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 Posted:   Jul 23, 2024 - 2:35 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

Posted: Jul 9, 2024 - 9:45 AM / By: Graham Watt

Re BLOW OUT..."I also watched the film again. It was "okay", then I went and read all the reviews about it, and they're mostly very positive, so I must have missed something. A lot of the critics heralded Nancy Allen's "warm" performance. I thought she was terrible"
It's funny you should say this (he replied, weeks later).
I initially thought that about her performance as Sally (the prostitute/witness in BLOW OUT).
I really struggled to get a grip on her vacuous delivery and acting.
But then I remembered her playing of Chris, the ultimate evil high school bitch/bully from hell in CARRIE.
Then her canny/smart/streetwise 'tart with a heart' prostitute* in DRESSED TO KILL.
Then her sultry sex object role in 1941.
And her warm/likeable Lewis, ROBOCOP'S loyal partner...
And I figured she's playing Sally as a really dumb airheaded girl who only knows beauty cosmetic appliance and selling her body for sex and she's playing it perfect.
I find it's this sweet innocence that the Travolta character (Jack) falls for and wants to protect.

(And Graham said "Huh?")

* I'm sensing a theme here..

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