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 Posted:   Dec 5, 2023 - 9:22 AM   
 By:   dragon53   (Member)


RACE FOR GLORY: AUDI VS LANCIA---trailer released for the racing movie starring Daniel Bruhl.


BOB MARLEY: ONE LOVE---trailer released for the Bob Marley biomovie.


KILLING CASTRO---Al Pacino, Diego Boneta and Xolo Mariduena will star in this movie based on the true story of a young FBI agent assigned to protect Fidel Castro from assassination when he visited New York.

NICHOLAS CAGE---the actor said he may retire, "...may have three or four more movies left in me...feel I've said what I've had to say with cinema. I think I took film performance as far as I could."
He added that he plans to be "much more selective and stringent in my selection process...I want to say bye on a high note."
Later, Cage clarified his original retirement comment, “I’m not saying no entirely. I’m saying if something came along that I thought had some pop to it, some spark to it, that maybe could be fun for folks to revisit, like a FACE/OFF 2 or GHOST RIDER, that’s another conversation.”

THE APPRENTICE---photo released of Sebastian Stan as Donald Trump in the movie about Trump building his New York real estate empire in the 1970s and 1980s.

TERRY GILLIAM---Terry Gilliam commented on his next untitled comedy movie that might star Johnny Depp, “God wipes out humanity and the only character who wants to save them is Satan, and Johnny Depp plays Satan. This is a simple tale of God wiping out humanity for f—ing up his beautiful garden Earth … There’s only one character who’s trying to save humanity and that’s Satan, because without humanity he’s lost his job and he’s an eternal character and so to live without a job is terrible. So he finds some young people and he tries to convince God that these young people are the new Adam and Eve. God still gets to wipe out humanity. It’s a comedy.”

EVIL DEAD---Bruce Campbell said more EVIL DEAD movies are underway, “We’re going to do them probably more like every two to three years now, rather than every ten years. But, hey, we’ve seen with STAR WARS – you don’t want to wear people out. Keep them guessing! We never wore out our welcome with EVIL DEAD because we never choked them.
We were very happy with what [director] Lee Cronin did. He did a great job, to the point where he’s going to be hard to employ again because everybody wants to use him now. So we’ll see if we get him back or not! It’s made the most money of any EVIL DEAD movie so far at $140 million. So, yeah, you bet your bottom dollar we’re going to do a few more.”

CALAMITY HUSTLE---Ryan Reynolds and Channing Tatum will star in this action comedy movie about an ex-cop private detective who searches for his estranged brother who interfered with a diamond heist.

KARDASHIAN---Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner will star in this untitled Ryan Murphy/Hulu legal series about a successful Los Angeles divorce lawyer who heads an all-female law firm.

TRIVIA---two actors had their first movie role in the CRITTERS sci fi monster movies in which Krites ("Critters"), ravenous alien convicts, break out of prison and escape to Earth. Scott Grimes (BAND OF BROTHERS, THE ORVILLE) co-starred in CRITTERS and CRITTERS 2 as Brad Brown, whose family farm is attacked by the Critters. Leonardo DiCaprio played Josh, a sleazy landlord's stepson, in CRITTERS 3 in which the Critters attack a tenement building and its inhabitants. DiCaprio said CRITTERS 3 is "possibly one of the worst films of all time" and a movie he avoided the rest of his career.

Scott Grimes (BAND OF BROTHERS, THE ORVILLE) co-starred in CRITTERS and CRITTERS 2 as Brad Brown, whose family farm is attacked by the Critters.

Leonardo DiCaprio played Josh, a sleazy landlord's stepson, in CRITTERS 3 in which the Critters attack a tenement building and its inhabitants.

 Posted:   Dec 5, 2023 - 10:05 AM   
 By:   drop_forge   (Member)

Stan must really need the work.

 Posted:   Dec 5, 2023 - 10:21 AM   
 By:   Octoberman   (Member)

NICHOLAS CAGE---the actor said he may retire, "...may have three or four more movies left in me...feel I've said what I've had to say with cinema. I think I took film performance as far as I could."

You're selling yourself far too short, Nic.
You said it all at least 10 movies ago.

(For the record, Nic will always be pretty cool for me--"Raising Arizona" and "Wild At Heart" would be enough bragging rights for any mortal man.)

 Posted:   Dec 5, 2023 - 11:53 AM   
 By:   nuts_score   (Member)

Stan must really need the work.

I feel like any actor would wanna play one of the most important figures of late 20th Century/early 21st Century American history. A character who is both beloved and immensely hated within the same conversation. A figure that affected the lives of millions of upon millions of people. Actors love playing villains too.

 Posted:   Dec 5, 2023 - 12:27 PM   
 By:   drop_forge   (Member)

Actors love playing villains too.

Yeah, that's true. Bale played Cheney.

But any actor? Not a given.

 Posted:   Dec 9, 2023 - 5:04 AM   
 By:   Indy1981   (Member)

KILLING CASTRO---Al Pacino, Diego Boneta and Xolo Mariduena will star in this movie based on the true story of a young FBI agent assigned to protect Fidel Castro from assassination when he visited New York.

Will the film end with the teary-eyed young FBI agent watching Fidel's plane leaving safely for Havana, with the young man in awe of the great man's wisdom, kindness, and good humour, inspiring the callow agent to leave the tyrannical Bureau for the bold new pastures of Marxist-Leninist revolution?

 Posted:   Dec 9, 2023 - 7:06 AM   
 By:   Solium   (Member)

RACE FOR GLORY: AUDI VS LANCIA---trailer released for the racing movie starring Daniel Bruhl.

So we're now putting the sponsors names in the title of the movie.
What's next, Star Wars: Frito-Lay VS General Mills?

 Posted:   Dec 9, 2023 - 8:16 AM   
 By:   Indy1981   (Member)

RACE FOR GLORY: AUDI VS LANCIA---trailer released for the racing movie starring Daniel Bruhl.

So we're now putting the sponsors names in the title of the movie.
What's next, Star Wars: Frito-Lay VS General Mills?

I've always wanted commercial sponsors infused into the storyline, along with characters and locations.

Han: "Okay Chewie, set the hyperdrive for Nyquil-4. We've got to beat the Empire there, or else Frosted Mini Wheats-7 is going to be one dead planet!"

Chewbacca: "Aaaaarrroooooo!"

Han: "I'm sorry, pal: Kellog's Frosted Mini Wheats!"

To oppose this is to oppose progress and reality.

 Posted:   Dec 9, 2023 - 11:44 AM   
 By:   Solium   (Member)

RACE FOR GLORY: AUDI VS LANCIA---trailer released for the racing movie starring Daniel Bruhl.

So we're now putting the sponsors names in the title of the movie.
What's next, Star Wars: Frito-Lay VS General Mills?

I've always wanted commercial sponsors infused into the storyline, along with characters and locations.

Han: "Okay Chewie, set the hyperdrive for Nyquil-4. We've got to beat the Empire there, or else Frosted Mini Wheats-7 is going to be one dead planet!"

Chewbacca: "Aaaaarrroooooo!"

Han: "I'm sorry, pal: Kellog's Frosted Mini Wheats!"

To oppose this is to oppose progress and reality.

They've pretty much started doing this in television shows in the 90's!

 Posted:   Dec 9, 2023 - 1:24 PM   
 By:   Indy1981   (Member)

They've pretty much started doing this in television shows in the 90's!

Really? Any notable examples?

 Posted:   Dec 10, 2023 - 6:47 AM   
 By:   Solium   (Member)

They've pretty much started doing this in television shows in the 90's!

Really? Any notable examples?

I guess it was more like the early 2000's.

There was a Sci Fi drama show where the two female leads I walking down the street and see a car parked on the side of the road and literately break from the story to do a car commercial "in character". (I cant find the scene online)

Also 30 Rock continually did product placements within the episodes. Some may say its okay because its a comedy but can you imagine this happening over and over again in FRIENDS? Its really egregious.

 Posted:   Dec 10, 2023 - 8:07 AM   
 By:   Indy1981   (Member)

Hilarious, but not at all surprising, given what Hollywood has become, or perhaps always wanted to be, but has only now finally embraced.

 Posted:   Dec 11, 2023 - 4:55 AM   
 By:   Warlok   (Member)

"The Apprentice" should be a true crime category film if they do it properly.

 Posted:   Dec 11, 2023 - 7:38 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

Come on, what about a Soda: Coke vs. Pepsi?

There can only be one.

 Posted:   Dec 12, 2023 - 8:02 AM   
 By:   Octoberman   (Member)

Come on, what about a Soda: Coke vs. Pepsi?
There can only be one.

I just spent about 15 minutes searching for an online pic of Kurgan drinking a Pepsi.
But no luck. frown

 Posted:   Dec 20, 2023 - 4:17 PM   
 By:   Indy1981   (Member)

Come on, what about a Soda: Coke vs. Pepsi?

There can only be one.

No. There is another:

Soda 2: The Wrath of RC

 Posted:   Dec 20, 2023 - 4:20 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

RCD2 can be a robot in the film.

 Posted:   Dec 20, 2023 - 4:27 PM   
 By:   Indy1981   (Member)

RCD2 can be a robot in the film.

A helpful, thirst-quenching astro droid.

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