Posted: |
Feb 11, 2024 - 9:00 AM
By: |
My Siliotto story: In 2016, I was blown away by his gorgeous score to MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN, one of my favourite scores that year. At that time, I thought he was a new, young talent. I was aware of THE PUNISHER that he had done 10 years prior, but still a young guy, I thought. Then, of course, I discovered that he was, in fact, a veteran who had been active since the 80s. He's now 74 years old. Since then, I've been trying to explore his work a bit more, and really been impressed by a lot of stuff. Things like PALLA DI NEVE, TEQUILA - HISTORIA DE UNA PASION, CORSA DELL'INNOCENTE, FLUKE, DAVIDE, NOMAD and others. What are your Siliotto recommendations?
Try these first. My favourites from the shelf.