music, with the other 175 albums of his I've put there. So I guess based on this, I don't think it's an unsung masterpiece. But it's definitely unsung by me. (Which means I gotta dig it out and give it another listen, though I do remember not loving it, except maybe the Tod the Destroyer bit. I was getting tired of the comedy stylings.)
Oh wow that's a long time. Please do relisten and share your thoughts afterwards! I wouldn't be at all surprised if it rose in your estimation; there's a lot to love about it (including a stellar orchestral performance by the National Philharmonic). Yavar
Oh wow that's a long time. Please do relisten and share your thoughts afterwards! I wouldn't be at all surprised if it rose in your estimation; there's a lot to love about it (including a stellar orchestral performance by the National Philharmonic). Yavar That's it. For me, the score is at the tail end of 80s Goldsmith, with a surprising amount of those earlier stylings. The cues are more complex than what would first seem, owing probably to the lighthearted nature of the film itself. There is much more to love than first meets the eye. I'm confident that an expanded edition would go a long way to showcase this underrated work.